Fierce Battle

"William, how many times did Mama tell you to stop bothering your teachers?"

Suddenly, Lisa's voice sounded quite loud from inside the small kitchen. Not long after saying that, she turned around and put down a few plates of her cooking. Immediately, every corner of Vira's apartment was filled with the delicious smell of Lisa's cooking.

"Auntie, anyway.." William whispered while glaring at Vira. 

"What's wrong? What are you trying to do..." Vira replied in a whisper. 

If someone saw the two of them, they would definitely think that Vira and the boy were conspiring, about to do something harmful. Especially if they saw the look on William's face now. The boy looked absolutely like his life would end at that very instant.

"Come on, hurry up you guys!" Lisa wiped the sweat off her temples with her sleeves, "Let's have dinner before the dishes get cold."

"Hurray!!" William shouted. The boy immediately got off the sofa and ran to his mother.