
Ever since Zhu Yunqing had woken up she noticed that she had slightly changed. As if she wanted to make up for all the times she wasted away up to that time. Although it looked like she had gone back to her previous self, the small changes in her behaviour did not go unnoticed by Wei Chujiu. But she just brushed it off as her efforts at rebranding herself.

Not that it was a bad thing to study hard but she just wondered if Zhu Yunqing had knocked her head too hard to think that studying was so much fun. Like seriously, not reading novels but studying. Besides, there had to be a balance to everything.

'Who would think that was fun?!' she thought. Was she really suggesting that they go studying just after having to deal with Tang Chonglin's madness? 'How in the world would that even relieve their stress at the moment?!!' she sighs.