Misfortune or Good luck

My whole body is getting colder and colder and my limbs are getting more and more numb. In a funny way I don't feel any pain although I can clearly see the knife that is stuck in my belly and the blood that is flowing out in streams.

Will I die now without having done anything without revenge the only thing I have left is my anger ... and so my field of vision gets more and more black until I was left with pure darkness.

Suddenly I find myself standing in a white room in front of a old man,who has an incredible calming aura

God; hello my child

Tom: Who are you, where am I, I shoud be dead.

God: Sadly you are dead even though I you weren't supposed to die in such a way.

Tom; Now it is too late what happens to me now .

God : I give you a chance if you want to live again

Tom; Yes of course I want

God; I see your will is quite strong most people would like to stay dead and live in peace if they would have been through what you have been through .

Tom; Thanks I suppose can I live in the one piece world 2 years before Luffy goes to sea .

God ; This is possible and because I don't want to see you suffer again I will give you some gifts I hope you will use them well.

Tom; I will.