The Battle Climax

Mina reopened her eyes once again. She had begun to get tired of all the sleeping she has been doing. Her eyes narrowed, realizing she was set on the ground. Her Astral Body began to form, instantly lifting her Sword Body into her hand. The blade was deep black, etched with red markings and a beautiful bright white gem set in the pommel.

"My core is pretty shiny. Hmm... where is everyone?"

She scanned the area, grabbing her silver sword as well. The area had seemed familiar, so Mina began to navigate back to the den on her own. Getting close, a stench hit her nose. Something almost metallic, she slowly stepped forward.


The clearing was filled with the corpses of humans and Hellcats. Mina sprinted closer, her eyes searching for Inferna and her daughter. She couldn't see the Meteor Bird or the War Wolf either.


A noise came from nearby, causing Mina to head towards it.

"Where is everyone? They-"

Her voice cut off, her eyes locking on her companions protecting a heavily injured Hellcat. The three of them were injured, but standing tall as a man swung a massive blade down at them. Mina could see that they didn't have a chance, so she dashed forward. In the heat of the moment, Mina could feel her blades sinking into the man's back. Her eyes filled with rage, she was sent flying as his blade attempted to pierce her.

"Gah. Was a fuckin brat doin ere?!"

'He's still standing...'

Mina flashed away, her Astral Body vanishing from his sight. She reappeared behind him, her hands gripping the hilts.

"You're done."

With those words, Mina pulled one blade up and the other down. In an instant, the man fell forward. His body now limp, Mina pulled the blades out and flicked the blood from them. She looked at her injured comrades, the three of them breathing heavily. They looked up at Mina, Inferna's daughter stepping forward slowly.

"We should have been here. My mother... my mother..."

Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Mina.

"She's not going to make it."

Her teeth were clenched. She backed away, letting her head fall into Inferna's view.

"I'm sorry... little ones."

Mina knelt beside her, receiving a snarl from Inferna's daughter.

"You've grown... Mina. Fufu, you're... elven."

Mina blinked away her tears, slowly extending her hand as a gleam of light filled her body. To everyone's surprise, Mina stroked Inferna's head slowly. A soft sound, akin to a purr, came from her.

"I should have come sooner."

She gave Inferna one last smile before she suddenly slipped through her.

"I guess it's only limited."

She removed her hand, Inferna's eyes on hers.

"You need to take it. All I ask, protect her. Protect my poor baby."

Inferna took a heavy breath, the light in her eyes beginning to fade.

"I believe... in you."

Mina clenched her fist, slowly getting to her feet. She turned her back and stared at the man she had killed. Due to sheer anger, Mina began to stab his body slowly. Every stab lifted and fell, gouging continuous holes into his body.

"Why?! Why?! Who the hell told you to do this?! Why would you come here?!"

Mina backed away, slipping to her knees.

"Worthless. My own power is worthless."

Mina allowed her stats to appear once again, a small notification fading.

[You killed a high tier human. Earned 2000 exp. Distributing between Astral and Sword Bodies.]

Before her status could load, a furry face appeared beside her. Inferna's daughter huffed and laid her head beside Mina.

"Forgive me. My anger was too much to aim at you, as you saved my life. My mother and I, we accepted you into our clan. We were fully aware of the fact that you may change things... yet we decided to keep you. We haven't been together long, but I do consider you a good friend. You're someone I can follow to battle, or even trust to protect me should I be in danger. Could you forgive me?"

Mina could see her eyes watering, so she pushed her Sword Body up to her.

"Of course I can. I just ask that you forgive me for fulfilling the promise I made to your mother."


Mina slid up to Inferna, her eyes tearing up. She grabbed her blade, placing her core over Inferna's forehead. Her daughters eyes went wide, but she nodded in understanding.

"Your mother asked me to take this. To use it for myself and to keep the humans from touching it. I fully intend to keep this promise, though it hurts me to do it. [Devour]."

Mina's core didn't rip the stone from Inferna's head, rather it gently coerced it to come free. The beautiful red gem slowly dissipated, almost as if it were liquid.

[You have successfully devoured the Blessed Gem of Flame.

Blessed Gems are keys to your soul, some given due to key events in your life. Seeking them is useless.

You have acquired:

Flame Manipulation Lv 1/15

Fire Magic Lv 1/15]

Mina could see a small red gem appear below her core. She immediately smiled, showing it to Inferna's daughter. Tears slid down her face as she pointed to it for her. Inferna's daughter stepped closer, putting her nose against the gem.

"Rest in peace, mother. Our clan may be gone, but I shall follow the beacon of hope I've come to meet."

[A Hellcat, unnamed, has decided to follow you. Do you wish to accept her as a follower?]

'Can't I just like... put her in my party? Or something? Follower makes her seem... lesser then me.'

Inferna's daughter seemed startled. She shook her head, even rubbed her eyes with her paws.

"Mina... could you explain what is before my eyes? It is asking me if I wish to join your party."

Mina got closer, her eyes able to see the screen sitting in front of the Hellcat.

[You have been invited to join the party led by Mina, the Holy Sword Spirit. Do you accept?]

'Holy? So that's what Dyn chose.'

"Just say yes to it. I think you'll benefit."

The Hellcat nodded, allowing the party invite to proceed.

"While I'm at it, I'll invite the two of you as well."

Without even a hint of wavering, Mina suddenly saw three notifications of acceptance.

[Beings added to your party are those you trust. This ability will be locked if your heart does not truly trust the individual.

Beings added to your party are granted the ability to use the system. This includes the status screen, a small inventory and a long distance message system. You have full access to each inventory, as well as the ability to view the stats of your party members due to you being a higher state of spirit.]

"Huh. I guess this is good for all of us. Erm... the timing, it's pretty horrendous, but would the three of you like to have your own name?"

The three beasts flinched, that question one of the last things they expected for Mina to ask them. The looked between themselves, nodding in unison.

[A Hellcat, Lightning Meteor Bird and a War Wolf have accepted any name you decide to give them. Giving them a name shall enhance their status based on your own blessing.

Due to the request of the Great God of Creation, Dyn, you may only name beings with higher affinity with you.

War Wolf has met the requirements.

Lightning Meteor Bird has met the requirements.

Hellcat has surpassed the requirements.]

Mina smiled, her mind wandering as she tried to decide on names for the three of them. Her eyes locked on the War Wolf.

"You're built stronger then the rest of us, as well as being the descendant of a Glacial War Wolf, so do you accept the name Fubuki?"

Her eyes seemed to gleam as she nodded, accepting the name. Fubuki's tail wagged as she sat patiently waiting to find out the other two's names.

Mina looked towards the speedy Lightning Meteor Bird. Their eyes met, mutual understanding flowing through them.

"You're smaller, but tough. Speed is your utility, as well as the lightning element. Do you accept the name Arashi?"

Arashi puffed out her chest, proud of the power that came from her name. Both her and Fubuki looked over at the Hellcat, awaiting her own name.

Mina knelt next to Inferna. Then looked at her daughter.

"I won't name you in the conventional method. I'd like for you to inherit her name. Will you accept the name Inferna?"


Thank you,
