Chapter 18

Elaine POV

Today is Friday and I see Nick today for half my classes and I don't know what to say when we run into each other. My hands are starting to feel sweaty again and Liebchen is not with me to give me comfort, she disappeared this morning again. When I get home and see her again I think its time for me to ask her where she's been this whole time, its been worrying me lately. I was walking to my first class and so far Nick has not appeared yet in sight. I was going into class hoping, I mean thinking he would already be seated; when I opened the door and looked where our tables were next to each other, he wasn't there. Maybe he was just running late; I hurried to my seat and started taking out my books from my bag and placing them on the table. The bell for class rang and I still didn't see Nick, I guess he is going to be late for class. First period went by slowly and when it was over Nick never showed up. Maybe he was just missing first period? I went on to my next class and thought he might show up for this class. At every class he was in with me, I expected him to be there and I felt like my hopes were up and again he didn't show. Lunch passed and I sat at my usual spot, without Liebchen, Mal being with her boyfriend during lunch and now Nick, I felt so alone again in a long time. I didn't have the apatite to finish my lunch so I put it back in my school bag, I leaned back against the tree and stared at the view in front of me looking and at the woods, then looking beyond the tree tops. The sound of the bell broke the silence and I slowly walked to my next class, this time I had the class with Mal again but this time I'll ask about Nick. As expected at my pace to class I saw Mal in her seat already, I walked to her; "hey Mal, have you seen Nick today? He hasn't shown up for any of the classes today, do you know where he might be?" I asked her but she stayed silent for a few seconds thinking. "Honestly no, I haven't seen him all day either. I thought he was with you. I'll send him a message after class and I will tell you after okay." "Thanks Mal, your the best." I felt better that Mal was going to look into it for me cause I don't want to go around the school asking people about him. It was already the end of the school day and somehow I feel empty, when I arrived home I felt worse; "Hi hun, how was school?" "Fine mom." I didn't even have the effort to talk about my day with my mom, I was becoming depressed from the loneliness. I laid on my bed starring at the ceiling; I closed my eyes and took in the silence, waiting for a response from Mal. It has been at least an hour and still haven't received anything, I sat in bed waiting I heard something coming from my closet, when I looked I saw Liebchen walking out of there. "Hey Liebchen we really need to talk, where have you been all this time, you have been missing school and you have been disappearing a lot for a few months." As Liebchen was coming towards me and jumped on the bed, she looked at me for a minute before saying anything. "Look in the closet." Out of all things she was in the closet the whole time. I was getting a little frustrated at this point because that was the only explanation she could give me. I opened my closet door wider to see what was inside. I can see she was putting some of my spear blankets on the floor, but it moved a little; I kneeled down and uncovered the top blanket Oh my goodness what I saw were the cutest small baby kittens, they were at least a few weeks old. I turned to Liebchen, who was already next to me, "Is this what you were keeping from me?" Liebchen nodded. "Who's the father?" "I don't think that's important it was just a random cat I ran into." I just gave her a serious look, I felt a little disappointed that she doesn't take the fact that she might not see that other cat again and wouldn't know that he had a litter with my familiar. That feeling soon went away when I looked at the adorable kittens. "Well I feel happy for you, your a mom now." I was making room in my closet and adding a few things for the kittens and Liebchen to comfortable in there. I heard some wings flapping near my window and I saw Snow, I run to her and she had a message that I was waiting for. I grabbed it and unscrolled it

Hey Elaine. I know why Nick didn't show up today, he just wasn't feeling well. He said he might come the next school day, hopefully. Well that was all he said don't worry about it; I'll see you in three days.

When I finished reading the message, I did get worried, should I go see him. Wait, but I don't know where he lives, should I ask Mal? Maybe I shouldn't he might think its weird if I just showed up unannounced. "Liebchen what do I do, Nick didn't show up to school today because he's sick and I don't know where he lives and I don't know what I should do at this point." "Its alright Elaine at this point all you can do is wait until you see him in school again, don't worry so much about it." I let out a deep breath. " Okay Liebchen." I got up from bed and grabbed my books from my bag; in the meantime I'll try to do some homework to distract myself. When I was finished I got ready for a bath, trying to relax my muscles; I wondered about Nick, I just hope it was nothing serious and he'll be fine by the time I see him.