Chapter 8

Elaine POV

I woke up and I saw the sun was already up, I looked at the time and I had an hour to get ready and eat something before my first class. I got up and put a silk black top with long sleeves and a black thin skirt right above the knees, gladly for no dress policy at school, I took my bag and went down stairs. My mom was already making the breakfast, I hanged my bag on the right side of the chairs ear and sat down; my mother handed me a plate, on it are two eggs with spinach topped with some herbs for flavor for the side and cooked mushrooms cut in slices, next to the top right side of the plate is a glass of fresh orange juice form the tree I grew out back.

"Exited for your first day of school Hun?" My mother said as she took a seat across from me.

"Yes mom, a little nervous, but exited." I smiled at my mom and continued eating. When I finished I kissed my mom on the cheek goodbye and I grabbed my broom heading outside. Liebchen was right behind me,

"hang on girl." I said as my feet were lifting off the ground. I was up in the sky and made it to school early; I walked around the school since there was no one else around at the time. When I started my first class it was more of the history of magic both good and bad. I was already familiar with the concepts of the lessons; I had finished with some of my classes till it was lunch, I think this is the hardest part of my day. Finding where to sit is difficult when you don't have a friend to sit with and since Larissa is not here, I feel all alone. I entered the lunchroom and there were so many bodies in here and I couldn't really see much room on the tables to sit, I might as well go eat outside or maybe go on top of the school roof.

I was going to the lunch line when someone bumped into me, "I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going," the girl said to me, she looked nice.

"Oh no, its fine, what's your name?" I said hoping we could get acquainted.

"My name is Maleficent, what's yours?" She says extending her hand out to shake.

"I'm Elaine, nice to meet you," I took her hand.

"Likewise; would you like to sit with me," Maleficent offered.

"Certainly, I would like to very much." She introduced me to her familiar and so did I, we continued in line for lunch; once we had our lunch in hand, we couldn't find a place to sit so we went to a bench outside, we got to know each other and we have a lot of things in common likes and dislikes.

"Before I forget Elaine, what's your next class?" I let her look at my class schedule.

"Wicked, we have the rest of the same classes together, lets sit together." She handed back the piece of paper and we got up.

"Brilliant." I'm so happy I found a friend; we headed to class together and I have to admit having a friend in half your classes is really fun, makes time go faster. At the end of the last class we were going to go our separate ways, to our lockers but she was following right behind me. I turned to look at her, she lifted her hand slowly pointing in the direction we were walking towards.

"My locker is this way too," she smiled at me. I got to my locker and what do you know my locker was close to hers, it was about six lockers down.

We started to walk out the building, "what way are you heading, Maleficent?" It would be weird if we ended up going in the same direction again.

"I'm going this way my house is close by, I'm going to walk from here." She adjusted her shoulder bag before she was turning to the duration she was going.

"Would you like me to join you, I don't mind." I propound.

"Sure Elaine, but don't you need to get home. I don't want to impose or anything if you need to leave." She looked unsure of what I was about to say.

"Nonsense, I'm glad to join you, I'm not in a hurry for anything." We started heading into the forest and about ten minutes later we came to a quaint house that was two stories. "My gratitudes for accompanying me Elaine," she did a small curtsy as she spoke.

"Its no problem Maleficent, I'll see you tomorrow." We waved goodbye to each other and I got on my broom going for home.

"Liebchen, how did you like Maleficent and her familiar?" I questioned her.

"They are nice, I like them." I can't wait to tell my mom how my first day of school went.

Maleficent POV

I thought my first day of school was going to be so boring, it went like that for half my classes, I was already dreading lunch cause I knew it would be spent all by myself. I thought that until I bumped into a girl, we sat together for lunch, little did I know we soon became best friends. I knew I would have fun in my other classes cause Elaine was going to be in my class the rest of the day. We sat together in class, there were quit a few students; I turned to the back and I saw Nicholas. I was going to wave hello but he put his finger towards his mouth shushing me. What's up with him right, he was in the rest of the classes with us but he did the same thing over again, is he ignoring me? Why? What reason did he have to act this way all of the sudden? I have no choice but talk to Blaze about it. After I got home, I went straight to my room and wrote Blaze a letter.

Blaze how was your first day of school? I was going to ask you if there was anything wrong with Nicholas because he's been acting weird at school he didn't want to talk to me for some reason. What's going on. I didn't do anything wrong did I?

I sent the letter with Snow and she took off, I have waited for about fifteen minutes, that is the longest she has ever taken but my wait was over and she came to my desk; I opened the letter.

Love, I has a great day of first day of school, I hope yours went great as well. I was going to tell you when you came to my house but I guess its a little late for that. So there is a girl Nicholas likes and she is best friends with his sister they have known each other for a few years but that was when he was way younger, he started getting feelings for her and now she doesn't know how he looks like now and he wants to keep it that way. He doesn't want her to see him as her best friends baby brother. He wanted me to tell you in case you had a class with her, her name is Elaine, if they ever meet in class he is going to go by just Nick. You didn't do anything wrong Love I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Sweetheart.

After I read all of this, wondering can it be the same Elaine I was with at school. I feel like it is, it has to be the only reason why he tried avoiding me speaking to him. This is quit interesting, how this would turn out for him, he might need a little help and I am just the one to help.