The Demon Woman 

The next day, Lisa prepared a resume to apply for jobs online. She must be able to earn money independently. She didn't want to depend on Oscar anymore, especially since they both planned to divorce in the near future.

After breakfast, Lisa opened her laptop and looked for job vacancies. She didn't really pay attention to the companies when applying. Who knew she'd get an interview with one of the companies she applied to.

She spent her time sitting in front of the laptop to apply for jobs all day. Mrs. Rusminah was worried when she asked Lisa to have lunch but the woman ignored her. Lisa was totally focused on job sites!

"Miss Lisa, shouldn't you stop for a moment and eat? You've been sitting in front of your laptop for hours and you haven't touched lunch at all," Mrs. Rusminah said, worried.

Lisa then sighed. Mrs. Rusminah had a point too. She closed her laptop and went down to the dining room.
