Chapter 11

Elaine POV

I woke up early, got ready for school and went downstairs to see my parents up with breakfast on the table. "Good Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" "Yes I did dad, are you going to head to the school soon?" "Yes Elaine I have to head back early, I'll join you to the door and I'll start heading." "Alright, I'm going to miss you dad." "I'll miss you too sweetheart." I sat down to join my parents and we spent our last moments together before he left for work again. When we finished we cleared the table and I grabbed my sleepover supplies and my school bag and broom; I kissed my mom goodbye and walked outside with my dad. "Good bye dad, when will you be back?" "I don't know yet sweetheart, be good to your mom and stay out of trouble, alright." I giggled at my dad. "Don't worry I won't, I'll be good." I watched my dad get on his broom and as he was going up, I waved goodbye and wished him a safe journey. I will miss my dad, I did wish he spent more time with us. When he was already out of sight I hopped on my broom and called out to Liebchen. "Hang on!" I was at school in no time, I went to my locker and put my things inside besides my school bag. I was going back outside of the building cause I had about half an hour before my first class started, I walked to a field next to the side of the school building, there was a tiny hill with a tree in the middle and I sat down on the grass watching the sun go up and just taking in the view. I felt strange though, like someone was watching me; I looked around slowly... Trying not to make it noticeable, in the corner of the building was a guy leaning against the wall looking where I was sitting, I had my doubt he was looking at me; maybe he was look at something behind me. I turned to look at Liebchen who was beside me also looking at the guy, then looked at me. "Oh yeah Elaine, he is totally looking at you." "Why though, I don't know him?" "Well Elaine, don't ask me. It seems you've got a little stalker." "Oh shut up Liebchen, that's not funny." "Alright... Whatever you say." I looked back at the spot where he was but he had already left. Who was he? This is the second time I see him following us; maybe I should get used to this, I know I'm not that good looking but to have a stalker already, I'm surprised at myself. Or maybe I'm just assuming and overthinking this, I'll just ignore it for the meantime. A few minutes I see Maleficent walking towards us, "hey Mal," "Mal? Is that my nickname now," "yeah I just made your name shorter is that fine?" "I do like the sound of it. Alrighty then from now on your the only one who can call me that." I smiled at her and nodded. "Now I have to come up with a nickname for you." Oh this is going to be good, I know she won't shorten my name like I did to her so that's out of the question, I'll have to wait and see. We headed to our own class and agreed to meet up for lunch later usually during break we stay in the classrooms.

Nicholas POV

I headed for school early today cause I am a morning person, when I opened the locker to get some books I found a note; I opened it an it was from Maleficent. It was explaining the plan for Saturday and I have to say it wasn't a bad idea. Now I have to tell Blaze, I'll head to his house after school. I was heading outside to get some fresh air and I had plenty of time before the first class, sometimes I do head to a small open field that has a nice hill with a tree. I like to sit there cause it has a pretty view of the sun rising. When I turned the building I stopped when I looked up the hill, Elaine was sitting on the grass looking out to the scenery. The lighting of the morning sun made her features stand out more and she looked beautiful, I wanted to go sit next to her but I know I couldn't just yet; I ended up leaning against the wall. I looked to the scenery she was looking at and it had those combinations of blue, red, orange, and pink. I looked back at Elaine but she turned to me at the same time, oh shit, now what. I felt like an idiot I was just standing there and staring at her, she looked away for minute so I took that as a chance to get away. I turned back to the corner I came from and luck me I bumped into Maleficent. "Hi Nick, have you seen Elaine?" "Oh yeah... She's over the." I pointed in the direction I came from and she nodded a thanks and left to see Elaine. Kara was right behind me then she jumped on my leg and climbed up to my shoulder. "You know she did see us, now she will think that you are stalking her. What are you going to say after you meet and she says your the stalker that was following her?" "That's easy I'll just deny her." "Oh so now you are going to call her a liar." "Kara no but I can't say yes I was either." "Okay say what you want but you better pray she doesn't get offended or hurt by your dumb excuse." Honestly I hope that doesn't happen or that she doesn't ask me that, at all. My thought were interrupted by the school bell, I had to get to class before I am late and hopefully everything goes well for tomorrow.