Chapter 12 - Eye of Reality

"System, explain what my ability exactly does.".

< [ Dimensional Rift ], is an ability that could open a portal to different dimension. The dimension opened is base on the world or even the universe the host is in. It will be an exact copy, however, what inside couldn't be moved or whatever you move inside won't affect the reality. Time isn't a thing inside, no matter how long stay, the moment you exit will almost be the same time when you enter. You can also control where you exit, as long as you saw the place once, you can appear there. Even pictures is viable. >

Kazuya pondered, it would be hard to make a battle technique with this ability. Only when he master it, the possibility will increase.

He will have the ability of instant transport. Like to appear anywhere with just a thought. But that would need a lot of mental power and planning as well. He also needs to know every possible place.

If the place he would teleport is just near, then appearing there wouldn't be a problem. He can just walk inside the dimension then make a portal for exit on the designated area. But if its far, he would need the exact detail to what the place look likes.

The possibility of sending an attack inside is somehow high, but the only long range attack he has is the Energy Manipulation. Which he can't use on normal battles yet.

It would be a trouble to bring Kozo out, not many people may be interested in swords but weapon like that will entice any greedy hearts. Surely people would go crazy, especially if they found out that the owner is a mere Grade D- 3, a weakling.

So that idea is crossed out, only one left. That is to use it for close combat, to teleport on the opponent's blind spot. But that needs a lot of practice.

First he needs to make a portal that only shaped exactly like him. So that he would not bring the opponent or someone else with him.

Then he needs to be battle ready after exiting, no confusion or hesitation. In order to do that he needs a lot of practice.

At the moment he just practiced on using it, technically this is his first time so his quite nervous. He first felt the existence of the ability.

It was like feeling your muscle without touching it. Then when he located it, he tried to 'move' it, just like a muscle at first it was weid and hard to do.

But he can somehow feel it is there, finally he manage to activate it. His eye color changed to gold with addition of red at the sides, this signifies the activation of the skill. Add with the slight grey from its original color, it looks really cool.

His vision turned red and white(imagine the black and white filter, but instead of black its red), and he can feel the time stopped. It's not what the ability exactly does.

When he asked the system, there happened a change. The system said that his soul being an immortal added perks to the ability, for short he got an upgrade. When he asked the system, the answer confused him.

< Your soul is able to ignore what is real in this world. >

'Why? What is my is in my soul?'

< I only have limited data. Immortal Souls are able to determine reality, or in a more precise way, it can make its own reality. This is what my database says about Immortal Souls. >

'R-reality? What is this all about it?'

< Oh, I'm sorry for not talking in your language. I forgot your dumb. Reality or Truth, this two are basically the same. This world, or in fact, all the world has their own reality. And Reality is what people believes, but its not their limit.

To make it more simple let state an example. Humans can't fly. That's true right? That's reality right? But because you're an Immortal, even though you are still human you can have the ability to fly.

Humans can't be faster than light. An another reality, but you can have the ability to run faster than light. >

'I see, that simple? But is it really because I'm an Immortal?'

< Nope, that doesn't end in that. You see, everyone has an Immortal Soul. What makes your kind unique is that you remember your past life.

People who doesn't remember their past life will essentially believe to what is reality. Or to be exact, what reality says in that world.

Buy since your kind remember their past and knows several if not a lot of reality, you can ignore it.

That ability of your is now called [ Eye of Reality ]. Oh- you should deactivate it now or you'll faint. >

Panicly, he deactivated it and his eyes turned back to normal. Which feels like handing down a wieght. It feels like a huge burdern was lifted off from him. He sighed as his mind felt like he haven't sleep for days. It was really slow at the moment.

'Heck, that was harsh. Anyway explain me this new ability.'

< Its almost the same, but all the cons is out. You can turn on/off the time and you can affect the reality inside that dimension. Oh- and instant transport is now possible. For short, with this ability you can alter reality. >

'Wow, isn't that a bit much OP?'

< For how long did you use it? >

'Uh- utmost a minute and a half.'

< What did you do in that time? >


< Exactly! >

'I see, that is quite right. I didn't even move at that time. Then how the heck did it became an upgrade? I may not use the abilities at all.'

< So you want to be able to use it without limit? >

'Yeah! Is there a way?'

< You might as well say you want to be a God and end the story this early. Train you lazy dog. Don't make me regret choosing you. >


His eyes twitched, thinking like 'Its not like you have a choice, do you?'.

Sighing at the ever insulting system. He went to his room and took a nap, after waking up he looked at the time and saw the its almost nighttime.

He literally slept the whole day, he was that tired. Now, all he felt is nothing but hunger, he was ravenous. Luckily, one request from him and three whales was killed and served on his tables. It is just a metaphor of course.

Then he showered before training with Josh and Scarlett again. However, the night wasn't as eventful as he thought.

Aside from the spar with Butler Cosmos, one of his student showed great progress. It was Scarlett, looking at the points, Scarlett gave him it was now 800. While Josh is still at 125.

It was how he record their progress. The system said that they would understand or master the Beginner Sword Art if a student provides him a total of 2000 SP.

Scarlett talent is scary, she's 40℅ done in mastering it, in just a day and a week. Even when the start, Scarlett didn't asked any questions nor she had any difficulties.

She even sometimes answer Josh if he ask. It made him really proud, he never thought teaching would be this satisfying.

Sensing Kazuya's gaze, she looked at him with a smirk before saying, " Surprised?".

Kazuya caressed his chin and said in a proud tone, "Nah, I expected it.". Its clearly a lie,

"Sure if you say so. But! I need a reward.".

"Eh? What do you want?".

"Can you love me now?", she asked jokingly. Love couldn't be granted just like that, its like a plant that you would need to take care for it to grow.

Kazuya feigned a thinking expression, then he nodded as if he decided to do something. Without caring about anyone, he princess carry Scarlett to his room.

Though Scarlett struggled a lot and said that he should stop, inside she really liked it. It was just a show.

Not minding her words, he throw her on his soft bed and took off his shirt. He wiped his sweat and jumped to the bed.

Scarlett's training is 2 hours shorter that his and Josh so she already changed. If not for Josh asking a spar then she wouldn't be waiting there and would accompany Princess Summer to do girl talk.

When Kazuya jumped on the bed, he immediately hugged her, and said, " Is this enough?".

"Is this your love?", she again asked, blushing with a strange smirk on his face.

Kazuya did not answer and kissed her lips, it was just a peck. Scarlett then understood what he meant thus she cuddled and slept together with her smirk.

Actions speak louder than words.


Few days have passed, and the first day of the Academy is already today. Its been five days actually.

Most of the time he would just practice his Ability. According to the system, he can mostly use his ability for three seconds.

It was the safest time, if longer he would be so exhausted that he won't have the ability to fight.

However, that three seconds is OP on its own. That is only when he stopped the time and affected reality. Like with a punch he would send someone flying. That can be done in three seconds.

He would consider it his trump card for now. This ability is an upgraded [ Dimensional Rift ], thus the transport ability is much better.

Without affecting the three-seconds time stop, he can use it 9 times a day. Regardless of distance and even if he bring a person or things.

He can do it without creating a portal like usual experts of this ability does. He can just appear anywhere he wants. He doesn't need to open a portal, enter the dimension, set the coordinates, and open a portal to exit.

It looks completely different the other wielders of this ability. Others needs to create a really flashy portal but he doesn't.

Of course, to not expose his eye to others he came up with a viable alibi. It is that he perfected his control and managed to create a portal that only fits what he brings.

It may be a lie but it is doable in real-life. Probably, no one would suspect it. But this would put him to Grade SSS, considering that he already 'mastered' his ability.

With that he now have additional techniques on his arsenal. First is the sword, then this transport technique, and lastly the ability to alter reality.

He's now ready for the school. He and Scarlett prepared some things. Other than the now 40-kilogram Weight Bracelets, he now have a new sword.

Its a dull sword from the system, it's called Mukagi. Well, when he bought it from the system it was not yet a sword. Yes, that's how stingy the system is.

It was instead an instruction and ingredients list on how to craft one. Luckily, all ingredients is on their factory.

He manage to craft three swords one for each of them. The sword basically has two modes, to solidify and to soften.

When it solidifies it can be really sharp and when it soften even a fly wouldn't bother to dodge a strike from it.

Anyway with a new long sword, the two of them are ready to set off on their first Academy day.