'O-okay...' Cade stuttered as he does what was said, holding his palm out closing his eyes waiting for something to happen.

Fox hums as he watches three cores glow as they slowly float towards Cade; Fire Scale, Kelpie Hair and Rose Petal 'odd...' Fox murmured to himself as he watched the three cores spin around Cade's hand in a circle.

'Can you open your eyes?' Cade heard Fox ask him softly almost as if he feared Cade's reaction to being asked to open his eyes,' so I have three cores?' Cade breathed as he blinked at his hand that the three cores are still spinning around but slower now than before.

Fox nodded his answer with a small smile on his face as Cade looked at his cores in wonder cool~ Cade thought as he looked up at Fox,' it'll take a while for me to make the wand, so how about Kagura takes you to see your parents in their castle; your home?' Fox smiled kindly as he looks at Cade, Cade nods his head in agreement as the materials for the wand floats over to the craft station.

'You ready to go little prince?' Kagura asked before he opened the door to the shop 'yes, I'm ready to leave and go see my parents' Cade answered with a smile on his face 'I'll deliver your wand to you, your highness' Fox offered bowing to Cade with a small smile on his face 'thank you Fox, that will be greatly appreciated' Cade stated with a beaming smile on his face showing that he is happy with Fox's offer of delivering his wand to him I can't wait to meet my parents Cade told Kagura through telepathy I bet you will be over the moon Kagura replied with a smile before the two left the shop to let Fox create the wand.

*insert fancy pattern*

Cade gasps a little as he looks in awe at the gardens in front of the castle, the flowers are in a range of red, orange and yellow; with little hints of blues and greens to capture Cade's soulmate's colour and Peter's soulmate's colour 'it's beautiful isn't it?' Kagura asked with his eyes closed 'Cade? Is that you?' a small voice said from in amongst the bushes closer to the castle doors.

Peter pokes his head out from the bush that he was hiding in to see who was approaching the castle with Kagura properly, seeing Cade beside the assassin with a stunned look on his face 'Hello young prince' Kagura laughed as Peter crawled out of the bush with big eyes staring at his brother with a huge amount of happiness shining in his eyes 'how many times do I have to tell you Kag, I'm ten years old!' Peter whined as he ran up to the two that had stopped in the path to allow the young ten year old prince to approach them.

Cade smiles as he looks at his little brother with a loving look on his face,' it's nice to see you, little brother, though I'm only two years older than you' Cade said looking down a little at his brother's blue eyes 'that may be so but you are my big brother, mother and father has been paranoid when I was born, even growing up; but now that you are back they can stop being paranoid' Peter said with a happy smile on his face finally getting to see and meet his older brother in person,' they'll be glad to see me I suppose' 'oh! They will be stoked to see you after so long!'

Peter runs off ahead laughing happily with his arms out almost as if he is a plane taking off 'shall we follow after him, little prince?' Kagura asked with confidence in his voice, Cade chuckles as he nods his head in response to Kagura's question before the two start following the younger royal to the doors where two other adults wait for the assassin and first in line to the throne.

Cade hums happily as he sees that the two adults are his parents wearing their royal clothes 'Kagura, are they? Could they?' Cade asked hesitation lacing his voice and face as the two made their way closer to the royal pair,' yes, yes they are Cade, they are your parents, Ryan and Poppy Gray' Kagura smiled as he watched Cade's face light up with happiness before he breaks into a run finally! I'm where I belong! Cade thought as tears threatened to fall down his face as he finally gets to be happy with his true family.

Poppy couldn't hold her tears any longer as Cade came closer to the doors of the castle, Ryan seeing how happy and relieved his wife is to see their stolen son once more decided to break into a run for Cade along with his wife.