13|Dimwitted?The boss.

Eris sat calmly listening to the presentation that the company's account manager was giving. He would frown at times without the others noticing.

The account manager who seems to catch up on his frown shivered nervously and quickly ended his presentation.

"Meeting adjourned"

Eris' coldly said and the managers scrambled away not caring to cast a glance at their boss.

As soon as they were gone, Taylor left his former position and walked towards his best friend. He pulled the closest chair to Eris out and sat down.

"You kept on narrowing your gaze at the account manager today. He poor man nearly froze over". Taylor voiced.

Eris raised his head and looked at his friend with arced brow.

"You noticed something too? Tell me" He demanded and Taylor cleared his throat.

"Why are you so quick-witted?" Taylor groaned. He had only wanted to pick out the account manager's scheme using words from Eris. Who knew it would backlash on him.

"Because I am the boss and you are not" Eris deadpanned.

'I know right..' Taylor said inwardly.

"So... What did you notice?" Eris questioned taping his fingers on the surface of the table.

"Well... I just thought the entries in the account presentation were forged. I know we haven't studied the papers Audrey sent but I skimmed through it last night. Some figures are different" Taylor explained seriously.

"You are not dimwitted after all" Eris said and Taylor threw him a deadly look.

"Audrey is a good spy..." Eris began.

Audrey is a young beautiful lady who had always accompany Taylor and Eris since their years in college.

Luckily, she was one of the few people Eris cared about. She was also pleased to follow Eris and work for him.

Before coming to West Side City, Eris tried to know about the company he was going to head.

He found some loopholes in the running of the company and thought they were no mistakes but intensional act to pull down the company.

Eris brought Audrey with him as a spy to report to him every in and outs of the company. She naturally became a technician who followed up with the company's CCTV footage.

She would hack into the accounts of all staff in the company to gather informations. The day before the meeting, while snooping into the account of the account manager, she found a recent file transfer.

She traced the transfer to the account of the company's auditing department head. The file was titled 'Real Stuff'. Out of curiosity, she opened the file and found out that it contained the record of accounts in the company.

Thinking it would be useful for Eris, she printed the reports and handed it over to Taylor. Fortunately, the records were going to expose the deeds of the account manager and the head of the auditing department.

"Sure, she is very good" Taylor acknowledged nodding his head.

"What do you think we should do about those two?" Eris asked.

"I guess we should leave them for now. There are still bigger chances for them to fall in our trap" Taylor suggested.

Eris placed his palm on his forehead and gave the idea a thought.

"I agree with you" he said finally.

Eris stood up and walked out of the meeting room with Taylor behind him. He returned to his office to finish his hefty workload.

He picked his phone that he forgot in the office before attending the meeting. The phone beeped and notifications began to pop up. Most notifications were mails and Formal messages from people in the business world.

But one was different. '30 missed calls' . Eris frowned and opened the notification, it happened to be calls from Amelia. His frown deepened, temperature dropped and Taylor shivered.

Taylor tiptoed behind him and peeked over Eris shoulder. He was curious to know what made the cold man suddenly change the atmosphere of the room to that of Antarctica.


Seeing the missed calls, he nodded understandably.

"Ain't you going to talk to her?" Taylor asked and stood before his friend.

"About what?" Eris questioned. He honestly looked like he did not understand what his friend meant by 'talk to her'.

'Stupid, dimwit... goodness! This low EQ is outrageous!' Taylor thought. He looked at his boss in contempt.

"What do I have to discuss with her?" Eris' voice brought Taylor back to the present.

"You should discuss your broken heart with her obviously" Taylor answered.

"Broken heart? What do you mean by that?" Eris raised a confused brow. The subject of the matter was definitely not his domain.

'This boss is an idiot when it comes to the matter of the heart' Taylor mumbled underneath his breath. He did not dare to voice out his opinion.

"She broke your heart after all after cheating —" Taylor started explaining but Eris cut him off.

"How was that possible, she never had my heart in the first place" Eris expressed with a frown. He did not like the idea of Taylor thinking anyone owned his heart. He belong to himself.

Taylor groaned inwardly. He suddenly felt like banging his friends head on a hard rock. He should have known better that his narcissist friend had his own belief.

"Suit yourself" Taylor could only say.

All of a sudden, the office door was pushed open. A middle aged woman walked in. She was pretty and had an air of superiority around her.

Although she wore a not too flashy dress, it was obviously branded and beautiful. She was from the high class circle of the society. But who could she be and what sort of authority does she have to be able to barge into Eris office. Was she courting death?.

"Madam" Taylor hurriedly said as he scramble to his feet. Eris remained seated and only spared the woman a glance. No one could tell what was going on in his head.

"How are you, my dear" She acknowledged Taylor with a bright smile before turning to Eris. Seeing his uncared attitude to her, she frowned.

"I have been very well. I will just excuse you two" Taylor said. He gave a small bow and left the office.

"Is this how you behave to your mother you have not seen in a year?" She asked. She sat on chair even though Eris was not welcoming to her.

"Why are you here?" Eris finally spoke. He looked at him mother. His expression toned down. Although he was not smiling at her, it was easy to know that this was the hard man's way of showing care. He didn't emit his usual cold aura.

"Should I have a reason to see my own son?" She yelled although she was not angry. She could not be angry at her only son after all.

"Mrs Rockefeller, you cannot be seen wandering around the office all in the name of visiting a son. I am busy" Eris said calmly. He was not trying to tell his mother off.

"It is mum to you. Stop that silly formalities of yours!" She snapped.

She loved her son so much and could bare him drifting too far into the business world. She feared he would not have her time anymore. She really wanted to hold on to the adorable Eris she singlehandedly took care of much longer.

"Tell me, why exactly are you here?" Eris asked much calmly. He understood his mother.

"I heard you broke up with a girl. Was she not good enough? You know son, you are not growing any younger and very soon, you will need a heir just like your father".

Eris raised a brow as he stared at his mother.

"A heir...? I am only 23" He uttered in confusion.

'If only you know.....'

"You should know how it works in the business world. Postponing these things are not good enough" She advised.

"I have my way of doing things—" Eris said and just then, his phone rang. Seeing it was a call from Amelia, he ended it immediately.

"It is that girl isn't it?" She questioned.


Seeing that he was not going to give her an answer, she continued.

"You see how persistent she is, you need to hold on to her"

"You do not even know her" Eris argued.

"Eris, give your mother a little more attention, I know what is best for you" she pestered softly.

"How much more attention do you need, I give you everything you want" Eris responded.

"You think material things is all that satisfy anyone? Can you just be a little bit more attentive. I have good plans for you" She urged.

'Plans' Eris thought.

"Okay, I will give it a thought. You can leave now. I will find time to see you later" Eris said in a calm voice.

"Thank you, my dear son" She whispered and Eris nodded.

She stood up and walked out of the office. Reaching the ground floor of the office, she walked towards her car and the chauffeur quickly opened the door.

Just as she was about to enter the car, she paused and raised her head to look up.

"I am trying my best to give him a good life...." She said vaguely to no one in particular.

"Yes you are, madam" The chauffeur voiced and she nodded. She entered the car and pulled out her phone from her branded purse. She dialed a number.

"Send me the detailed information about the lady with Eris before" she said as soon as the call was picked and ended the call immediately. No one could tell what she was up to.