Chapter 2: A Wind Of Change

Altogether being the rival of my soul was harder than one's imagination. I did have to fight with my brain and heart every day. I should admit the fact that my inner self was more stubborn yet less strong to rule over. Regardless, as an illustration, it should be said that – it judged the hell outta me!

After yesterday's incident, I was grounded for rest of the day. Blaire and her psycho mother were both happy and unhappy. For them, it was the easiest forfeit. But for me...I couldn't even explain vaguely. The punishment given physically could not harm me 'cause they brought me painless pleasure, a feeling that you could never want...and my so-called dad was quite acquainted with my theories.

It had been nearly five years since I last called him Dad. Five freaking years! The things I'd been through can never be described in mere words. I'd waited for him for so long. Ultimately, I digested the whole agenda that he wouldn't be there for me when I'll need him the most. So, I gave up being his daughter I used to be, his good girl. I was not that anymore...and I never will be.

Last night, I couldn't sleep for a single moment. The whole night passed thinking about my messed up life and hearing the rhythm of my heart. At last, sneaking out from the house, I went to the roof.       

Dawn was slow in coming. The sky was blended with light red and black color. Soon the black color was consumed by the lighter one. Can anyone tell me when my life will be consumed by light? Well, that's a question that has no explanation. The soft hum of the wind was ringing in my ears. I looked up to see the sky expecting it would look like it had washed away all the black stain of infamy by bathing itself in the light. Like always, it didn't betray me.

The dawn broke over the town with time. I inhaled deeply, welcoming all the calmness of nature inside me. After glancing at the sky one last time, I went to my room for a long shower, hoping it'd wash away all the pain of me.


I guess it was true that the shower somehow soothes the heart, washing all the heaviness of mind for a certain time. I was now feeling a bit more confident about facing the day, however, it is!

I wore a sky blue baggy T-shirt which was fully sleeved and shorts. I made a ponytail with my hair which was still reaching my butt flawlessly. Looking once more in the mirror, I felt somehow ameliorated. Grabbing my bag and phone, I came outside of course ignoring their burning gaze. So what? That's me after all! I hate talking, and I hated listening to everyone else fumbled on their words trying phrase things in the controversial possible way so they wouldn't sound dumb, and I loathed going with the flow.

Plastering a bright smile on my face, I entered into the building of "Crescent Empire"

"Lave-e-e-e-e-e," my best friend, Ace came running towards me and wrapped his arms around me for a bear hug before I could merely protest.

"C-A-N-T B-R-EATHE, A-SS-HOLE." I choked for lack of oxygen.

"Sorry, I couldn't control my emotions after seeing a thousand years later," Ace said dramatically. That put a smile on my face. At least someone cares!

Ace knight, my best friend or should I say the only friend in my life. If I try to describe my life, I'll say it's him who can describe it better than me.

"It'd been only two days since we last met, drama queen." I rolled my eyes at him and his fake girliness.

"But my friend, these two days of my life were empty without your smile, your tears ...." I stopped him in the midway, " And us hugging like two bears, right?" I added smirking.

"You're enough for ruining a poet's mind, sucker?" He frowned slightly, trying to show that he was becoming annoyed.

" Your ass."

"Is So Hot, I know darling. How many times will you give me the hint that you hardly can resist my ass, bud?" He said smugly which earned him nothing but the finger from me.

"Only in your fairy tales, knight. Now, stop bugging me if you don't want me to kick your fat ass." I plastered a saccharin smile on my face as I looked at him.

"Rude!" He muttered slowly and narrowed his eyes as I hold his wrist and start walking.

"Where are you taking me, sassy sucker?" Though he was trying to act like he was pissed, I knew that he was far from that.

"To the place where I can kill you peacefully," I winked at him playfully as he grimaced," Now, let's go I'm starving."

"Starving for what?" Seeing his smug look again, I wanted to kick his ass badly.

"Your blood, asshole " I boldly said and dragged him with me in the cafeteria of our office. We ordered pizza and sat at a corner table to savor our food.

"Any new news?" I asked Ace while grabbing my soda and gulping it slowly.

"Yeah...I hooked up with 3 new girls and eventually forgot their names too...not that I mind." Ace shrugged coolly as if he had been talking about today's weather. This guy had no shame!

"Eww... I didn't ask anything about your you-know-what life." I muttered dryly. He laughed seeing my horrific expression.

Now, that was Ace, my best buddy. No regression can consume him ever. Screwing girls and hooking up with them was his thing! On the other hand, in my case, I never showed any interest in screwing let alone hooking up with guys. After all, I am a great fan of v card.

"Well, that's also new news." Ace smirked seeing me deadpanned.

Suddenly, silence captured the whole café, as four guys with Armani suit entered.

"Who are they?" I whispered to Ace's ear.

"How can you not know them?" Ace sounded amazed at my reaction.

"Some billionaire shits, right?" I raised a brow at Ace...trying to feign that I knew them...

"Really? You're telling them shits!" Ace's sounded annoyed this time. They walked past us and sat at a table beside us.

I didn't bother to reply as I started observing them.

Truth to be told, four of them were extremely handsome, looking like models who came out straight from magazines. One of them had hazel eyes with dirty brown hair with a mischievous expression plastered all over his face, another had green eyes and black hairs with a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

The third one was handsome because of his brown eyes and blonde hair along with a kind smile. He had the boy next door type vibes all over his features.

But the fourth guy took most of my attention with his smokey grey orbs with a mixture of electric green color like shadowy grass making his eyes hypnotic. His sharp jawline was tearing my gaze slowly. That silky bronze hair was gelled to give them more perfection. And darn his lips for being this red and he was biting them unconsciously. If his lips were a sin, I would have been the sinner! Who wouldn't want to? The white crisp shirt with a black striped tie and a russet vest under his black double-breasted peacoat along with black designer jeans with matching leather boots. God! He looked eatable... His olive skin was gleaming brightly when the sunlight reflected and a stony expression was hidden behind those piercing eyes. He looked so...yummy, I meant to say handsome! When he smiled at his friend's words, his dimples deepened making him look like A Greek God or should I say maybe Greek Gods will be ashamed of their looks especially after seeing him....the smoky-eyed- monster.

He caught me staring at him, drinking his features with my eyes. He looked at me intensely for a moment and then looked away, making me embarrassed and red like a tomato. I mentally cursed myself for being this stupid!

What he would think now that I was checking out him! Great! Just great!

I turned my attention to my best friend who was now busy flirting with a goblin- a faced girl which made me annoyed as hell. I smacked his shoulder pretty hard making him wince in pain.

"What the..? Do you know that you hit like a man, dude?" He groaned as I hit him once more.

"I am pretty sure that my boxing tutorials have knocked some senses into you, bestie. So, give me your full attention and not that hobo girl." I smiled at him innocently.

"Jealous, huh!" He smugly said which earned him one more punch but this time it was better than before.

"It was you who was checking the guys out, bud?" He said pretty loudly and now those Greek Gods were looking at me with pure amusement.

Ace!!!!!!! I am going to kill you...

Ace looked frightened as I gave him a death glare.

"Before opening your mouth I think you should give me a warning, asshole." I hissed at Ace as he gave me a puppy face.

I stood up and started walking and maybe God was not on my side today.

I collided with someone at the door and guess who it was...the only living Voldermort: Blaire freaking Crescent.

"Are You Fucking Blind, Bitch? Oops! I didn't notice that it was certainly the blind one," Blaire mocked at me.

I remained silent because now I knew only that treatment could make her angrier.

"See she can't even talk... I thought you to be blind but it's good to know that you're dumb too." One of her minions spat those words, trying to call the grim reaper for her. It was okay if he didn't come because I can play the role for him.

"Well, honey if you and your shitty minions want to get your ass kicked all you have to do is ask! There is no need to provoke me for that." My voice was dangerously calm and cold.

 Now everyone's attention was zeroed on us. Even the Smokey-eyed- the monster was watching the show with pure amusement. Who cares?!

"Are you threatening us, bitch! It's my office and should I remind you that it's my empire too. There is nothing else you can do except crying.....How pathetic!" She said with a fake sad tone, making her minions laugh.

"If anyone is pathetic here it's you, Blaire- the only shit headed slut," Ace snapped at her.

"Ooh! Now I see that the sad bitch does have a Savage boyfriend to stand up for her. Give him a loud applause everybody," Blaire started laughing hysterically. This girl had no sense of humor!

"I am sorry to say that slut's never understand the meaning of friendship let alone have one. So Lavender we are just wasting our time talking to some shit headed girl," Ace was fuming with anger, trying hard not to smash and swallow them.

Giving them a last death glare, Ace dragged me out of their gaze, hiding me in his warm embrace.


Hi, my sweet cupcakes! How was the journey of Lavender?

Okay, let me know with whom you want to ship Lavender?

        Ace or the smokey-eyed-monster...

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