Fennis Outskirts

"Is this thing really safe?"

Mina reached out, patting Chisana on the head. The succubus seemed to calm down until the carriage they were in hit a decent bump. She began to cling to Suriza and Mina, as they were the closest to her.

Mina looked to Lent, the priest. He gave her a wide smile.

"So you took this to get there, just how much money do you make as a priest?"

The carriage they were in seemed to fit a noble from the many novels and comics Mina used to read, though a priest wasn't normally cast as a noble. Not a regular priest, anyways.

"Oh. I'm sure it's pretty obvious, as the priest of a Guardian I was given quite the generous bounty. Mostly used to see if people could get closer to the deviant bastard granting them Wrath. sigh I regret so much of it."

Lent spoke quite softly now, his voice always audible yet sounding like a whisper.

"I couldn't drive this, but your friend is quite the coachman. Xander was it? He's truly impressed me."

Mina rolled her eyes, wanting to forget that Xander was actually extremely useful. She peeked out of the window, her eyes catching Asahi flying overhead. She had wanted to get some exercise, especially since the carriage felt stuffy for a bird.

"Let's hope this isn't too difficult."

"Not to worry, Lady Mina. The Fire Guardian probably knows I'm free, but he doesn't truly seem to care about us humans. He won't talk unless he truly requires or desires something. They won't know I'm not under his control as long as I pretend... and keep this silly tattoo from being seen. Erm... my apologies Lady Mina."

Mina waved it off, barely caring for his remark. She knew it was feminine, especially looking like a tramp stamp.

"Lady Mina, why did we bring such a large lamia with us?"

Mai was eyeing Suriza, though it was fully curiosity.

"Stealth. She's got similar techniques to a ninja, though her large size can make things diffi- well damn."

Suriza vanished, her tail lightly tapping Mina and Mai. Both girls went wide eyed as Suriza reappeared.

"Lasts until I touch another living being. Or I can just... turn it off."

Mina reached up, patting the lamia. She gushed a little, catching Chisana as she slipped from the seat. Suriza was in the middle, between the seats rather than sitting on one.

"Hey! We're getting close now. Last two days have been a breeze!"

Xander could be heard from outside, so Mina looked out of the window once more. Somewhat in the distance, she could see the castle of Fennis. Another large building, likely the church, peeked up pretty high as well. Surroundings those two, Mina could see a wide array of color as the houses spread far and wide.

"This place... it's enormous."

Mina's eyes were wide as a tiny smile slid onto her face.

"Fennis has... a lot of people. It's primarily human, but there are slaves around. Humans have long abandoned slavery, yet Wrath brought it back. My stomach aches whenever I think of the dreadful deeds I have seen."

"H-how many people?"

Chisana was definitely curious, though she could not see the wondrous lands Mina could.

"Last I heard, the kingdom alone has five hundred thousand. Slaves were nearing forty thousand. They've captured many races, even ones without a Font or a Guardian."

Mai seemed agitated, though Mina could only give a sympathetic glance. They weren't close, nor were they friends.

"That second largest building, is the Font in there?"

Lent nodded. A small scowl appeared on his face.

"As a priest, I am permitted to carry a weapon inside. I will gladly get you as close as possible to the Font, yet I fear for what is to happen after. It sounds so easy, yet if we were found out..."

Mina nodded.

"Part of why we have such a great team built up. Anyone injured? Asahi. Annoying humans? Chisana. Stealth mission? Suriza and Mai. Xander is good for security, as well as serious danger."

"Lady Mina, is he also one of your slaves? He doesn't appear to follow your commands, yet he is not bothered by Wrath?"

Mina shrugged.

"It looks like the Fire Guardian is more direct, while the Wind Guardian can affect people at a massive range. Just takes time. Xander is a wanderer, so he probably hasn't been to visit the Font. Even Lily confirmed that she went to the Font when she was younger."

Lent nodded in affirmation, seemingly disgruntled by the power the Guardian's were using.

"Why were these beings even created? They are so dark and evil-"

Mina glared at him, Lent immediately shutting up.

"The Goddess, Dyna, made them up to promote magical power. Vex, another God, as well as a disgusting bastard, corrupted them by shattering their cores. Every last Guardian was a monster she trusted to govern the elements, yet Vex made them dark and evil. I was almost his seventh, but I was saved by my friends."

"And this Vex?"

"Dead. We were able to get rid of him, but even he had trouble with his creations. Two of which aren't even Guardians."

Lent seemed shocked.

"Which two elements were safe? Fire and Wind were definitely-"

"Dark and Light. Those two gave me their power, vanishing before my eyes. They're gone, but they believe in me. The other elements are corrupt, but the last two will remain a mystery for some time."

Lent seemed to melt in his seat.

"This is all so... convoluted and confusing. I'm impressed by those that remember all of these details."

"It does sound like a fantasy, but this is real. Once I defeat Wrath, I'll free you. You'll be able to live in Fennis without trouble, though I'll be dealing the rest throughout the next few... weeks? Months? Oh boy..."

Mina leaned against Suriza and Chisana, their cute faces making her relax a little.

"We have a lot of work to do."


Thank you,

JScott, croix and Tech!