Sudden Disaster

"Would you mind explaining... why there are so many people watching the entrance!?"

Chisana and Suriza were pouting as Melody continued to lay into them, though Mina couldn't help but laugh at the scene. Melody could only rub her head and sigh as she watched the entrance.

"So much for paperwork being the most annoying part of today."

Taking the lead, Melody stepped out into the light. To her dismay, roughly ten or so blades whipped out. Mina, thinking fast, launched forward and deflected every last attack using the power behind both of her swords.

'I've already gotten so strong...'

The group around her watched in horror as she shoved their blades back. She gave them a look that could devour souls, keeping Melody behind her.

"Whoever wishes to die, just try to strike my Master again!"

Melody was a little upset at those words, but she kept her mouth shut. Placing her hand on Mina's shoulder, she took front stage and crossed her arms.

"Care to explain why nobody is working?"

Many of the gathered were instilled with fear, unable to answer such a simple question.

"So humans have employed monsters now?"

A girl stepped forward, her eyes the only thing visible within her outfit. She wore a full body suit similar to a kunoichi, even hiding her hair. Her eyes were a deep red, gleaming as she eyed Mina.

Melody was at a loss, her words barely audible as she processed what happened.

"Who exactly is the monster here?"

Mina stepped closer, her silver hair swept up by the wind. Her eyes narrowed, then trailed behind the random woman. Behind her, another woman was resting. She seemed to be exhausted.

'I can feel the power she used to possess. Are they the first to hunt me down after taking all light and dark magic?'

Bright blue eyes, almost cerulean, peeked up at Mina. The girl under the hood had a soft face, slightly chubby, that exuded a certain cuteness. Mina raised a brow, bringing the ire of the kunoichi before her.

"Listen when people are speaking to you!"

An open hand slap was attempted, but Mina simply caught the girls hand. To her surprise, the girl was stronger than Mina. As a kunoichi, Mina expected the girl to possess speed to rival her own, yet her strength was something she was wholly unaware of. Rubbing her cheek, Mina sighed as she felt the pressure behind her.

"Either leave, apologize, or die. Maybe a fourth option, but that stung."

Mina's eyes went back to the girl behind the kunoichi, her soft face now openly exposed. Mina instantly noticed the men surrounding her, though her assailant didn't.


Mina threw her Sword, shocking the girl in front of her. Expecting an attack, she raised her arms as Mina vanished. She reappeared beside the girl, whipping around and slamming her leg into the men that had drawn near her.

"This place isn't safe for young women without protection."

Melody gave Mina a satisfied smile, her instantaneous desire to protect the weak impressing her.

"I-I have a guard! She's just... kinda stupid."

Mina watched as the kunoichi tripped, laughing softly.

"Girls. Stun them."

In unison, three sets of voices came from the dungeon entrance. Every last man in the area fell to their knees, unable to even speak at this point.

Mina smiled down at the girl behind her, waving for her to follow as she led her to Melody's home.

"W-wait! Lily, why are you following that monster?!"

Mina turned around, somewhat surprised that the girl had followed her so easily.

"Well... she has my magic. I want it back, but I can't do anything besides ask."

Mina stifled a laugh. Opening the door, she led the group inside, this included her lovely friends that stunned the men. After everyone went inside, Mina looked at Melody.

"So... you feel like quitting? They're not gonna let you go with what happened."

Melody waved her hand.

"I'll deal with it. If I have to, I can return to Fennis. I'll be safe there, being a noble and all."

The two newcomers jaws dropped, the bright eyed one speaking first.

"We just escaped Fennis! Oh, I'm Lily the High Priestess of the Church of Dyna-"

Mina heaved, holding in a massive laugh that tried to explode outwards. Lily gave her a shocked look, unable to continue. Everyone else fully understood, after all... Mina had just kissed Dyna recently.

"Continue... I'm sorry."

Lily nodded, her assets jiggling inside of her robe.

"As I said, I'm the High Priestess. I've been maintaining a barrier over the church to protect everyone from the Guardian of the Font of Fire, using light magic."

Her guard spoke up now.

"They want to replace her, since some bitch took her magic away."

Mina tilted her head.

"Well... those two gave it to me, so I guess the choice is mine. Melody, you're weird but smart. Any ideas?"

Melody was stimulated slightly, but she nodded and pointed to her neck.

"Do that, then they can't betray you. No one seems to mind that you have me, so what's two more? Especially since you can release them if you trust them enough."

Mina shook her head slightly.

"More seems bad... though it helped with you, these two don't seem so aggressive."

"Aggressive? So you know what's wrong with the humans?!"

Lily had jumped to Mina, her eyes gleaming brightly.

"I'll do anything to save the people from the Guardian! They're supposed to protect us, yet they chose to attack."

Mina backed off, the girls earnest desires making her robe open slightly. Her bountiful cleavage came into view, making Mina feel slightly jealous.

'Hopefully Kat doesn't like bigger ones...'

"Well, I'm Mina. Yes I took the light magic, but not the way you think. I do know what happened, and I've already chosen to fix it."

Lily knelt down, her breasts propped up on her knee. Mina turned away until she heard the girl speak.

"Oh mighty Dyna, bless this wayward and confused soul. Show them the right path-"

"Asking, or praying to her won't help. She's, hopefully, asleep after what we just went through."

Lily's eyes narrowed for the first time, her face suddenly less cute and more angry.

"You would assume what a Goddess is doing? You deserve not my prayers, only my ire."

Mina dropped her jaw.

"You're kidding... I'm only being honest. Damm."


Thank you,

JScott, croix and Tech!