Rin's Return

(This chapter contains a form of self harm, as well as ends where the last chapter did. You may skip it if you wish.)


Bushes exploded in a frenzy of leaves as the petite figure flashed through, blond hair flying behind her as she continued to dash through the forest. Her thin, angular face was streaked with mud, though her emerald eyes blazed with fury.

'I need to return to Lady Mina! I don't know anyone else that can possibly help me!'

Rin skidded to a halt, resting against a tree to catch her breath. Her eyes shifted through the forest, keeping watch for different movements. Ever since running from Truvale, her eyes have been ever more cautious.

"Follow me."


Rin's eyes went wide, attempting to find the owner of the voice that had just reached her ears. Instead of staying, she picked her feet up and dashed back through the trees.

'Dammit, dammit, dammit! How could they find me?!'

Rin leapt over a fallen tree, clearing a decent distance before she threw a massive gale behind herself. The wind aided her speed, though she didn't feel safe.

"Why resist? Follow me."

Rin's eyes went wide as she dug her nails into her palms. The voice wasn't coming from around, but within her own mind.

'This... this is what happened to my people! This is... is this what happened to the humans? The rage they felt...'

"The elves are truly mighty. Take your place at the apex of this world!"

Rin shook her head, slapping herself to steady her vision. Her face stung, keeping her mind on that trigger quieted the voice.

'I'm so close... don't fail me now legs!'

Rin smiled to herself, her green eyes seeming to calm.

"Must you resist? As a noble and mighty elf, you should destroy those beneath you!"

Rin giggled softly.

"Resisting is futile. Become what you were meant to be!"

An odd light suddenly began to form in her eyes, but it vanished as Rin screamed. She had shoved a dagger into her arm, the blood pooling at her feet.

"I am not someone you should fuck with! Get out of my head!"

Rin continued to resist, shifting the blade in her arm to reawaken her mind whenever she was on the verge of losing control. Though she had made it far, her resistances wavered at the worst of times.

"Lady Mina... I'm sorry. I'm trying my best!"

Rin felt the blade slip from her body as she tripped over a large root. Unable to waste time searching, she picked herself up to trudge onward. Every step she felt the voice pounding on her head.

"Shut the fuck up!"

Rin slammed her forehead against a nearby tree, blood immediately springing forth.

"You continue to resist. You're a strong elf, much stronger than your king. Take your place, then you may even take his place!"

Rin smiled again.

"Elf Queen... hehe. That sounds like fun. I can lead them-"

Her undamaged hand slashed out, ripping the soft skin of her belly. Rin coughed out as she held back her scream of pain.

"No... don't lose."

Rin felt a deep laugh resound in her head, digging her nails into the open wound on her arm. Every step began to feel like hell as she finally saw the town through the trees.

"Please... just please be here!"

Rin tripped again, falling hard.

"Your resistance has amused me, though the time has come. Become what you are meant to be! You're a powerful being, ready to control the world!"

Tears filled Rin's eyes as she got back to her feet. Her teeth dug into her lip, blood slowly trickling down as she entered the town. Quickly, many men noticed her. They began to approach, though the girl backed off as they saw the way her body looked.

"This is your last chance before I rip your mind from you. Follow me, become the Elf Queen!"

Rin giggled. She released her lip, dropping her arms. Her eyes fell on the door of Melody's home.


"Melody! Control your perversion!"

Rin's eyes grew clear as she heard Mina's voice from above.

"M-Mina... help me!"

Rin pushed on the door, then shoved it with what strength she had left. To her surprise, a handsome man came by. All she could see was his black hair as he opened the door, helping her inside. The man continued to help her, allowing Rin to latch onto his arm as she struggled to move.

"Your friend is in here. Don't lose, miss."

Rin hit the door, blowing it open as the man turned the knob. She fell to the ground, the man attempting to catch her.

"Make me your slave! Now!"

Behind her, the man began to help her to her feet. His deep blue eyes locked on Mina, softening ever so slightly.


Thank you,

JScott, croix and Tech!