Chapter 5

out of the rustbucket. Melia was staring at Kevin. Kevin looked at me. Melia stood in front of us. Kevin attacked. Melia made her hand grow more diamonds until it was huge. She hit Kevin hard.

"What the heck?" He said.

"What's wrong? Finally find someone that can kick your butt." Melia said.

Melia and Kevin fought until Kevin retreated. We looked at the rustbucket. "Now what?" Gwen asked.

I turned into XLR8. I began fixing everything with Melia's help. Once it was fixed we got back on the road. Melia was so distracted. She didn't even look when grandpa gave us food.

"Hey Melia," I said finally. She looked at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just thinking." She said.

"About what?" I asked.

"Everything. Like should me and Lavender be here?" Melia said.

"Of course you should," Gwen said.

"That's not your decision Gwen. If Melia and Lavender feel they need to leave. Then they can leave. But if they want to stay we'll happily take care of them." Grandpa said.

We stopped at a gas station. Grandpa got out to fill up the tank. Gwen and Lavender were talking in the back.

Melia stared up at the sky. I was super worried. Grandpa came back and we drove off. Melia ended up falling asleep. Lavender put her in the back.

"Hey Lavender, who's older you or Melia?" Gwen asked.

"I am. But Melia acts like she's older." Lavender said

A couple of days later...

We were driving around in the rain. Me and Gwen were arguing over our birthday. Melia and Lavender didn't understand why.

"Okay you 2 cut it out!" Grandpa yelled.

Before we could say anything Lavender pointed out the windshield and yelled kid. We almost hit a kid and he slid down the mountain.

"I'll get him," Melia said. She ran outside. Me, Gwen, and Lavender followed. She changed into Wildmutt. She ran down the mountain.

"Man she's good," I said.

"Hey Ben," Lavender said. I looked at her. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's up?" I said.

"What are your feelings towards my sister?" She asked.

I suddenly felt flustered. Gwen started laughing. "Oh my god you like her. That's hilarious!" She said.

"Shut up Gwen!" I yelled.

6 years later...

That happened when I was 10. I'm 16 now. Lots have changed. Gwen went off to college. Kevin 11 is now her boyfriend and a good friend of mine. Lavender works with the plumbers. I got a new Omnitrix and a new partner named Rook. Melia? I don't know what happened to her. After our first summer together she said she was leaving and didn't know when she was coming back. That was the last time I ever saw her.

Right now Rook and I were hunting down a low life as Rook called them. I had this weird feeling that someone was watching me. Rook had this feeling too.

"Should we follow the low lives or something else?" He asked.

"No keep followed them," I said. We ran after the bad guys. The feeling I had continued to follow me.