Chapter 20

Elaine POV

Oh my gosh!!! I screamed excitedly in my head when I left Mal's house. I can't believe this, it might be going fast at this point but I honestly don't care; Nick likes me and I like him. Do I tell him how I feel or should I wait for him to do it first? Oh whatever, I'll let him make the first move, when I got home I told Liebchen everything that happened at school and she seemed pleased. I walked to the closet to look at the babies. "So how are your kittens?" "They are fine, they can open their eyes now." As I was watching them they were trying to walk and they kept wobbling till they landed on their sides. It made me chuckle a little as I watched them longer, Liebchen rubbed her side on my leg and I petted her head as she purred. "Do you have names for them yet Liebchen?" she didn't say anything but shake her head for a no. She is probably waiting for them to get older to give them a proper name, it is still a little too early for that. I got up and went to the bathroom I felt tired from all the excitement today I filled the tub with water, I added herds and rose and lavender pedals to relax; I spent a least an hour till I got out. The afternoon was going slow to me and I didn't have an apatite again, I skipped dinner again and spent the rest of the day in my room, I studied a little, this time I was learning palm reading and it is a little difficult to master, every persons fate is basically written in the palm of your hand.

When I awoke the morning for school I didn't want to get out of bed, I was feeling tired for some reason; my energy all drained from my body. I groaned at a sat up, "hey Liebchen can you go and get my mom." I didn't have to ask twice for Liebchen to hurry she notice that I wasn't feeling well. A minute later my mom walked in. "Hun what's the matter? She came to my bed and sat next to me and she touched my forehead for any sign of high temperature. "You seem okay do you hurt anywhere?" I shook my head slowly. "I just feel weak mom." My mom looked at me and nodded; she got up and left my room, a few minutes pass and she comes back in with a cup with dark brown liquid, I'm for sure its not the tea I drink. She gives me the cup, "what's this?" "Just drink it." I starred in confusion. "Don't worry it will make you feel better, just don't mind the smell." I did think it smelled a little weird but I forced it down; a few seconds later I felt a little more energized, this stuff worked well. "Wow thanks mom. But what is this stuff, may I ask?" "Oh no, believe me I don't think you want to know, I'll keep this as a secret till your a mother." She winked at me. She left the room and I started to get ready for school, I feel so much better now than when I first drank her potion, I don't think it was tea. I went to school by myself again since Liebchen is going to stay with her babies till they are older. I was nervous to see Nick again, I mean I already know that he likes me, I just don't want him to know that I know and make it obvious. When I got to my first class he was already at his seat and I went to mine without trying to look at him. I sat down and took out my things like I always do, when the class started the teacher made an announcement. "Alright today we are going to change seat for the rest of this semester so start picking up your things and go to where I tell you too." It took about 5 minutes to get everyone seated in new seats I was stuck half way down towards the back of the classroom next to the window and Nick was farther, he was closer to the door. I was somewhat disappointed that I wasn't able to talk with him from time to time and a little glad that I won't, up to my situation of me knowing. Throughout class I was able to sneak more glances at him from afar but one time I was caught by him when he was looking back at me, I blushed when that happened. I went through my classes today without anymore distractions and soon it was lunch time, I didn't feel like eating again so I went to my usual spot by the tree, I sat down placing my bag in front of my feet and taking in the view. In the corner of my eye I saw movement and when I looked to the moving object, it was Nick coming towards me.

Nicholas POV

I was going towards Elaine to her spot at the tree and felt nervous, I need to tell Elaine how I feel even if I think its a little too early, she has to know of my feelings for her. I casually sat beside her and she scoot away a bit, I scoot next to her and she stayed this time. "Hey." she responded a second later, "hi" we stayed quiet, peacefully not very awkward at all. she turned to me and looked away from my eyes, "so how have you been?" "I'm fine, you?" "Good, good." we both looked out to the scenery. "hey Elaine, I umm, wanted to tell you something." My hands were already sweating and I wiped them dry on my clothing. "No its fine Nick you can tell me some other time." "No its really important it would only take a few minutes." Elaine was already setting up, "wait;" she was going to leave just like that, her school bag was on the floor and she tripped falling to her side. Just like the first time I did, I leaned forward grabbed her waist but it was too late; it was kind of a steep hill that our weight made us go more forward and I put myself in front of her so I got the first impact of the ground and we both rolled down the hill. I put one of my hands on her head to prevent her as most as possible from getting hurt and we landed at the bottom of the hill I ended up on top of Elaine, she was still tucked in my chest I pulled away just enough to see her face. She looked up at me, her rosy checks, we starred at each other, my heart was racing; I leaned in just a bit and looked to her lips. It felt like time stood still... She looked at me before slowly closing her eyes and leaned in too; I met her all the way and our lips touched for the first time. It was a soft kiss, she wrapped both her arms around my neck and I moved my hand from her head to her cheek still keeping my other hand on her waist. I deepened the kiss and it felt right and at this moment I knew I wanted to be by her side forever. After a bit we pulled away to catch our breaths and I helped her up and we stayed close to each other. She leaned her head to my chest and I put my arms around her, "so does this mean we are dating now?" She looked up at me and smiled. "Yes." I smiled down at her and felt happy with her finally in my arms.