The girl in the picture 2

The Floral printed gown she wore in the picture made her easily recognisable.

The gown was a birthday gift from her mother. A limited edition dress from the latest Vy summer collections.

Luckily for her, her face had been blurred out from the uploaded and reposted pictures So, from the comments she could tell that people just assumed it was another celebrity.

Looking at the horrid expression on her daughter's face, Sun Qiuyue continued berating her daughter, "Your dad and I already have enough on our hands. Yet, here you are creating more troubles for us to clean up. I told you to stay away from that good for nothing Tang boy. You just won't listen. Now look at what you've caused!"

Sun Qiuyue was so angry that if Zhu Yanyu was not her own daughter, she would have given her a few smacks to reset her brain.

'Have I offended the world or something? If this stupid girl wasn't my daughter then I would have straightened her out right this minute.' Sun Qiuyue thought to herself