Chapter 6 - Planning

Planet Zerth, a planet full of Espers. It was once a desolate planet, full of untouched minerals and elements. No one dared to touch this land, none until the Human Esper Union discovered it.

However, its not just the them who discovered it. The first one who discovered it was beings called, Ureb. Human-like structures, with no hair, full black eyes, strong bodies, and wielder of the ability called [ Carbon Vacuum ].

As the name suggests, this ability let them absorb Carbon, either beings or things. Its like oxygen for them, without it they can't live. This led to them jumping on different planets and universe, absorbing every possible carbon.

Their favorite snack is, of course, the carbon-based beings called Humans. But their species is almost 0, well, almost. Humans already destroyed them, annihilated them. Or so they thought.

At a cave outside the country barrier, near south, a black goo is moving slowly. Crawling on a body of what seems to be a human. It was pale as snow, one of its eye socket is empty.

The goo, only the size of a ping-pong ball, crawled over its face. As it reached the eye area, it dived in, positioning itself as if it was once there.

Then the eyed glowed slightly, activating its new vessel. The other eye twitched and slowly opened. Howls of nearby wolves could be heard on the background while birds flew away from the area who seems to be disturbed by something, or someone.

The man murmured, " Trooper 349, online. Scanning Race... Ureb... Mission Assigned... Protocol 22, Code Green... Human Assimilation..."


Its been a week since Kazuya, transmigrated. It was ,so far, an uneventful week, just training, teasing, clinging, and cuddling. Since that night, Scarlett started to sleep with him. Steeling her will.

At first, Kazuya was reluctant as he thought that would be a one-time thing, for now. Well, he expected this but not this soon. Seeing Scarlett's pleading eyes, he could only sigh.

The feeling is still there, whenever he sees her he can't help but humble his heart. Maybe, its his predecessor's emotions. Anyway, aside that no significant things happened.


Scarlett is on her computer right now, beside her is Kazuya, looking at the screen intently. Her fingers fluttered over the keyboard, eyes wouldn't be enough to keep up with it.

"Tomorrow would be the Entrance Exam, I already registered us.", Scarlett said.

"Good, we just need to pass it then everything would be fine.", he replied.

"Okay, then may I know your plan?"

"Huh? What plan?"

"I mean, you suddenly wanted to go to the Academy. Not long ago you decided to make your family business bloom even more, but now you seem to take your focus on a very different area. What came to your mind?"

"Oh, that. That's also in my plan, but I have to prioritize master's last wish.", he lied, well partially.

"Last wish?"

"To make swordsmanship known again."

"Hmm, that's great.", she said while lowering her head.

"Hey, what happened? You seem sad.", Kazuya asked, patting her back.

"Kazuya, what do you think about me? Be honest!", she said confronting him. She then held his hand and crossed their fingers together.

"Uh-, What do you mean?", he asked, cold sweat formed on his forehead.

"Come on, you can't be that dense! You're not some anime nor novel protagonist."

Startled, he looked straight on her eyes. Emotions, it was all he could see. He sighed and tighten his grip on her hand before saying, "Do you really want to know it, now?"

"Yes, I'm just curious. All of 6 years I've been 'pestering' you, I haven't heard anything positive about me. It's either you don't reply anything, or just nod in response. Do you think I'm beautiful? Do you like me? Before I might never have the courage to ask, but now that you're becoming much accepting towards me. So, answer!"

'Guess I could only be honest, well partially. Though I trust that she won't tell anyone, I still don't know what her reaction would be if I tell her that she resembles someone special from my past lives.', he thought and he pulled her on his lap before caressing her hair. This made Scarlett blush and sighed in relief as her emotion slowly calmed. She leaned her head on his chest.

"Whenever I see you, I just feel that your someone I should protect, cherish, and even love. Like somehow I want to do something I failed doing in my past life. I don't know why I just noticed it now, guess I'm sorry for being this late.", he said while she listened to his heartbeat.

Scarlett didn't know what to do, she just keep on fidgeting while her left hand held his and the other went for a hug. For the first time, she felt emotions from his words.

Though she somehow feel that all of that is not really directed to her, she felt that it was genuine. One thing she heard that seems directed to her is that he liked her. The other emotions can be ignored for now. Women's intuition really is scary.

She first just nodded then said, " Its alright, at least now I know I still have the chance to be love by you. For now just hug me, tightly."

He nodded and followed her 'order'. Love really isn't something you can understand, even this girl is so lovestruck to him, to his predecessor to be precise, like how the heck did that happened? They just stayed like that for an hour, if not for Josh barging in and inviting the two for lunch they would've stayed longer.


While eating lunch they talked about their plans. Which is discussed by Kazuya, while the other two listened. It was the main plan at the moment.

"So basically, I want to introduce swordsmanship to everyone, to let it known or relevant as for my master's wish. The first part of the plan is to show how great swordsmanship while training a force that we can trust.

The first part involves the Academy, in order to do it I need to entice the youths as well getting support from known teachers.

For the force we train, they are the most significant piece for the latter part of my plan. They can also act as our private army, doing menial task for us.

The last part is to make a training center, for swordsmanship. Some of our force will be the trainer, with also the purpose of disguise. But to do that, we need a large amount of capital.

That is where our business, Scarlett's family, and Josh's fiancee's family comes in. We need to connect our business as well as our family. So Josh, you need to marry Summer soon. Is that okay?"

They contemplated, things came seriously and sudden. They didn't thought something big like this could be planned by Kazuya. Well, he's kinda the silent type so he might have deeper thinking than others.

But seeing Kazuya now, they could only say that the rumors about most of the quiet ones is not someone you could provoke is true.

A few minutes later, Josh finally talked. "Brother, I'm not against it. Summer would be really happy to hear it. Especially if she knows that it came from you, the one who's against about it. But I don't know if her family would agree on your business plan."

"I also agree about it. As the husband of my family's sole successor, you have our full support. Especially, my parents though they kept on avoiding you it's just because they know that you're blaming them about your lost. But recently, they've been really impressed by your performance. They even urge me to marry you as soon as possible.", Scarlett said, emphasizing her last sentence.

"Haha, okay then. Seems like everything is according to plan. Josh invite Summer here, we need her this week then we'll meet her parents after her stay. And Scarlett, we'll meet your parents soon, so inform them. "

The two nodded in agreement, after that no more talks happened while they silently savored their dessert. The maids already clean things up, thus Kazuya called for the next trustworthy person on the house, Butler Rio.


After just seconds, Butler Rio arrived. Wearing the usual black and white suit. He was tall and lean, he might look old thanks to the wrinkles on his face but he's only on late 30s.

Since 8 years old he was brought on the Red's household, it was not even a big business back then. Just a small shop selling a couple of armors. He was an orphan, Kazuya's parent was like parents to him. They even schooled him too.

Thus when the business started to bloom, he decided to work for them as a butler. The loyalty he has could be said to be something not even money nor mere force can break. When Kazuya's parents died, he was one of the most devasted person.

"Master, you called for me.", he respectfully asked.

" Yes, I'm planning something big for the family. I want to ask something from you."

"I'm always at your service."

"Well, then I want to train you."

Butler Rio creased his eyebrows. He might not be someone known but he's still a Grade C- 2 practitioner. To be trained by someone not even on the same tier, is it a joke?

"I think you misunderstood me Butler Rio. I did not plan to train you as a practitioner, you know it better than me. I just want to teach you swordsmanship."

"Swordsmanship you say? I do not intend to be rude master, but my current techniques is better than any swordsmanship. I also didn't know master is a swordsman or is it just a prank?", he retorted, clearly not convinced. Though he saw them playing with swords, it was just 'playing'.

" I see, its okay. If I'm in your position I would also find it hard to believe. Anyway, Butler Rio will you give me the chance to prove you wrong?"

"Master, truly became someone interesting. To even challenge this old man. Well, my master's command is absolute so I'll follow your lead master.", he said with a teasing smile.


"Butler Rio can judge if my swordsmanship really don't match your style. You can even decide if I already defeated you, and I order you to not hold back."

Surprised, Butler Rio creased his eyebrows again. He then said, "Master truly is confident. Giving such privilege, aren't you afraid I would not surrender? And to also give my best?"

"Let's see Butler Rio. We'll start now, I will walk my talk so be prepared."

"Very well.", he just shrugged.

Kazuya sheathed his sword, it was a dull looking samurai and stayed on a defensive stance. He also used the aura that came from the first dance, which he can easily release at the moment.

Sensing a difference on the air, Butler Rio's interest piqued up. He then took out his two nunchakus, jungling it professionally. His Esper power is a common Grade B [Advanced Reflex], mainly improves his speed and strength as well as reaction speed.

At that he ran to Kazuya, and hit him once. Seemingly, like air, Kazuya didn't react and nonchalantly block it, making it slide on his sword. As if the nunchaku hit nothing at all.

Butler Rio was surprised, not only the attacked has a confusion effect thanks to his intense shuffling, it also has the strength and speed of Tier 2 practitioner. No wonder his master looks serious, he being a swordsman is no joke.

Not giving up, he pounced on him. Trying to hit Kazuya by increasing the pressure. What surprised him is that even how much effort he applied, his attacks seems to hit nothing at all.

Then he stopped and look at his master, saying, " Master has some skills I see, but I won't give up. I also have tricks on my sleeves. Let's start the real battle master."

"Give it all Butler Rio.", Kazuya said, with a smirk of confidence.