Harsh Downfall

School today was a complete chore, though I didn't expect it not to be, it was still annoying. On some days it was actually fun, who-ever didn't enjoy passing cookies in class and talking. And I actually liked some of the seminars they had, no work required.

It was the last class of the day, but we knew it was still gonna be over 45 minutes before the rest of the school. 8th period was cancelled today, and as the teacher left the whole class turned into a huge and weirdly loud hurricane of noise.

A big group of people were leaving right now, and I headed with them, hardly noticing that Harsh Vardhan, the great fat bully of the class, was behind me.

It was too late, Harsh knocked me over with his heavy foot and lifted me upside down into the air, I was shaking in fear as is friends laughed, you might say he would gently put me down, but with Harsh, you never know.

Out of nowhere I felt big wood-like fingers pry off Harsh's grip on me and lower me down. I was just getting up when I heard Harsh scream like a wee baby. I looked up to see him held in the air by strikingly muscular senior guy, who looked like he was in 12th standard. It was hilarious seeing Harsh scream like he just found out what breathing was seconds ago. Our entire hurricane of noise was directing their eyes towards Dheeraj Chopra, the 12th grade muscle icon of our school, holding the fat Harsh up in the air. Even I started laughing, as Harsh was squirming around in Dheeraj's muscular arms over his head like a fish out of the water.

My classmates were bending over the floor by now, and I felt like the whole school was now paying attention, not just them.

"Your weaker than I thought", said Dheeraj as Harsh kept on fighting in is hands, "Why are you wiggling so much, you want to fall down".

"Na-naaaaaarggh, naaaaaaoooooooo", screamed Harsh at the top of his fat padded lungs. He was too scared even to say the word 'nooo' properly. The class was now laughing 3 times louder then their previous hurricane of chatter. I could see people far away now turning their heads to the scene. Many of them were giggling as well, they liked to see Harsh scared, as his notoriety was known well through the whole 7th and 8th grade.

Dheeraj lowered Harsh to the ground, and Harsh scurried away with cartoonish speed and haste.

I had admired Dheeraj's body, his buff arms could barely fit in his sleeves, his legs bulged through his pants and even through his school shirt I could see his back and front chest push through as he lowered Harsh to the ground. I noticed his plump forearms strategically popping with veins as he paced away.