Chapter 6

Elaine POV

Summer was over and I had already done the orientation, it was quite an experience. The school was much bigger than expected and there was a sea of people it felt like I would get lost easily if I wasn't careful. I got the paper with my schedule and the teachers that would be teaching the classes; it took me a while to look for my locker and I loved the way they modeled the lockers. On the top I had enough space for my broom, my bag and books. At the bottom there was a section especial for our familiars to have their own space. The classrooms where huge and some others smaller than the rest; a lot of them did have windows to them, in the halls in certain areas there would be some windows as well and we can see a meadow on one side of the school and the other the tops of the forests tress. I can just imagen now staying after school hours to watch the sun set from this side of the woods. I hoping that I meet some new friends here cause I did beg Larissa to come to the same school but she kept insisting on a different school; now I'll be alone for awhile. When I was trying to get through the halls through the throng of people, I'll tell you it was very difficult, I had to actually push people and move fast between the free spaces. I was close to the exit when I just had to bump into someone, I didn't have time to think I got up and left, I had a few things to do like go talk to Larissa about her orientation. Instead of going home I went straight to Larissa's house, I walked to the house and the door was already open, to the right there were hangers and Lotus was on one of them. Lotus slithered down and was heading towards the back door to the gardens; Larissa was already waiting for me. She was sitting on a bench that was facing to a small patch of wild flowers.

"Hey Larissa how was your school orientation?" she moved to one side of the bench, so I was able to sit next to her.

"It went very well, the school isn't too big so I got around easy." She said relaxed.

"Lucky you, my school is huge and is tough to get around, I can just imagen how it would be like when school starts. I feel like I would have to get there early to prevent from getting stomped on." I groaned as I slouched back.

"Well Elaine that might be a reason why I also didn't want to go haha." She simpered.

"Okay Larissa laugh it up then, you probably picked the school your going to cause its way closer to your house and too lazy to wake up early." We both started laughing hard.

"What a loser Elaine hahahah," we laughed for a while till my side started hurt from all the laughter.

When we finally stopped I had a craving for croissants, "hey Larissa I'm suddenly craving croissants, do you have the ingredients for it."

"I think we do, you can feel free make some in our kitchen." She gestured to the kitchen.

"Thanks Larissa would you like some too," she nodded her head.

"Is there a specific one you want," I asked her, not minding if she had a request.

"no I'll get whatever your going to eat." When she said any I thought of the chocolate croissants my mom made once. I said a few words and the magic started taking affect, I can see through the kitchen window the ingredients coming together. About half an hour they were nearly done they just had to cook for a bit. I had levitated the croissants and the tea set over to the table and poured the tea for both of us while we headed to the table and took our seats.

Nicholas POV

I was already done looking through my new classes and locker, I had bumped into someone, she had fallen and I didn't notice it was Elaine. "Are you alright," I don't think she heard me cause she didn't even look at me or reached out to the hand I offered, to help her up; she just got up and left running. I got the feeling she might be going to my house, I guess I have to stay clear from there for awhile. I decided I would go to Blaze's house, Blaze is one of my best friends, for a few hours. I took my time in getting there, its about a mile from where I live and its the closest friend around here. I got to his house knocked but no answer I had no choice but to bust in through the door, he should know I would be coming today. At first I didn't hear anything and when I listened closely I heard some giggling and I knew Blaze doesn't sound like that, I walked towards the sound and it was coming from the living room. I entered the room and saw my friend and his girlfriend; she was on his lap and he was busy kissing and sucking on her neck to notice me busting in his house.

"Hey!!" They both yelled when they say me.

"Don't you have the decency to knock anymore." He had his arms around his girlfriend tightly.

" Well, my man, you should listen to me more when I say that I would be coming today and it so happens that I did knock, you guys were to preoccupied with each other; you didn't notice." I tell you, my friend gets too distracted easily when he's with his girl. Her name is Maleficent, she gets off his lap and sits next to him on the couch, "how are you Nicholas." She asks me.

"I'm doing well Maleficent, just here for a visit..." It was getting too silent.

"Yeah right, you just don't want to go home because of a certain someone." Blaze broke the silence.

"Blaze shut up, you are not supposed to say anything." I was starting to get pissed cause I told him he couldn't tell anyone, he is the only one that knows, that I'm head over heels for Elaine, I never told my own sister about it either and I can't risk him telling Maleficent either cause she is going to the same school as us. Maleficent just looked back and forth from us.

"Okay, I'm just going to go..." Maleficent started getting up and walking out of the room.

"No please stay." Blaze pleaded.

"No I'm going, I'll give you guys some boy time; I can come back later. Okay?" Blaze made the most funniest pouty face, but I had to contain my laughter.

"Fine, don't forget okay?" Blaze started to sound already lonely.

"Don't worry, I won't, I promise." She went back towards him and bent down to kiss his cheek; said her goodbyes before she went out the front door.

When I knew she was gone I sat down across Blaze, he was adjusting his previous sitting position with Maleficent, he was fixing his white long sleeve from the wrinkles and tightening his lacy that went from his chest to collarbone. His shaggy white hair was messier than it usually is, besides some of the small scars on his face you can see light smudges of red coming from his lips to cheeks and ending by the side of his neck. It was obvious they would have taken it further if I didn't show up. When he was done, he leaned in putting his hands on his thighs ready to get up if needed.

He spoke before I did, "so..."