Chapter 2 - Exiting the cave

In the dark cave, Kazuya is pondering if he should use his ability to escape or face the wolves. Since he is now fully recovered, he can use his ability [ Dimension Rift ] to escape or test his new sword and fight his way out.

His ability [ Dimension Rift ] is an S-Rank ability. It can open a portal and transport his attacks or even a living being. However, this ability is tiring to use. It consumes a lot of Psychic Energy, or what the other novels call Soul Power.

Different from Mana or Magical Energy that could be gathered from the air, Psychic Energy depends on one's soul. The stronger the soul one has, the faster the Psychic Energy regenerates and the purer it becomes.

A unique thing for Kazuya is that he has an Immortal Soul, how strong is an Immortal soul? It depends on how many lives did it live, and how many hardships it endured. In his case, we can judge his soul strength as an SSS-Rank. Which is pretty high for a man his age, not considering his previous lives of course.

This also means he can regenerate Psychic Energy faster than almost all people in this universe, not including some hybrid aliens and beings from another universe. But, his soul strength can still grow though.

The only thing he lacks is the creative way of using this ability, and also some more practice. A human can awaken his ability or abilities at the age of 18, in his predecessor's case he only awakened this ability for 3 months.

When he used it to transport himself, not only he used too much Psychic Power but he might also bring the wolves with him. Which is not a good thing.


After pondering, Kazuya decided to face the wolves. Not because he needs to practice but because he doesn't trust himself. 'What if I end up somewhere I don't know!?', that's what he thought. He didn't have any prior experience using that ability, so unless there's no other way he won't risk it.

Thus he steeled his will and explored the cave. But before he did that, he asked the system if it has any spare clothes available.

< The sword comes with a scabbard, it is already matched on the sword's appearance. Equipping the scabbard, you can choose an option to wear the armor that comes with it.>

Hearing it Kazuya was excited, then he asked the system where the scabbard is. Magically, it appeared on his hands. It is also in white, while it has some straps connected with it. It can either be equipped in your waist or the back. Kazuya opted for the latter as he was familiar with that style( that's because of his second life. ).

Then he wore it like a backpack, while the scabbard is tilted to his right, for easy access(he is right-handed). Then it automatically strapped to his torso, connected with a circle that kinda looks likes Iron Man's core. It also glowed in blue, slightly.

Then instructed by the system, he pushed it. Instantly, nano-sh*t started to wrap him. Center in the blue-core, white nanoparticles made clothes for him. It was all white with blue streaks on it. The top is like a windbreaker, while his pants are elastic yet hard material. It also came with a mask, a white mask with a blue tear-like symbol under its eye.

All in all, it looks quite cool. Added with the hood, he's completely covered. However, according to the system, it is not truly armor but just an aesthetic. He needs to earn points before the system provides one for him.

With that, he went to where the footsteps came from. In that cave, it was so silent that only his breathing and footsteps are heard. Added with the darkness and the slight echo from the steps, the creepy level went up drastically. However, Kazuya feared none. He just walks silently with a nonchalant expression under the mask, following the wolves' footsteps.

Soon enough, the anticipated battle showed itself. A pack of four wolves, a meter high with a wide build. Kazuya sheathed his sword, the passive ability which is [ Molecular Distortion ] made the sword glow as he touched it. The four wolves growled at him, while he adjusts his stand and readied his defense.


Without further ado, two wolves pounced at him. Unfortunately, Kazuya anticipated this very move. With the dim light coming from the sword, he put on a defensive stance and blocked the sharp claws.

However, the expected clash that could make him stagger backward didn't happen. Instead, the moment it touched the blue-colored edge of the sword it was cut like it was butter. It was even cleanly cut, even the bones didn't slow its momentum. Decapitating it, not letting the wolves recover from their moment of shock, he stabs it on its neck while evading the claws from the other wolf.

Then he slashed it towards its head, cleanly beheading it. Followed by a quick slash to the other after dashing to the side. Just 4 seconds, 4 seconds has passed before the wolves pounced on him and they're already dead.

Without hesitation, he dashed upon the two remaining wolves. The wolves wanted to run, but the moment they decided to it was already too late. Kazuya used [ Energy Manipulation ] at one of them, an arc of bluish light formed and flew to one of the wolves. He then jumped to the other, lunging his sword aiming for the head.


A loud bang resounded through caves as the smoke of dust slowly dissipate. The energy slash from the sword isn't powerful enough to cut through the wolf, but the force is enough to send a meter-high wolf flying. The wolf flew to a nearby dusty terrain creating a smoke of dust while Kazuya finishes the other with a slash. If not for the lack of lighting it would be a cool scene, nevertheless it was still awesome because of the trail of light following the sword with each of its slashes.

The noise attracted more wolves, accurately 7 more. With a smirk, Kazuya remarked, "That's what I call sharp. Now, let's get this done doggies."


Patting the dust off his clothes, which is non-existent since the nanoparticles have auto-cleaning properties. Even the blood didn't take long before it was cleaned. Then he looked at the exit, where he could see trees.

'Trees!? A place as advance as this still have d*mn trees. Well, not that I should care though. Okay, priority is now getting home. It's almost evening, my predecessor's brother would be worried.'

It was an obvious move, nevertheless, it should be just normal. Speaking of family, he only has his younger brother. His parents died long ago, the one keeping them alive is the company he inherited from his parent. Which is a mid-grade armor business.

Thanks to the knowledge his predecessor that is gained from his parents, not only the business survived it even prosper. From a low-grade armor shop, it became a mid-grade armor company.

Anyway, this world is not truly a world that that can support human. At least, not all parts of the world. Each country is inside a big dome-like barrier, it provides oxygen and other human necessities. People can exit if they wear a protective suit, but it may hinder their battle prowess.

Nevertheless, outside is still approachable if one has enough strength to defend themselves. But that is a story for another day.

Kazuya went to the nearest teleportation pad, then set its location to their house. After entering a password to access the teleportation pad at his, he finally activated it. Then a slight headache caused by the sudden space distortion came, and with a blink, he arrived at his home.

Entering the modern mansion, he was greeted with a metal fist. Evading and taking a step backward, he said to the boy who punched him, "Hey, Josh!? What are you doing?"

Shocked, Josh backed out immediately, keeping a safe distance from his opponent. Then he said, "Brother?"

Kazuya chuckled and press the blue core in his stomach, instantly the white armor retracted and revealed a red and black tattered armor. Only the mask remained, and the white strap from the scabbard.

"Yeah, it's me. The punch packed some force, yeah? You've been training, right?" he said with a smile while removing the mask. It's still quite awkward since for the whole 20 years he hasn't experienced smiling. Especially a genuine one.

"Yes, big brother! I always wanted to be like you, since our parents died you have been training meticulously. You even brought our family business to a new height! I want to be like you big brother!" Josh replied excitedly.

Kazuya just smiled and ruffled the boy's hair before heading to his room, following his predecessor's memory. Josh, on the other hand, is so excited that he even forget to ask what happened to his armor.

Currently, that armor is their best armor. For it to be destroyed in that state, it must have been a life and death fight. But that was ignored by Josh, and just keep practicing.

Kazuya then arrived at his room and asked a series of questions to the system. Mainly about how it works.

< The system does not have any stats, much more stat points. However, it has a point system. SP or Sword Points is gained when a student of you gain something from your teaching. A student can be trained by the host only, any improvement caused by the host will be converted to certain points.

The system will not limit the host nor interfere with what the host would teach. As of now, the host is still Level 1, thus you can only train 10 students. SP can be used to level up or to buy sword techniques.

As of now, the host only has one teachable skill, Beginner Sword Art, which is the most basic sword art there is. The host can buy more techniques, but before teaching it the host must learn and master it first.

The technique from your past life is currently in process of improvement, it's not available for use at the moment. It is your technique, with the help of the system it will become an unparalleled sword art.>

Kazuya closed his eyes, pondering...

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes with a glint of motivation gleaming on it. With that, he decided what he'll do with his life in this world.

Being the last swordsman, he has immense pressure on his shoulder. He is tasked to bring the glory of swordsmanship back.

In his two lives, he never felt this much pressure. The first one was happy-go-lucky life, not even a speck of pressure was on his shoulder. While the second one is the complete opposite, but instead of pressure from the responsibility, it was from helplessness.

Now, he decided to pave a path to find himself. Teaching swordsmanship, helping love ones, and finding his worth. Unbeknownst to him, this move will not just save this world, but the whole universe itself from an impending calamity.