Slight Disturbance

"You absolute... ugh, why didn't you listen to me?! You should have stayed stealthy."

Mina was glaring at the snake scout, it's body holding a few deep gashes. Beside the snake, Asahi was discharging soft bolts of lightning. Each little bolt was capable of partially healing a single gash. The snake looked up at Mina, it's eyes were saddened.

"You little brat... [Coalesce.]"

Mina's hand reached down, the soft light filling it. Her hand was placed on the snakes head, the warmth enveloping the serpent.

"Don't make me worry so much."

Her hand traveled down its back, inciting a small serpent shake. The snakes eyes locked on Mina's, a sense of comfort enveloping it. Suddenly, a message popped in front of Mina.

[Gigas Venom Cobra has aligned gender to female. After evolution, the change will become permanent.]

'Huh... that was easy. She wanted to be pet?'

Mina drew her hand back, giving the snake a small smile.

"Keep yourself safe, then you get more stuff like this."

Mina looked around, everyone fully ready to head out. They all began to head off, curving their way around and away from the village to the south. Mina took the lead, her mind trailing off as she stared into the trees.

"This place..."

She smiled, her companions all watching as she stepped closer to a large tree.

"Natural beauty is always the best. Erm... have the humans..."

Inferna spoke up.

"The humans have been expanding into the forest, not only to take resources, but to be rid of races that they fear. I don't quite understand what is wrong with their heads, but some should still be good... right?"

Mina nodded, her hands slightly falling into the tree. She frowned, but the light in her eyes didn't fade.

"I'll need to save [Coalesce] for a chance to touch these trees. Or well... if I ever get a physical body."

Inferna turned her head away, steam practically blowing from her ears. She picked up the pace, passing Mina and confusing the other three.

"So uh... anyone else gonna talk about why she's giving off some seriously potent pheromones?"

The snake slithered up to Mina, it's eyes focused on Inferna. Fubuki huffed, but nodded her head.

"She's been giving them off in waves. Only the two of us can smell them, little snake."

"Ah. My bad then."

Mina turned around, her eyes locking on a rather angry looking bird.


She fluttered her wings, calming down before she looked up at Mina. She raised her wings, seeming to shrug towards Mina.

"S-sorry. Distracted."

Mina pulled back, waving the others forward. She started walking beside Asahi, holding out her Sword Body. She tapped the blade, then held it out towards Asahi.

"H-huh?! What am I supposed to do with that?"

Mina rolled her eyes, then thrust her blade underneath Asahi's talons. She flinched, flapping her wings and pulling herself in the air. Her eyes opened, her talons latched onto Mina's blade. She kept her wings extended out of fear, but slowly brought them down when Mina proved she was stable.

'I started out too weak to even pull this sword from the ground, yet here I am... carrying a big bird on my sword.'

Mina gave a playful smile, then asked her question.

"You've got a problem, don't you? Spill. You can't leave me in the dark when I've noticed."

Turning away, Asahi gazed out into the trees.

"I can keep quiet, but you've been really good to me. Even giving me a name and recruiting me into this amazing group. Our goals aren't anything easy, and are incredibly grand... but I have a problem with uh... snakes. They slither and the tongues. Like jeez, can I catch a break? They scare me and make me uncomfortable!"

Mina stifled a giggle.

'But... chickens and the T-Rex... oh God this is good. She's not exactly scared here, but I can see the animosity when she stares at the snake.'

Mina rested her hand on her chin, then her eyes lightened.

"What if she evolved?"

"She? I thought it was genderless. A weird variant, but still a spectacle to see."

"Oh. She will be a girl after her evolution. Best to keep it open that she's already gonna be a girl."

Asahi nodded, then cocked her head.

"So what about evolution? Do you already have an idea about what she might become?"

Mina nodded.

"Part of the my blessing, the one I gave you all, seems to allow a humanoid variant evolution at some point. You'll probably become a type of harpy. With a proper transformation ability, you could even disguise yourself as a human if the need ever arises... and I'm sure it will. The power of some strange God or whatever will write it into existence sometime or another."

Asahi suddenly jumped, straining Mina's hold over the sword.


"A harpy!? Seriously, you think I can become a race that powerful?! My mother only told me of them from old stories. They're supposedly beautiful and graceful in the sky, with seriously powerful wings and attacks. Wait, wait... would my magic still be useful?"

Mina smiled and nodded.

"Wind or lightning. I see that as the best fit for a harpy. Fire could be useful, but it's not so grand for someone flying through the sky. Say... you'd give me a ride sometime, won't you?"

A flirty smile came from Mina, shocking the bird into flapping her wings once more. Mina giggled, then looked towards the girls ahead.

"Our little snake friend, I think she might become a lamia. Could be something else, but you'll all be my first and most important friends."

"Y-yea... I'll give you a ride sometime."

Asahi began to play with her wings, suddenly taking off from Mina's sword. Watching her Avian friend take off, Mina sped up so she could catch up to the others.

'How do I even travel across the ground? I can't step on rocks, but I can step on the earth here... should I even get into this? It's just making my head hurt.'

Mina shook her head, her eyes catching a sudden opening between the trees. A gaping cave stared her down, inciting a tiny smile.

"Hey! Do any of you feel like exploring before we keep going?"


Thank you,
