Chapter 15 - A Lesson about the World

"Damn, that was freaking cool. The way you use sword is elegant, though it was a bit sluggish. But still, it was cool. The way you turn around in a swift manner and counter-attacked. It happened in just a mere second...", Dalton kept rambling on how cool Kazuya was.

Kazuya and Scarlett just chuckled. It was truly a great battle. Ending it within a minute, he's not even scathed once.

After that incident no one made any troubles for him. As for Aaron, well, he was sent to the hospital and may not go to school for a few days because of a certain trauma.

Peeing himself twice infront of the crowd, that's the trauma he would be dealing.

The morning went smoothly, no other important events happened. Only Dalton saying that he would be willing to learn sword from Kazuya and in return he would help Kazuya on the lightning stuff.

As the lunch time approach, the three has gone to the cafeteria to eat. It was really wide. Almost as wide as the training room. Considering that there is only 120+ students per year, and only 4 year cluster. A maximum of 500 students per four years.

The school is also pretty big. Even with a thousands of students trying to register in, they would only pick the best.

In class A, at that time they are almost 200 participants that got it. However, only the top forty is accepted. Along with the other classes.

1st to 3rd year students are usually Tier 3. The purpose of these classes is to train their ability to perfection. Well, to its limit known to man.

4th years are Tier 2, and has just started to train their battle techniques. Battle Techniques is not just weaponry, but also instinct and experience.

It also includes wits. Which means the if one is to reach Tier 1, he could be considered a killing machine. But only few manage to breakthrough.

It's not because its hard but training battle techniques usually take so much time. Their body's wouldn't be able to keep up with it. Just like Sir Mike who trained for 10 years or so just to reach the final grade of Tier 2.

And if not for Kazuya he might not be able to master it till his death. That's how hard training Tier 2 is. Only breaking through is easy because you just need to start training your body beyond its limit.

Though a person tends to also train their while still and Tier 3 and 2, it was just to reach the limit. Tier l is like breaking to human's shell and finally becoming an eagle.

Back at the cafeteria, Scarlett explained to Dalton what the business proposal is all about . It was supposed to be Kazuya but he's too busy observing Dalton's lightning.

"So you mean that Kazuya plans to make business out of swordsmanship?", Dalton asked, clarifying things.

Scarlett nodded with a smile.

"Okay so, what do I do? I mean, what is your proposal?".

"Sword. A swordsman without its sword is like a bird without wings. A fish without gills.".

"I see, it would be making swords. But I never knew anyone who knows how to make one. Oh- I own the company by the way. I started taking over it when I was 12. My parents take the achievements because I want to live a normal childhood. My connections are wider than you thought. But unfortunately, I knew no one who knows how to make swords.".

Scarlett smiled and pointed at Kazuya, who was still observing the lightning on Dalton's hand. Dalton nodded and asked Kazuya, " Why are so curious about my lightning?".

Kazuya still is focusing on the lightning, but he answered, "I want to understand it.".

"What do you mean? Understand the nature of it?".

Kazuya nodded.

"Well, I don't know if this would help but I can explain a bit if you want to?".

Kazuya looked at him before nodding again.

"You see, lightning is seen as a flash of light. A violent streak of light. The nature of lightning is simple, violent and fast. However, that depends on how you form it.".

Kazuya looked at him while listening intently.

Dalton continued, "Lightning is formed by the constant friction of water droplets. But the way I form it is by using Psychic Energy instead of water droplets and my innate ability as a base.".

"I see. Well, I already know the words but I don't really understand it.".

"That's really easy to understand. It's on the textbooks, it was thought at school even.".

"Well, I understand it. But what I don't is how can I incorporate it to my sword.", he replied.

With that reply, Dalton and Scarlett didn't comment. They too don't know the answer. If the expert don't know the answer then how will the students do.

What confuses Kazuya is how can lightning incorporate to his sword. Air is malleable and can be used as a counter-attack method.

But lightning? What use can it be? For now, he can only raise questions. After finishing their lunch they headed to their room.

A few minutes later the gloomy -looking teacher walked in. With a shout he silenced the students and started the class. Without even greeting them.

"I will teach you General Knowledge. It is a combination of History, General Science, and other whatnots. Basically, the knowledge the you must have in order to survive in this world. Excluding Fighting and Psychic Control.".

"I'll start with the history of this world. Anyone here that didn't live in this world before?", he asked.

A purple haired girl raised her hand. And said, "I'm Okuda Minako. I came from Planet Trinus.".

"Hell, I would need to explain.", he said with an exasperated sigh.

"Planet Zerth, one of the chosen planet for human migration. Known for its core, the now called Carbon Heart. It creates unlimited amount of radiation that increases the carbon atoms.

Anything that is put near enough to it would mutate or ,for the non-living things, duplicate. This however, made this world a target for beings called Ureb. Also known as Carbon Vampire or Nemesis of Humans.

Luckily, they are already extinct. Humans are safe and the Carbon Heart is on our hands. It is now used as a duplication machine, for unlimited carbon-based materials.

The business and companies in this world is often involved in weaponry and armor production, thanks to it.

The only problem is that the world is rich in carbon dioxide. Too much of it. Even the plants releases carbon dioxide instead of oxygen. Don't ask me why cause I don't know and I don't plan in know it.

Thus when the migration started, they built walls, well barriers to prevent the build up of too much carbon dioxide. Then they started to plant. Planting plants that does photosynthesis.

Slowly, this world is starting to become a habitable planet for humans. But even after 4,000 years, we only managed to make 40℅ of land habitable.

Do you understand?", he asked, specifically to Minako.

Minako nodded as well as the whole class.

"Okay, let's start the questions. Any queries?".

A student raised his hand, seeing the teacher's confirmation, he stood and asked, " Sir, about the abilities. What are the types of abilities?".

His sleepy eyes twitched, he clearly knows that this would be an another long explanation. He sometimes wish that he teaches Battle Techniques and not General Knowledge.

In that way, he could just ask them to exercise and he can sleep without anyone disturbing him. With an another exasperated sigh he answered.

"There six different types of abilities. Elemental, Super Human, Polymorph, Racial, Mana-Infused, and Specials.

Elementals are the ones who are gifted the control of certain elements. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, and etc. There are also some special elements like Life(the ability to heal), Shadow, or Space.

Super Human is an upgraded type of human ability. Could be enhanced strength, speed, thinking speed, or reflex. There's even one that has stronger life force which means extended lifespan.

Polymorph is a mutating ability. A human will have the ability to mutate to a certain alien specie. Also gaining an ability from that specie.

Racial is practically what we now call Beastmen. They are only different from Polymorph because they can't control the changes. For short, their appearance since birth would not be changed.

Mana-Infused, innate mana users. I don't know much about mana but they are the opposite of soul power or Psychic Energy. I only know that these guys don't have a soul power but can use Esper Abilities by conjuring spells.

Specials are the most unique of all. They are the abilities that has no relationship with the other five. Though they still use Psychic Energy, their abilities has no exact descriptions.

Some people refer to Specials as the 'LeftOvers'. Their ability has no suitable category thus people made one for them.".

The same student raised his hand and asked, "Have you met any of this Specials?".

"Mr. Kazuya, can you show them your ability? For the sake of shutting this kid's mouth.".

The whole class laughed, the poor boy lowered his head but not in shame, he's just making this lazy teacher do more work. For the sake of pissing his off.

Kazuya just nodded and walked in front of the class. Then he said, "My ability is called [Dimensional Rift], basically I can teleport.".

Then he lowered his head and his eye color changed. With a zapping sound, he disappeared from where he was standing and appeared on his chair.

Lazy-sensei looked at him with a shocked expression. For the first time, instead of just being gloomy and sleepy his face showed another expression.

He then clapped his hands and said with an admiring gaze, " That's amazing!".

Kazuya just smiled mysteriously at the back. All of the students clapped their hands. It was a cool move. However, the purple haired girl was confused.

She knows about that ability, and to use it one has to open a portal. Though she didn't saw one in person, she saw it in a video. It's nothing like that. Then she looked at Lazy-sensei and understood something.

Lazy-sensei did not admire the ability itself but the perfection and control of the user. It was the user he is admiring and not the technique.

But the show isn't yet finish. The same guy raised his hand and said, "Do you know another one teacher?".

Lazy-sensei narrowed his eyes and stared at his student. He then said, " Shout as loud as you can.".

Confused, the guy frowned and said, "I don't understand teacher.".

"I'm also a Special. Shout, I'll show you how my ability works.".

The student nodded and stood up. With the loudest voice he can do he shouted. What surprised him is that instead of a loud voice, it was a low and girly voice that came out.

Its like when he is imitating a woman's voice. With that voice he said, " Am gey!".