The Day of Rest

Mina lounged around, fully enjoying that she didn't need to sleep at this moment. Her nimble fingers were petting the massive paws of a sleeping Fubuki. Even without the sense of feeling, Mina could imagine how warm and soft they were. Her powerful imagination taking its chance to shine in this new world.

She looked up at Melody, her eyes narrowing on the beautiful woman as she went through paperwork. The men that had attacked were removed, though nobody was surprised. Mina was a bit shocked to find out that this town was used to people attacking Melody, though none lived.


At her call, Melody's pen dropped. Her eyes lifted, a cute smile on her face.

"What can I do for you, Master?"

A pang of guilt hit Mina, but she gave Melody a small smile before speaking.

"So, we talked about that shroud over human minds before. Do you remember what your mindset was when it was over yours?"

"Cruelty. That was my best choice for everything. Master, do you know what it's like to see from within your body, yet be unable to act in any way that you desire? My own emotions, my own wants and choices, they were all pushed back along with my conscience. It was like my mind was duplicated, the duplicate put in control, then the duplicate being horribly evil."

Mina got closer to Melody.

"And how long did you live like that?"

Melody stared down at her papers.

"I think... though I'm not sure, it was when I turned fifteen. A sort of right of passage is to visit the shrine built for the Guardian of Flames. Everyone goes when they are fifteen. I remember now, being fourteen and dreading the shrine. My parents and elder brother practically dragged me to the shrine, then... cruelty reigned in my head. My heart was in so much pain the entire time, but I have figured out how to tell the difference between an ass and someone plunged within their own head."

Mina sat on her knees, her head laid across her arms. Unknown to her, Melody was absolutely losing it inside with how cute she looked.

"Can you tell me? I don't want to destroy the human race, but they're seen as a dark race."

"Master, look into my eyes."

Mina stood up and went around the desk. When she was sitting, Melody was as tall as Mina. It made it easy for them to stare eye to eye.

"They're pretty, but I don't see... hold on. Wasn't there something... am I imagining things?"

Melody looked down, regretting her actions as she stared directly as Mina's breasts. Turning away, she responded.

"That's it. You 'feel' like you see something. Since my mind is cleared, you think you 'saw' something. There's nothing actually there, though thinking about seeing something and feeling it are different. Just lock eyes, even for a brief moment. If you feel it, then killing them may be a bad choice in the end. This town, I had it built around the dungeon after it was discovered. I made sure to send away anyone that wasn't themselves. Those men? Straight up assholes. This town? Brigands and mercs. Not a single clean soul. Countless men and women have attempted to seduce or kill me here. It was an excuse to let that cruelty free without consequence, but I'm still glad I got my way for this at least."

Mina touched Melody's face, giving her a warm smile.

"You tried your best with what you had. The fact that you could accomplish this, even without your own control, it's amazing. One day, when I know you won't be clouded again, maybe I'll remove your slavery crest."


Melody seemed displeased. She backed away slightly, almost pouting. Mina hid her mouth, trying to stop herself from laughing.

"Master... can I be your permanent slave? I mean, you don't have to treat me as one. I just want to have this bond, this crest. It makes me happy and warm."

Mina stopped feeling laughter try to attack, so she lowered her hand.

"Well punishments won't be dished out much. You'll be rewarded in various ways though, especially if you're a good girl."

Melody was delighted. Her eyes lit up as a smile burst onto her face. She attempted to hug Mina, passing through her. When she turned around, fear was on her face.

"Uh umm... I didn't mean to-"

Mina lifted a finger to her lips.

"No big deal. If I get a physical body, I'll hug you properly. This cute side of you, it's adorable."

With a playful wink, Mina faded inside of her Sword Body. She had decided to get some rest after all.

When her eyes opened again, she was in a fully white room. It reminded her of Dyna's space, but someone was laying in the middle of it. She was gorgeous with tanned skin and golden hair. Her mouth was slightly open, exposing a cute fang. Mina was sure her eyes were a dazzling emerald as she approached.

Tears in her eyes, Mina knelt down and moved the golden hair from the girls face. Something she wasn't familiar with, a sense of longing and love, filled her chest. She got closer, her tears spilling out now. She smiled.

"Kat... you're alive!... alive? Did something happen to her?"

Mina noticed that she could feel Kat's warmth. Taking her chance, Mina laid beside her. To her surprise, Kat rolled towards Mina. She got scared, but then a bronze arm moved over her. Mina was hugged tight, pulled up against Kat. Unable to move, Mina accepted everything. She nuzzled her face into Kat's collar, her own words finding a way to spill out.

"I love you, Kat."

Mina felt herself drift off to sleep, surrounded by the scent and warmth she had desired. Unknown to her, as she didn't check, Kat's heart was pounding. Her eyes opened, looking down at Mina. She smiled lightly, her heart fluttering.

"You caught me sleeping... I love you too, Mina. You absolute brat."

Kat kissed Mina's head, holding her a bit tighter.

"I wish this didn't have to end so soon."


Thank you,

JScott and croix!

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