Lightning Awakening

Although she had taken off flying, Asahi had to land the moment she left their sight. One wing hung limply beside her, causing intense pain with every step she took. Asahi slowly made her way home, igniting a small stream of electricity whenever something hostile chose her as a tasty snack.

"Oh boy! Of course you go and do something reckless! That speed you're so proud of? Useless on the ground! Ugh... too hot headed for my own good. Clubbed out of the sky by a stupid human. I'm sorry Mina, I should've told everyone! I'm too weak to be on your team."

Asahi continued to belittle herself, a hidden trait of hers exposing itself as she made her way home. Her power running low, Asahi used her talons and beak to scale a nearby tree. She looked out over the surrounding forest, a sense of peace washing over her.

"Even if I'm weak, I'm not useless. Mina believes in me, so I need to as well. Wing, you're a right bastard for being so floppy. Get your ass in gear! We need to get home! I'll walk through a human town covered in salt for Mina! Flying with a damaged wing? Ha! Child's play."

Asahi began to flap her wings, a current of electricity suddenly flowing through her body. She flapped harder, feeling the wing begin to dull it's pain. She shrieked with joy, realizing the newest use of her electricity. Taking to the skies, her speed soared to the maximum!

"My wing! How?! When?! Wait, wait, wait. That system... can I see my stuff? Can I see what made me so... useful!?"

If she had lips, Asahi would be grinning from ear to ear. The healing property of her electricity astounded her, filling her with more joy then she had expected.

"Ah! Here we are."

[Name: Asahi

Race: Lightning Meteor Bird

Level: 19/20 Exp: 1400/1500

Health: 1300/1425

MP: 25/475

Str: 15

Dex: 30

Int: 40

Wis: 25

Vit: 15

Spd: 15 (75)


Bolt Blood- Your blood holds electricity within it, jolting physical attackers.


Lightning Creation- Due to high electric values in your blood, you can arc electricity from your body. Mostly useful for striking a target at range.

Lesser Lightning Healing Lvl 1/10 - A variant magic useful for healing small wounds or damaged limbs. Cannot be used to resurrect.

Avian Cry- May stun weaker beings. Also causes many to distance themselves from you.


Blessing of the God of Thunder

Blessing of the Goddess of Beasts

Blessing of the Holy Sword Spirit, Mina]

Faltering slightly, Asahi tried to steady herself as she grew excited.

'I was actually blessed? Not just by some uppity gods, but by Mina?! She can really do something that exaggerated? And she's holy?! What the hell... did I just become friends with a Goddess to be? Whatever, she's got my back and I've got hers! Just uh... gotta get home first so I can go back and maybe take a nap? My parents should be cool with it.'

Taking a sudden dive, Asahi screeched with joy! Thus alerting the many Meteor Birds of her presence, they began to join her in the skies. A rather large bird flew up beside her, as well as a more feminine large bird. They circled her, the cries of joy echoing from around them. Her father, the large bird, finally spoke.

"How fare the feline friends? We have been keeping watch, yet not a single human has invaded our trees."

Faltering once more, Asahi nearly nose dived. Thankfully, her mother flew below and caught her between her wings. Asahi perched upon her mother's back, staying low so she couldn't be sent flying.

"Th-the Hellcats were annihilated. Inferna's daughter survived alone, as well as my group of friends. I uh... I only came to report back."

Drawing close, Asahi's father flew above them.

"So my dear daughter is finally leaving the nest? I would ask you to return to see your siblings, but they may make it difficult for you to depart. I'll let them know, you must be getting back lest they worry for your safety. I only ask one thing."

Asahi looked up at her father.

"Return every so often. I'd love to hear any new tales!"

Screeching in conformation, Asahi spread her wings to take flight. The air current instantly sent her into flight, falling behind her parents. They stared back at her, fully aware that their daughter would be happier set free.

"Dear, do you think she will return?"

"For now, just fly. This forest will change. I can feel it in my feathers. These winds... they're the wind of hope. Our daughter might just make this forest a haven."

They flew off towards their home, Asahi suddenly having an awkward realization.

"I forgot to tell them my name... oh boy."

Asahi dived, quickly nearing the forest. The winds could hardly buffet her body as she shifted her angle and spread her wings to glide. In a blaze of glory, she zipped further down. Her lightning arced between a small number of hostile creatures, earning her a pop up screen.

[Level Up. Evolution is now available. When you sleep, evolution will begin.]

Her fluttering wings came to a stand still as she landed. Her head tilted, staring curiously.

"I can become even stronger? Hell yeah! Where do I sign up?... wait sleep. Duh. Let me just find a nice spot... oh. They're all resting. This area feels really nice and serene... don't like it much, but oh well. Sleep is a dish best served comfy!"

Asahi flapped her wings a couple more times, stretching them out somewhat. She nestled herself between the open paws that belonged to Fubuki.

"She got bigger. And snowier. She evolved too?"

Her little bird eyes began to close, her mind and spirit falling into the endless galaxy world the others had seen. She could feel the power in her body spread and compress, enhancing itself within her. She felt herself stretch, opening her eyes to a bird at least a meter tall. Glowing yellow eyes and lightning marks scoured her body, a few soft purple bolts mixed with the yellow. A tuft of feathers, both purple and yellow, sprouted from her head.

"That's a strangely pretty bird. Who is... her beak copies mine. Shit, I'm a pretty bird."

She fluttered her wings, sparks flowing off of them. A quick nod, and she got her pop up screen.

[Congratulations on evolving into a rare variant. Bolt-Strike Meteor Hawk.

Learned Bolt Stream- Movement ability. Allows short range electric speed movement to arc around either targets or obstacles.

Learned Lightning Magic Lvl 1/15

Learned Lightning Aura

Learned Bolt Back- Swift movement backwards, or towards a friend. Tag someone to instantly transport to them. Range: 10 meters.

Unlocked Charm stat.]

"Oh no. No wonder I'm pretty. Ugh... Couldn't be cool or badass? Rather just flap my wings and dice my enemies, but I guess I'm the healer! Mina... should be happy. I can actually heal our friends now."

Her eyes grew sad as she began to fade from the area.

"I wish I could have healed everyone..."


Thank you,
