Chapter 17 - Just the Start Starting

The sight was horrifying, even for someone who saw a carnage of 1000+ people in a small area is bothered by it.

He sighed under the mask. No one noticed him except the king, either busy battling the flesh or scared out of wits.

The Royal family is all red-head. The King, who stood tall and mighty, looked at him with scared eyes. Afraid that another potential enemy has appeared.

Kazuya briefly took off his mask and showed his face with a nod. When the King saw him, his eyes shone in hope, he then nodded back.

Looking at the monster, Kazuya grinned. It was a monster who uses raw strength and tough body. It was a muscle head.

The only reason why no one can harm it is that the body is tough enough to endure elemental strikes. It was like dusts for it, brushing it off with a shoulder pat.

This monster would be easy kill for Kozo. He then sprinted towards the monster, at this moment the guard noticed him and shouted, "Stop! Nothing can damage it's body, you will just make yourself dead.".

Ignoring the shouts, Kazuya brandished his sword, forming a wave of energy. It flew straight to the monster's back.

As it hit, the monster flinched and stopped his advance. Out of all the attacks it received, that hurt the most. Probably because that was pure energy, an energy that came from the system.

It even leave a red mark on its flesh. Angrily, he stomped his feet and jumped to Kazuya. It was not fast, but it was approaching quick.

The guard who shouted before face-palmed and thought, 'A one-second hero.'.

Every step the monster made, the earth would quake. Kazuya stopped and waited for an attack, his body engulfed by strange bluish aura. All eyes, including the royal family, is on him now.

The General, a guard with a gold badge on his chest, shouted to the guards, " Who ordered you to stop idiots. Attack the monster!", and so they attacked, but it was ignored. Their blasters do a little to no damage and only made the monster's advance slower.

The monsters eyes are completely focused on Kazuya, who was, for it, the biggest threat. It smashed its two massive arms to Kazuya.

Unfazed, Kazuya bravely faced it. He blocked it horizontally, the sword cuts the flesh slowly. But since the force was strong, it was over powering him.

Just before he was forced to back down, he stepped forward, using the momentum, he twisted his body and made another 360 turn. His sword aimed for the monsters stomach. It happened so fast that only the General managed to see it.

The same move from this morning, but now his killing intent carelessly filled the room. Though it was directed to the monster, people inside the room felt it. It even made the general frown.

The guards sighed at the sight of this. They saw the massive arms smashed the ground. Dust blocked their sight, and a few moments later they heard a thud.

Surprisingly, Kazuya, who was supposed to be flattened, appeared out of the fog of dust, unscathed. As the dust settled, they saw the monster on the ground, most likely to dead. It had a huge bloody hole on its stomach.

Kazuya coolly sheathed his sword, with a zap sound. The guards immediately approached him, they surrounded him. With a brave shout, the General said, "Who are you and what is your purpose of helping us!?".

The King answered, " Don't worry he'-...", but his words was cut off by Kazuya.

"I'm someone from the Red Family. A loyal servant. I was informed by your princess and ordered by my Master, Kazuya Red.".

Understanding Kazuya's intention the King nodded, " Can you help the Kingdom? As you can see, that thing is not alone.".

"I'll see what I can do. But I was ordered to bring you all to safety. May I, Your Highness?".

The King nodded again, "General, for now you are under his command. You already saw his power so don't hesitate. His words are my words, understood!?".

The guards, including the General, agreed with a salute. Kazuya approached the King, " Your Highness, stay close together.".

With no sound whatsoever, the royal family is transported back to the Red household. Kazuya lead them inside, it took only a few minutes after he went to his room.

Everyone has no clue what he just did. The Royal Family, led by Kazuya, went to the dining table. The Butler's sensed a few people outside, they hid Summer and company at their backs.

They drew their weapons out and bravely wait for the door to open. With a clicking sound, the door opened. A white masked man followed by red-heads went inside.

Cosmos recognized the red-heads and stopped Rio with his hands. With a bow he said, "Greetings Your Highness.".

The King nodded. Immediately as Summer heard this, she looked at the King with teary eyes. She run and said with a gasp, " Father!".

The Royal Family reunited, the King talked about what happened and the Queen is comforting the worried Summer.

Kazuya butted in before the King started his narration, "I have to go, or the kingdom will completely be destroyed. I leave it for Your Highness to tell the story.".

Of course, as they did not yet know that he is Kazuya they nonchalantly agreed after thanking him. Even the King was shocked to know that they didn't knew who he was, but since he received his permission to reveal who he is, he will tell them later.

With a blink, Kazuya disappeared. This didn't escape from Scarlett's eye, only her knew who can use that ability. With a frown he looked at King intently, making him gulp as if he did something that couldn't be forgiven. Scarlett drew the same aura as his wife.

Josh on the side gritted his teeth. He once saw Kazuya in that armor, thus he knew who that was. He is jealous that his brother can help Summer but he can not. Though he is more grateful than jealous, there's still a slight feeling that was bothering him.

He silently promised that he would train harder than ever.


Just a minute after disappearing, he appeared in the throne room again. He said to the General, " Mr. General what is the situation outside?".

"There is over 37 of these monsters. Only a few of us can fight and kill those monsters, but all of them can't defeat it faster than you did. They are currently fighting them. The citizens are already evacuated. We are trying to keep the Royal Family safe thus only few monsters can go in here. The one you killed is the second one.".

"Okay, let's head outside. Lead me to where the monsters are.".

No one expected a reinforcement in this point of time. It is especially because the Kingdom is on the far end of the country and all the devices somehow stopped working.

But when they saw the General and a white-armored warrior slaying the monsters as if they are just butter for his sword, they all sighed in relief and followed them.

An hour passed, they were on the last monster. It was the biggest so far, the strongest as well. It reached almost 5 meters high, it's muscles is bloating as if injected by water. It looked like it was on steroids.

Still they killed it with ease, all the knights and mages are here. They bombarded it with spells and attacks. Though they can not kill it with just that, they would be proud to say they helped damaging it. With a slash, Kazuya nonchalantly finished it.

Strangely after killing it, the corpse vibrated. All of them took a step back, including Kazuya. They just watched intently, their weapons are raised, ready to battle at any moment.

As if a mutation is happening, some parts of its body inflated in a strange way. It then screamed, a piercing scream. A few moments later it completed its transformation.

Standing the same height as before, but now he resembled human more. A bald head and stern face. It's skin is now as white as snow.

It looked at the crowd, it then laughed crazily. With an ethereal voice, it spoked, "So you're the one who can damage my minions?", it looked at Kazuya with playful eyes.

"What is your name kid?", it asked.

Kazuya walked forward, " You are not worthy to my name. What is your purpose on causing such destruction?"

He cringed on his words. He was not used on playing hero. He only helps when needed, and he prioritize those important to him. This kind of act seemed to be something out of anime, and it wasn't his style.

"I see, playing the hero. Well, I can only say that this just the start. I'm planning something big and I'm looking forward on fighting you in person. Anyway, I'm called 379... Remember ... This... Is... Just... The... Start...", finishing the last part of his words, its eyes glowed red as well as its body.

With all its might, he sprinted to the crowd. Kazuya knew what this guy is planning, suicide. Its the one who explode and would bring others to death. Suicide bombers.

Kazuya smiled, if not for him knowing how he can survive it without no one getting heart then he would frantically order everyone to attack the it.

His eyes changed color, but unlike when he uses his teleporting ability, it glowed. The glow could is slightly visible under his white mask.

In his point of view, everything turned red, pink, grey, and black. He then slowed the time, well for him it didn't look like the time just slowed, instead it stopped.

With that he sprinted forward, the monster is still a few meters away from them. When the monster is in a reachable distance, he slashed his sword and teleported back to where he was.

In everyone's eyes, when the monster is running towards them, a sword slash mysteriously appeared and made the monster explode.

They were ready to flee but did nothing because the 'strongest' of them also did nothing. Of course, the truth is almost all of them can beat Kazuya in a 1v1. They only thought that because Kazuya can damage the monster while they cannot.

With a sigh of relief the General turned to Kazuya and said, " Thank you very much. If not for you our casualties wouldn't be this low.".

The other guards also cheered for Kazuya. He just bowed while saying, "I was ordered to, the one you should thank is my Master. Anyway, I want a detailed report about this incident. Everything, from the start to end. Including the details about this beings.".

With that said, he disappeared again. As usual, everyone was left in awe.