Seriously ... we can't go in and can't see the match ? Gale typing

Let's go Arie


The couple match this time is really awaited by all fans of online games because this match involves the entire server. People from any part of the world will join here. No wonder Gale is upset. Before reaching the finals, me and Adz have to face a couple match on our server first.

The first match was apparently against my former team leader

Adz our opponent this time my former team leader was Alicia

Hello Alicia, it's been a while since I played with you because at that time I heard you retired from playing online games

Alicia typing

Hi Arie, I'm sorry if you end up leaving the team. I regret it. It is my fault because I leave the team to my boyfriend

It's okay Alicia. Maybe it's time for me to leave the team.

Written announcement on my screen

In 5 minutes the game starts

I'm getting ready. I just pray that the electricity doesn't go out and the wifi signal in the dorm is fine. And as expected me and Adz won the match.

After the game ended, Alicia sent me a private message

Arie, can we have a private chat ?

I sent a message to Adz

Adz I have to go. Alicia wants to chat with me. Let's have a chat again later


Alicia and I are in a private chat room

Hey Alicia, I honestly didn't think you'd be back playing.

I'm sorry, Arie. Maybe now I need someone to talk to. Do you know ? I met Eric, our team leader now in the game. I finally met his face to face. We fell in love with each other and at that time I retired because I was sick. Therefore I leave my chairmanship to him. I think he can do well but it seems I misjudged it. I just found out if it turns out that he is now close to Cassie's friend. I'm so confused now ... What should I do ?

Don't think too much. But you're cured right now ? Don't add the burden on your mind. Maybe Eric isn't like that. You can't think badly about him

Maybe you're right, Arie. Maybe I was overdoing my problem. Thank you for talking to me. I hope one day we can meet

Ok. You know if you can reach me if I'm online. I have to go now. See you later

I left the chat room. I see Adz is still online. I sent him a private message

Are you still online ?

Yes. I'm doing programming

Alicia just finished chatting with me

Arie, why did you quit your team ?

Me ? ... They accuse me that I slandered Cassie's best friend. I feel like my team is not like before. Not before there was still Alicia. That's why I decided to get out.

I'm always with you

Ok. We can be a free partner who travels around the world

As I remember we were officially married

Adz don't tease me

I'm not teasing you. Status is important, Wife

Adz, I want to sleep. I'll log out.

Have a good sleep

I smiled reading or conversation then logged out of the game. I went to my bed. I put my head on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling of my room.

Adz is really very attentive. I don't know this feeling. Adz the only guy who made me feel like this. Every time we meet in the online game I felt different feeling.

Abby and lea are busy dating with their boyfriends today so Dea and I decided to have lunch together. Luckily our class finished at the same time.

I was in the canteen with Dea in line the food. When I was taking my meal card suddenly Dea pulled my hand tight while whispering in my ear

"Arianna ... You won't believe it. You know who just came in the canteen ?

I ignore her. I looked ahead to see what was menu is today. Dea pinched my arm

"Master Adrian and his friends are in our canteen"

I gasped. I don't want to turn around. My body was shivering. I suddenly became nervous. What is Adrian doing here ? As far as I know our canteen is far from his dorm and there is no way he would eat in our canteen.

"Arianna .. Adrian queued too but in the row next to us " Dea whispered

I'm shaking even more. I prayed to myself that we could get the food first but it seems our line is slower than Adrian's. When I got to the front

"What do you want to choose ?" the employee asked me

I pointed at the menu "I want this one"

I heard Adrian's voice saying the same thing. I'm speechless. Me and him apparently pointing to the same menu. I dare not look at him

"But this can only for one person"

We both fell silent until Adrian opens his mouth first

"Then I'll just choose this one" He pointed to another food.

I cleared my throat and said "I don't want that one either. I want that one" While pointing to another food.

I feel like dying. If you just can drown me to the bottom of the ocean.

"Wait ... I want this one. Can you give this to me, Bro ?" a guy's voice startled me

I glanced, a man suddenly stood in the middle of me and Adrian. This guy seems Adrian's friend. I was silent listening to the guy.

Canteen employees seemed stunned to see Adrian's friends. But he took Adrian's friend tray and filled it and handed it back to Adrian's friend. I hurriedly took my food tray which was already filled and immediately left the queue.

"Arianna, let's just sit near Adrian's table" Dea persuaded me

I shook my head and walked towards the opposite direction. Dea pouted but followed me.

We sat not too far from Adrian's table but we can still see him and his friends.

"Arianna, I chose the same drink as Adrian" Dea looks very happy

I sipped my drink the muttered "Why since I rejected Brandon, I often meet Adrian. It's really not good to lie. I shouldn't be lying."

Dea looked at me, with strange face "What you just said ?"

I patted her shoulder then said "Quickly finish your food. We still have to study for the exams and I still have another match.