The Power They Hold

"Huh? Everyone came to see us? Weree they that worried?"

Asahi tilted her head, completely unaware of the pressure they were giving off. Beside her, Suriza was practically stumbling as she saw all of the weapons drawn.

"H-hey! Asahi, they look scary!"

While she began to tremble, Chisana stepped forward, her blind eyes finding the fastest path to stand directly before Mina. Chisana looked down, pulling her hair from her face to show a small gem in her eye.

"Chisana... what the fuck?!"

Mina turned pink as her eyes were drawn to Chisana's body. She had grown a full head taller than Mina, while her body became so developed that her assets began to spill out slightly. The confused look on her face betrayed the innocent heart she still held, however.


"Dammit. Get your ass inside!"

Mina quickly grabbed Chisana by the hand, her body becoming slightly charged as they touched. Attempting to ignore it, Mina led Chisana back into the building and brought her to an open room.

"You're going to make huge problems if you're just emanating... all of that!"

Mina grabbed a coat, setting it over Chisana's shoulders. Chisana tilted her head, still unsure of what she did wrong.

"Mina, am I bad now? Did I mess up?"

Getting a soft pat on the head, Chisana looked up with tear filled eyes.

"You're not bad. Your evolution... good lord. Chisana, your body is umm... exceptionally lewd now. You used to be a tiny bat, then a pretty girl. Right now, it's really hard to look at you without getting heated."

Chisana looked down, her nimble fingers slowly tracing over her body.

"I... I can't see anything without reading the magic I give off. Even then, it's shapes and magic power. This body, I can feel... oh. Oh my. C-can I... compare?"

Mina blinked rapidly, then went to the door before shutting it. As she went back to Chisana, she allowed her dress to fall from her body.

"My clothes hide my curves, yours don't. All I ask, watch how you touch me. Your skin has a strange effect on me."

Mina felt her breathing catch as Chisana's hands reach forward, lightly touching her bare skin. As her fingers slowly felt every facet of Mina's torso, her face became redder and redder until her hands found Mina's breasts.


"Not massive or anything, yeah. Pretty average from where I'm from, but still. These are unfair."

Mina grabbed onto Chisana's newest assets, the succubus suddenly moaning rather loudly. Her hands flew up to her lips, her breathing quickening as Mina hadn't released her.

"Well, that was a noise."

Mina couldn't resist as her fingers kneaded into the fluffiness. Chisana could only hold her hand over her mouth as she began to pant and moan. Her legs began to tremble as she let her lips become uncovered. Chisana leaned forward, her arms wrapping around Mina's shoulders.


Mina released, though Chisana's lewd expression made her heat up.

"Mina, m-more! Don't stop."


"So that's why you were all down there so long?"

Asahi nodded as Melody and Inferna stood over her. She looked up, a gem gleaming softly on her forehead. Her eyes were watery as she cowered.

"You're trembling. Why are you so scared?"

"It's her! That power she got, it's almost like it isn't hers anymore! Chi, she's scary!"

Inferna scratched her neck, her face showing her displeasure.

"You've all grown, so it makes sense that some incredible power might be unlocked. So long as she's on our side, we have nothing to worry about. She's wholly devoted to Mina, either way."

Suriza was looking off in the direction of the building Mina had dragged Chisana off to. Her eyes were gleaming, but her face turned scarlet.

"Th-they are... uhh..."

Hiding in her hands, Suriza's legs clenched tightly together. Rin and Mai were off to the side, a strange tension between them, but they avoided the building.

"Hmm. Mina really couldn't resist her for long. I'll be back, tell Mina I'm disappointed in her when she's done."

Inferna descended into the dungeon, quickly vanishing from sight. Asahi and Suriza had worried looks cross their faces, but Fubuki gave them a soft smile before following after Inferna.

"Master really needs to work things out. All of these girls, so little time. Even Hysteria needs to talk things out with her own girls. Fufufu. This is entertaining, though I may be jealous myself."


"Chisana, your new power. Can you tell me what happened when you evolved?"

"I fought a Demon God. It seemed really mad that I was a succubus, so it tried to kill me."

Mina nodded, though her face still puzzled.

"It was just a shadow, so I was able to fight it off and absorb it. I just didn't want to be separated from you!"

Mina sighed, hugging the nude succubus close to her body.

"You don't need to try that hard."

"I do. It's the only way I can fight beside you, to protect you when you need it as well. I'll be by your side until we part from this world."

Her bright and innocent smile left Mina speechless, though her own smile crept across her face as she leaned up for another kiss.

"They'll be mad at us out there."

"Really? Well I did get a major jump forward in our relationship. Hehe."

Her tiny snicker brought out Mina's own laughter as they decided to get dressed before going back outdoors. Chisana kept the coat, hiding her overly exposed body from prying eyes.

"Ah. Master. Inferna is downright pissed off. I think she feels betrayed. I wouldn't doubt Fubuki feels the same, though she was the first to get her crystal."

Mina's eyes widened as she looked towards Suriza and Asahi. The harpy held a crystal on her forehead, while the lamia had a crystal gleaming on her shoulder.

"Your cores. I was so preoccupied with Chisana, I completely overlooked the two of you!"

Mina stepped closer, though she was pulled back by Rin and Mai. They spoke in unison.

"We need to speak with Hysteria. Now."


Thank you,
