Ep. 4 The Test

September 8th, 2023

   'Like what I was saying, my father agreed to one night. I was grateful he reconsidered his judgment, but Freedom was still very uncomfortable. Who could blame him? This is a house full of Hunters. If I must add, protective Hunters.

   I had decided to keep Freedom in my room for the night, so he wouldn't have to meet any more of my family yet. Knowing how my father is, he sadly had to sleep on the floor. Freedom didn't seem to mind though. Maybe it's part of guard training or something.'

   Nature put her notebook down and leaned over the side of her bed. Freedom was still sound asleep, curled into a ball. He seemed in peace, so she decided not to wake him. For once, she was up early.


   What will she do now? That 'one night' is over! She cannot let him go back into the Human's territory because he is not suppose to be there. What to do? What to do? Maybe Freedom should try to gain her father's trust....

   'Yes,' Nature thought, 'that might work.'

   Carefully and silently, she stepped over Freedom to her bedroom door. Then, she quietly opened and shut it. Acknowledging the house was still asleep, she still kept quiet on her way to her parents' room.

   Meanwhile with Freedom, he had been having a good sleep. However, a nightmare began to form. He got them every once in a while, reminding him his father wasn't coming back. The dream was taking him to a familiar memory. One where everything use to be okay.

   Everything use to be okay.

August 12th, 2012

   "Ha ha! The treehouse is almost complete!" Karlos exclaimed from the deck of the treehouse.

   "Karlos, be careful! It's not fully sturdy yet!" Jack called up with a hammer in his right hand.

   Freedom watched his brothers as they finished the touches to the treehouse they decided to build. He drew his attention away for a moment to look at Alaina playing with her favorite dolls. She called them Essie and Mary.

   At that moment, their mother stood in the doorway. The back yard was big, but she could clearly see her children. Mrs. Wishes smiled.

   "Children, your father is home!" She informed them.

   It immediately got their attentions, and they scrambled over to the house. The five of them all went inside together. They found Justice in the living room, hanging up his helmet.

   "Dad! Dad! Dad!" Karlos and Jack started together. The four young children hugged their father tightly. "We finished the treehouse!"

   "Oh, that's wonderful! I hope it holds right," he joked, hugging them back. Freedom could tell his father was stressed and tired about something though.

   The children giggled and rushed back outside. But Freedom stayed in, wanting to know what was on his father's mind. Mrs. Wishes kissed her husband and left to go make dinner.

   "Father, are you okay?" He asked. Justice noticed his youngest boy then.

   "Oh, Freedom, I thought you went back out. Why wouldn't I be okay?"

   "You look tired."

   Justice frowned. For a five year old, Freedom was smart. Justice sometimes believed he got it from his mother.

   "Well," he began. He sat down on the couch and put Freedom on his lap. "The Guardians visited today."

   "Were they nice?"


   "Then, what happened?"

   Justice looked out the window. He wondered if the fellow Guardians were watching him. He figured they would be too busy watching Nature though.

   "You will know someday. Just know that it doesn't concern you right now."

   "I wasn't asking for me. I want to know about you!"

   "My little soldier, do not worry about me. My job has some good days and some ruff. That's okay though. It's the way of life."

   Freedom still was not satisfied. Justice sensed this and put him down.

   "Why don't we go see how your brothers are doing? Maybe they'll left you tie in a few extra details."

   Freedom smiled, "Okay, father."

September 8th, 2023

   Freedom woke up in tears. His father was gone with the wind yet again. Every night, a dream had to haunt him of his father's presence.

   His father's touch.

   His father's smell.

   He missed every little detail.

   After a moment or two, he realized he was not in his bedroom. He was in Nature's. A blush fell upon his face. For what reason? Well, he's in a girl's room for starters. Wait until the guards in Settle Sun hears this....


   Freedom noticed Nature was not in the room. So maybe that's why he felt cold, a presence similar to his father's was gone.

   The door opened with Nature standing there. Her hair was messy. Freedom wondered if it was regularly that curly and she had not brushed it yet.

   "Morning, sleepy head. I was wondering when you were going to wake up."

   "How long did I keep you waiting?"

   "Bout an hour," she shrugged. She closed the door behind her and sat crisscrossed in front him. "I was teasing. It was no trouble."

   "Oh, okay."

   "Are you okay? You look like you were crying."

   "Yeah, I'm good."

   "You sure?"


   "Hm, okay. Well, anyway, I made breakfast!" She joyfully said, revealing a muffin to him.

   "Ah, geez, I can't accept that."

   "Why not?"

   "You're nice enough to let me stay, but your muffins too? Be careful! I don't want to get use to this so I won't go home!" He laughed.

   She giggled, "Please, it's fine! You might as well get use to it."

   "Your dad said one night," Freedom stopped.

   "I talked to him. He agreed to make a decision about if he trusts you by the end of the day. If he likes you, you can stay."

   He gulped. "Way to make me nervous, Nature."

   "Sorry, but I had to try something! Now, eat up. I want to show you around."

   Freedom did as he was told. As soon as he was done, they went out to the living room. It was quiet until Foxy walked out of the kitchen.

"Holy smokes, you're up early for once, sis," he smiled. Nature shrugged as a reply.

Suddenly, the front door slammed open with an angry Emos walking in. Grey, Ignite, Ember, Fit, Boxy, and Skate followed him.

"Why did it have to rain TODAY? It didn't rain yesterday!" Emos yelled.

"We don't control the weather! Chill, bro!" Grey sighed.

"The Humans do," Boxy replied.

"What did they do? Move them over this way?" Emos continued his attitude.

"Actually, no. My friend, Dasher, told me they get rid of clouds, not move them," Nature answered.

"How do you get rid of a cloud?" Foxy scoffed.

"What is Emos mad about?" Nature ignored her brother's remark.

"We have to reschedule the ceremony since it started raining," Ignite answered.

"Okay, well, take a breather. The ceremony isn't until tonight. It could stop raining and dry up by then."

Emos sighed. "Okay. Sometimes I feel like we have a curse."

   "Don't be silly. There's no such thing," Foxy said.

   "That's what you think!" Skate debated.

   "Yes, Skate. We know you believe in magic."

They each left to go do their own thing. Some went upstairs, others to the kitchen. Nature and Freedom were left alone.

"Gee, did they even see me?" Freedom asked.

"I'm sure they did, but they're probably more worried about the ceremony."


"Yeah, it's for welcoming the new season. Ceremonies are a big thing around here. Everyone gets together and such."

"Huh, interesting."

"Come on, I still want to show you around!"

She brought him into the kitchen. Nobody was in there but Ignite. She was in the process of making a backup plan in case the rain did not stop in time.

"Hi, Ignite," Nature greeted.

"Hello, Nature. Do you need something?"

"No, I just wanted to introduce you to my friend, Freedom."

Ignite put her pen down to look up. "Oh, hello. I'm Ignite."

"Uh, Freedom...," he shyly nodded.

Then, Nature brought him outside to the back porch. Skate and Ember were there. Skate was trying to make a fire at the moment. Meanwhile, Ember was watching the rain. They first approached Skate.

   "Morning, Skate," Nature began.

   "Good morning, Nature. I meant to ask before; who's your friend?"

   "This is Freedom."

   "I see."

   "Can you?" Freedom asked without thinking, looking at Skate's black void eyes.

   Skate smiled. "Of course I can." He went silent for a moment. "I sense something about you. Why is he here, Nature?"

   "It's a long story. It has to do with my brother...," Freedom answered for her.

   "Oh? Siblings. Such harsh things at times. But do tell me, aren't you going to question what I sensed?"

   "Would...would you like me to?"

   "My boy, you certainly lack some confidence for a guard."

   "How did you know I was-?"

   "Rose was speaking of it last night."

   "Mom," Nature growled to herself.

   Skate chuckled. "As I was saying, I can feel what drew you two to meet. Strange, isn't it? The Universe has a way of making things work."

   "I don't understand," Freedom shook his head.

   "I know, but you will in time."

   Something about those words seemed familiar to Freedom. It was something his father would have said. Skate noticed the change of face on Freedom.

   "You are missing a piece of you."


   "I can tell you lost part of you a long time ago. A part like Ember lost," Skate continued, turning in Ember's direction. "Accept she lost herself on the way. Her missing puzzle piece was burned away instead of just missing. We fear she will never recover."

   "What happened?"

   "...Perhaps it would be better if Nature told you away from here. Ember doesn't like to hear it."

   Nature nodded and lead Freedom back into the house. They returned to her room. She patted a spot on her bed, inviting him to join her.

   "There are reasons the Hunters are not fond of Humans. It started centuries ago. The Hunters were here long before Humans and long before Queen Sun. The reason they stayed within these trees was because they stayed hidden from Humans," Nature began.


   "The Hunters have an outcast enemy called Dr. Stitches. Dr. Stitches is over five hundred years old, so he's seen quite a bit. Just to give you a perspective, Hunters live for many many years. Before I came along, something bad happened to Ember."

   "What was it?"

   "The territory was attacked by a group of Humans. My family tried to protect it, but those Humans captured Ember's husband. They burned him on a stake since they believed the Hunters were demons. My family was able to get rid of those Humans, but they made an oath to be weary of any other Humans."

   "She's been like that since?"

   "Yup. She hardly speaks, but when she does, it has no emotion. I wish Humans and Hunters would get along. Maybe then she could get some therapy help, you know?"


   Freedom felt bad. He didn't know how cruel Humans were to Hunters, and he didn't like it. A sudden determination wanted him to prove to Nature's family that not all Humans were bad.

   "Anyway, do you need to shower or anything?" Nature asked.

   "Couldn't hurt," Freedom replied. "I wouldn't want to smell bad in front of your family."

   "Stop," she playfully punched him on the shoulder.

   An hour later, Freedom had gotten his morning routine done, so now it was Nature's turn. She also got a shower, changed, and other necessities. Before she left the bathroom though, her mind was bullying her.

   It gave warnings of 'Don't let him get too close.' Why would she be having these thoughts? Because deep down, though she tried to ignore the facts, she knew she had...secrets. No, not the "scribe for Queen Sun" secrets. Personal secrets.

   Secrets that could get her into serious trouble. No, she didn't talk to Villains. No, she wasn't planning against the land. No, it had nothing to do with the Guardians. There was something else. Something she knew since before she was adopted by the Hunters.

   In fact, it was something she remembered from before she was even born. How is that possible to remember something while still being in the womb? With Nature, anything is possible.

   She stared at herself in the mirror. One thing no one would ever be able to guess is how depressed she is. Nature didn't understand herself. She had a loving family, nice education, a good job, had tons of followers, and she made good money. So what was the issue?

   Was she happy or not?

   Maybe the answer was more mental. Nature may be a people pleaser and a extrovert, but most of it is just a show. She wore a mask. A mask that said, 'I'm happy!'

   But it wasn't true.

   She longed for someone she could spill the tea to. That's why she loves her notebook. It was like her own personal best friend. However, it also meant she had to protect the notebook. It was for her eyes only.

   Out of all the people in Equality, there was no one she could talk to. Her life was constantly 'smile and wave'. Nature wondered if she would crack someday.


   The thought made her smile. If only they knew the thoughts that runs through her mind. There was always a lingering idea to harm herself, but even if she tried, she knew the Hunters would stop her.

   A tear rolled down her cheek. She thought they were too nice to her. She thought she didn't deserve them. She thought maybe they should have left her to rot when they had the chance.

   But still, she loved them. She loved them too much to see them hurt by her. Her thoughts were poison, but she could bare it. She could continue out to the living room and to her room to Freedom with a fake smile. She could carry on like the conversation with herself never happened, and she did just that.

   "Hey, how's the book?" She asked as she shut the door behind her. She had given Freedom a book to read called "Interview with the Vampire."

   "This is so interesting! I've never read a book that demonstrates the process of becoming a vampire so well!"

   "What do you think of the vampire, Lestate?"

   "I don't like him. He's mean."

   "I know, right?"

He set the book aside. "So do you have a plan to convince your dad of my trust?"

"Nope!" She exclaimed. "It's all up to you!"

"Way to throw me under the bus," he saddened.

"Do you want to continue to meet my family?"

"Sure. Why not?"

They got up and left her room. Speedy and Foxy were playing a video game in the living room. They seemed invested in a boss battle. Rose was watching them in disgust.

"My dad's name is Speedy, my brother is Foxy, and my mom is Rose."

"How did two wolves have a fox?"

"They didn't. Foxy is a wolf."

"Why is his name different then?"

"Huh, I never asked. You should ask some time, yeah?"

There was a loud bang from a gun upstairs. Speedy and Foxy both lost the game at that moment. They groaned in defeat.

"Dang! Why'd you kill me, Foxy?" Speedy started.

"I did? I could have sworn it was a zombie!"

"Are you two knuckleheads going to ignore the gun shot?" Rose crossed her arms.

   There were a few thuds next.

   "Fit must be home," Foxy said.

   Then, more gun shots followed. "And that would be Emos," Rose shook her head.

   Speedy walked to the banister and called up, "What's goin' on up there?"


Speedy turned to his wife. "I'm going to go stop them." Rose nodded.

   A moment later, Fit thumped down the stairs, Grey trailing behind. Speedy had to drag Emos down the stairs. Emos fought his brother's grasp, but it wasn't getting him far.

   "Stop it! You need to calm down!" Speedy ordered, dropping him to the floor. "Who decided to make Emos tick?"

Fit and Grey both proceeded to point at each other. "I would take that as a planned effort," Foxy said, unplugging the controllers to the Xbox.

"Grey started the whole thing with annoying Emos about tonight!" Fit shook his head.

"I'm not the one who decided to touch his guns!"

"You told me to!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Awe, shut your traps, boys! You're acting like children!" Rose scolded them. "Don't you have anything better to do? Leave Emos alone to mourn!"

Sadly, the Hunter family began to argue. Nature shook her head and pushed Freedom towards the door. She thought it would be best to escape this one.

Once outside, she sighed. Freedom, like usual for this new experience, had questions.

"What is Emos mourning over?" He asked first. Nature looked up at him in surprise.

Was she offended? No, no. She had just been hoping he did not catch that part.

"Uh, well...I'm not suppose to talk about it."

"Why not?"

"Look, I'll tell you later. Now isn't a good time."

"...Okay. Say, why are we out here?"

"I needed air," she said sadly.

Freedom remained quiet. There was something he was picking up on, but he was not sure what it was. Maybe he thought he saw a...change of character, perhaps?

'Since when can she not handle things like this?' He thought.

A few silent minutes later, they went back in. The commotion had died thankfully, and they were all gone. Nature wanted to continue introductions, so they went upstairs next.

The upstairs part was only a hallway. It had seven doors and white walls. That was it.

Nature walked up to a door and knocked lightly on it. It opened slowly, but continued quickly when the figure of Nature could be seen. For some reason, Nature brought them to Emos' room. Truth was, Nature thought Emos was cool and wanted Freedom to share a common feeling.

"Heya! I didn't get to officially introduce you to my friend, Freedom!" She smiled.

"Hi," Emos said openly.

Freedom looked from Nature to Emos. "Is that it? No uncomfortable voice or hesitation?"

"Is that what you were expecting?"

"That's what I've got," he shrugged.

"Emos is cool," Nature proclaimed. "He's the cool savage uncle!"

"Is that so?"


"Hey, Yūgen, I've got a mission for you. Up for a challenge?" Emos asked Nature.


He handed her a card. "Go buy the most expensive thing you can think of."


"Because I said so."

"Hm, but what about you, Freedom? You're not suppose to be in Equality."

"He can stay here. We don't bite," Emos clumped his teeth together at 'bite'. Freedom knew it was a joke but intimidation still existed.

"I suppose that could work...," she began. "Oh, but I still have to go work too. Do you mind the extra hours?"

"The more the merrier!" Freedom said uneasily, trying to reassure Nature.

"Okay. Don't let them push you around. Right, Emos?" She elbowed him.


"Kay, I should get going then. See you in ten hours!"

"Byee," he said, unsure if this was a good idea.

Then, she was gone.

It was just Freedom and a bunch of Hunters.

"Wanna know what Yūgen means?" Emos tapped Freedom on the shoulder.

"Uhh, sure?"

"It means 'an awareness of the Universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words.' I nicknamed her that awhile ago after realizing she understands much more than we do."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"If she trusts you, then I do too," he said, becoming more serious. "But don't think for one second we're not watching or listening. The walls have ears. Remember that."

Then, Emos shut his door, leaving Freedom alone.


It surprised him he didn't feel empty or anything along those lines. Yes, Nature left, but it seemed to him her presence was everywhere. It almost bothered him because he knew, especially now, he shouldn't be thinking of Nature so much.

However, the main concern was what will he do now? Ten hours of questions, ten hours of observation, ten hours of waiting. Ten hours suddenly felt like ten years instead.

He supposed he should at least act like he knows what he's doing. Therefore, he went downstairs to explore a bit.

Before, he knew the living room goes to the kitchen, and the kitchen goes to the back porch. He had noticed another area though off from the kitchen. When he got there, he discovered it was a dining room.

Speedy was playing a melody on a piano similar to a song in "The Twilight Sega: Breaking Dawn 2" called "Plus Que Ma Prope Vie". It was written by Carter Burwell and is often referred to as "Renesmee's Lullaby". Freedom could feel the power in the song. It almost shook him, for it was so beautiful yet eerie. He was in a trance, so when the song ended, he had not took notice.

Once he snapped out of it, Speedy looked at him once and then was gone. Freedom blinked. He wondered if Nature could play piano too since she was inclined to many skills. He also wondered where Speedy learned to play. Piano was not an easy instrument to learn. He knew this because he had once tried.

The piano was one thing that Freedom had tried to use as a coping mechanism when his father was gone. The melodies from it was one of the last things that he could find pleasure in. It definitely held a special place in his heart.

Freedom had been so wrapped up in these thoughts, he hadn't even noticed Rose approach from behind. She said nothing at first. Rose had a good feeling about Freedom, but still, there was always that warning feeling. A reminder to be careful.

"Do you play?" She finally let out.

"Huh?" Freedom said slowly, turning around. "Oh, I didn't hear you come in.... No, I don't, but I wish I could."

So far, there were two people in the house Freedom felt more loose around. Rose and Skate. Other than them, it would take some time.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, hm, how do I explain this? It soothes me I guess."

"Yes, I can see that. He would never admit it, but my husband was in his own little world and jumped when he noticed you. He said you were just standing here."

"Oh, I didn't mean to-!"

"I know," she nodded. No, she couldn't help herself. She knew there was something similar about him like Nature. Therefore, her mother instinct kicked in. "You are avoiding something?"

Freedom did not know what to say. Should he say anything about his father? "Maybe," he sighed. She came closer. To her surprise, he did not retreat.

"Would you like to talk about it?" She asked gently.

"...I don't know," he looked away. Rose was puzzled. She could see her presence wasn't the issue, so what was it? "My father did like piano."


"He...isn't here anymore."

Someone may ask what exactly he meant. Was it divorce? No, Rose knew it. She knew it too well, and she wasn't going to question farther.

"I know what it's like to loose someone you care about."

"You do?"

"More than you know."

"Huh, I guess it's true that everyone who crosses our paths are for a reason," Freedom said.

"Do you want me to show you how to play?"

"If...if it wouldn't be any trouble."

"Of course," Rose insisted, motioning her hand to the piano.

Freedom sat on the seat, and Rose stood behind him, ready to show him the way.

"Okay, do you see how some areas have two black keys and others have three black keys?"


She lifted his right hand and placed it on the piano. "I positioned your thumb on a 'c'. A 'c' is always to the left of the first of the two black keys." She gently pushed down on his thumb. "See?"

"Yeah!" Freedom exclaimed. He felt like a child learning his ABCs again.

"The next note is 'd', then 'e', then 'f', and finally 'g'."

"Why does it stop at 'g'?"

"Well, that's how the staff works. I have your left hand on the treble chef. Go ahead and play 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'."

Freedom did so and quickly remembered the basics he had learned before. He did a bit more than what he was told.

"I just remembered the basics from a long time ago. I had tried to learn years before, so this seems familiar now."



She pulled out a sheet of music from a drawer and set it on the stand connected to the piano. The sheet music was called "Dream" by BGH Music.

   "Let's see what you've got."

   After awhile, Rose suggested they should take a break outside. Freedom's hands hurt anyway. They walked along the dirt path in the forest.

   "So, Nature said something about you being here because of your brother?" Rose started.

   "Yes, but it's kind of embarrassing."

   "Your brother hurts you. How is that embarrassing?"

   "My...family is suppose to be better than that, yet almost everyone seems to be afraid of us.  My brother has high standards for me and I guess I don't always meet them."

   "No one is perfect."

   "I know. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong to deserve it. Sure, maybe I did earn the last one."

   "Last one?"

   "Well, I told Nature he was acting off. I didn't expect the detective to find something that could be related to him. So, Nature is on to him, and him hurting me only made it worse. And here I am, after she insisted her help."

   "That makes much more sense."

   "The worst part is I had to lie to my mother, so she wouldn't be suspicious why I wouldn't be home. I told her I'd be out of Equality."

   "You don't like lying?"

   "No! Especially to my mother! She's taken care of us for the past ten years on her own. I should have told her a long time ago about Jack, but I rathered he hurt me than them. Plus, it would destroy our reputation farther."

   "You're a good person, Freedom."

   "I try to be," he sighed.

   "How long have you known Nature?"

   "Depends. Friends or acknowledging each other's existence?"

   "Hm, how about both?"

   "Well, I quote on quote "meant" her in first grade. We actually have a habit of running into each other- literally. I see her most of the time at the Bakery in Hillville. We just became friends seventeen days ago."

   "Why do you know the exact day?"

   "Oh, I don't know. It just stuck," Freedom shrugged. Freedom shoved his hands in his pockets.

   The truth was, he really didn't know. If anything, it confused him. He wondered if he was possibly attracted to Nature, but he pushed it aside. Now was not the time to decide on such a thing.

   "Well, I don't know what the others think, but I don't mind having you around."

   "Thank you, Mrs. Rose."

   "Is that a guard thing?"

   "Yeah. It annoys Nature."

   We both laughed at that together. "Aha ha ha, that sounds like Nature!" Rose giggled. "If I can offer any advice to you, just be yourself. Like this."

   It was twelve o' clock, and Nature was in the process of returning home to give Freedom lunch. She wasn't sure if any of her family would warm up to him yet, so she decided to make a quick stop to him. He had to eat. She would not allow them to starve him.

   When she walked in, no one was in the living room. However, she did hear laughter coming from the kitchen. Nature stopped at the door frame to see Freedom and her mother talking up a storm.

   "That didn't take long," Nature grinned.

   "Oh, Nature! You're back already?" Freedom asked.

   "Just for a short time. I didn't know if they'd starve you sooo lunch?" She held up a salad.

   "Is this a salad from the café you like?" He teased, coming over to her.

   "Maybe," she smiled. "Okay, yeah, it is."

   Freedom chuckled. "Okay."

   She handed it to him. "Alright, I'm going to hit the road. Do you need anything?"


   "Okay, I see you have this under control. Mom, don't let anyone drown him or something, 'kay?"

   "You have my word," Rose said, cutting a carrot up with a knife on the counter.

   "See ya later," Nature told Freedom.

   "Bye," Freedom replied. And again, Nature left. 

   "I was going to make lunch for you too, but she beat me to it," Rose shrugged. 

   "Hehehe, it's fine."

   After he finished his salad, he noticed Foxy outside on the porch. Foxy had a Phoenix feather, a bottle, and a few crystals he didn't recognize.

   "What is Foxy doing?"

   "Probably one of his experiments. He's always up to something sciencey."

   "Is he older or younger than Nature?"

   "Older by a year."


   Out of curiosity, Freedom stepped outside to observe Foxy's so-called experiment. First, Foxy took the hairs off of the stem of the flower and put it in the bottle. Then, he crushed the crystals and added them to the bottle too. Next, he scooped up some ashes from the fire pit and, again, added them to the bottle. Finally, he popped a cap on and shook the bottle. When he opened it, nothing happened.

   "Shoot. Fail number 124," Foxy mumbled.

   "Hi," Freedom hopped in front of him. Foxy jumped but ceased. "Whatcha doing?"

   Foxy stayed silent for a moment. He had acknowledged Freedom was acting just fine around his mother and he trusted Nature's judgment, but his father still warned him. Although, there was a form of respect since Foxy had picked up on Freedom's introverted side.

   "I'm making a potion."

   "I thought you didn't believe in magic?"

   "It's not magic! It's science!" Foxy blushed.

   They were both silent.

   "So...this is awkward," Freedom started.

   "Welcome to the introvert land. I accept introverts," Foxy replied, moving his black glasses as if he were in an anime. He was trying to be casual.

   "Nice to know. Where did you find a Phoenix feather? Phoenixes are rare."

   "There's a whole orchard of them through the woods here. Sucks for Nature."


   "She's allergic to them. Like stuck-in-a-bed -for-a-week allergic."


   "Yeah, trust me, you don't want to know."

   "Just out of curiosity, how can you not believe in magic? Have you seen the things Nature can do?"

   "I think she just has more of her brain unlocked than the average person."

Again, they ran out of things to say for a moment.

"So, I'm the scientist of the house, what do you do?" Foxy asked.

"I'm a guard for the queen."

"How is it?"

"Not bad I guess. I mean like, I haven't fought any wars yet so I cannot be sure."

"Do you like Nature?"

"You mean as a friend? Yeah, she's great, but she's a bit much sometimes."

"What do you mean?"

"She's as stubborn as a mule."

Foxy laughed, "I completely agree."

"Would it be too personal if I asked why your name is Foxy?"

"I suppose not. Although, to be honest, I don't know the answer."

"Oh, okay. What kind of potion are you making?"

"Well, I was attempting to make an invisibility potion. I'm actually kinda glad it didn't work though. If Nature got ahold of it, who knows what she'd do!"

"How come?"

"One thing you'll learn is she is sneaky. Very sneaky."

"I can believe that, but you make it sound like she would cause a bunch of damage."

   "She likes pranks."


Long conversations and hours of Speedy ignoring Freedom later, Nature returned home for the night. When she walked in, it was a disaster! Half of the family was arguing with the other half of the family. Guess why? Yup, Freedom. They were arguing if he could stay or not.

"WHAT-IS-HAPPENING?" Nature snapped.

They stopped immediately. Freedom had a rush of relief wash over him. He was afraid they were going to tear him in two, being between two sides.

"H-Hey, sis," Foxy said uneasily.

Nature tapped her foot on the hard wooden floor. "WELL?"

"We cAn'T dEcIdE!" Grey admitted.

"More like Speedy can't decide," Ignite sighed.

"Are you serious?" Nature asked her father in astonishment.

"I can't decide," Speedy mumbled, gritting his teeth.

"Well, you know what that means-," Nature began.

"No! I'm not sure yet!"

"You had better make a decision by nine because I don't have a plan 'B'."

"I mean like, we could put a leash on him and chain him up like a dog," Fit suggested.

Nature rubbed her temples. "ANYWAY- Emos, I finished the challenge."

"Ooo, what did you get?" He asked. Nature held a big bag up.

"The whole store's supply of Candy Ranchers!"

"What are those?"

"A hard candy."

"How did you pay for all that?" Foxy asked.

"Emos' credit card. He told me to go get something really expensive."

"Actually, it's Speedy's credit card," Emos corrected her.

"WHAT?" Nature and Speedy both yelled at the same time.

"Let me see that!" Speedy said, marching to Nature. She gave the card to him. "Emos, what the heck!"

In reply, Emos laughed like a psychopath.

"Why, oh why, would you get that much candy?" Speedy asked his daughter.

"You never know when we would need it in case we run out of food."

"Ha ha, funny. Where's the receipt?"

"...I don't have one."

"Why not?"

"The cashier was having a bad day."

"I WONDER WHY," Boxy said, looking at the bag.

"Is there at least more than one color?" Speedy hoped.

"I only got strawberry."

"Nature, I'm allergic to strawberry flavors!"

"Oh, you may starve then."

"Ohhh, Emos, I'm gonna get you for this!"

"Uh, no! Come on, everyone! We can come back to this. Dinner's waiting," Rose interfered.

   It was like those words were suppose to fix everything, but it was only the beginning. The question is how will it end?

   All of them sat down for dinner in the dining room- even Freedom. Rose had set dinner in the middle and had already filled their cups too. She even picked up on Freedom liking tea earlier.

   Freedom was frightened out of his mind. Should he ask for something? Should he leave? Should he ask for Nature's help? It was his first time being in a compacted area with ALL of them. He was lost, but he didn't want to let them know that. Therefore, he only sat there observing to find the answer.

   The Hunters do not eat like animals. They eat like Humans. Manners are highly important to them. They are more like Indians than hunters, so it didn't take long for Freedom to know. Surprisingly, everything was going swell.

   Not for long though.

   "So, how was everyone's day?" Rose asked.

   There were a few goods, okays, and nothing new. Shifting gears since a conversation started, the Hunters were watching Freedom. Nature shot glares at them, but they shrugged in response. Though as if they could communicate through their minds, looks were being shared with one another.

   "I'm glad to hear that," Rose continued.

   "Any updates, Nature?" Fit asked.

   "You want the good news or bad news first?" She replied.

   "You might as well bring a newspaper home if you're going to start telling a whole article," Foxy stated with a grin.

   "Nah, my summaries are better. Trust me. Nothing is really new or exciting. Well, except for the whole reason why Freedom's here, but I won't go that far."

   "There has to be something," Skate pleaded.

   "There was a few things I guess. There was a court hearing, but neither of the lawyers knew what they were doing. It was very boring yet ironic."

   "What else?" Ignite asked next.

   "Okay, especially good news now. There was a meeting today about Hunters getting more rights and such."

   "Really? About time," Freedom accidentally let out. The family stayed silent.

   "I know right?"

   "Who finally brought it up?"

   "Well, Queen Sun and I did," Nature saddened.

   "How did it go?"

   "Not well. I mean like, it isn't entirely terrible. The conversation is still being thought, so it's a start. Plus, Princess Guardians had a few ideas."

   "Since when is she aloud to meetings?"

   "Since she got a "promotion" for reasons you know of."


   "Yeah, I knew there would be a catch to her randomly deciding to help me. I suppose she made up for it today though."

   "So much for that alliance?"

   "Something like that. So, what do you guys think?"

   Speedy answered for them collectively, "It is a...start."

   "Nature, sometimes I think you don't enjoy your job," Foxy budded in.

   "Why is that?"

   "Have you heard your complaints?"

   "It's life," Nature shrugged. "What else can I expect? There are always ups and downs."

   "What do you do anyway?" Freedom jumped in, thinking if Foxy could do it so could he.

   "Oh, ya know. Scribe stuff. Things for the queen."

   "Like what?"

   "Like taking care of some of her paper work."

   "You're aloud to do that?"


   "But what if you make wrong decisions?"

   "Usually, I don't. If I'm not one hundred percent confident about something, I let her handle it."

   "That's great, but is it good for your mental health?" Foxy asked. Nature's expression suddenly changed from lightly gentle to an expression Freedom could not read.

   "How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine?"

   "How many times do you think it's going to take for me to believe that?"

   "You have no evidence."

   "You don't like to get up in morning, there's always something for you to complain about, you're always tired-."

   "I'm not tired."

   "Sure. Whatever you want to believe."

   "I think that's enough, Foxy," Rose intervened sternly.

   "Why? How do you guys buy her lies?" Foxy said, slightly ticked off.

   "I'm sure Nature would tell us if something was wrong. Right, Nature?" Speedy replied.

Nature did not answer.

"Right, Nature?" He repeated but with slight worried tone.

   Freedom was finding this as an odd change. What was happening? Freedom wondered if there was something wrong with her like him. If so, why would she help him instead of herself? She only got herself into more trouble.

   Still, there was no answer. She only sat there silently. Nature was almost as blank as Ember, and there was clear worry from the family members now. It wasn't often Nature would do this.

   "Silence is never a good thing," Ember suddenly began. Just as he was told, she said it with zero emotion. "From a chatterbox."

   "Okay, fine!" Nature snapped. "So maybe I let a potential threat into Equality, could have been drowned by a princess, accidentally got involved in a murder, and got myself into hot water with Freedom's brother! It's not a big deal! It's nothing I can't handle!"

Fit nearly choked on his drink. "You what?"

"I'm more concerned about the part of being drowned," Skate stated.

"Okay, who do I need to tear apart?" Emos growled.

"Nobody! I wouldn't recommend that anyway. I don't think the queen would like you dismembering her daughter!"

"Now hang on a minute here! How long ago was this?" Speedy asked.

"Let me guess, eighteen days ago," Freedom said.

"How did you know?" Nature questioned.

"Because it was the only time you and Princess Guardians were at a body of water."

"Why are we now hearing this?" Rose demanded.

"We formed an alliance."

   "That's not a good enough answer!"

   "What were you expecting to hear?"

   "Is there anything else we should know?" Foxy frowned.


   "How stupid do you think I am?"

   "I DON'T!"






   "YOU KNOW WHAT?" Nature yelled, red faced. She got up furiously and pushed her chair in. "I try EVERYTHING I can for Hunters! Yes, of COURSE I'm not asking for anyone's help! It's MY job to PROTECT you guys!"

   "What? No...no! It's not your job at all," Speedy stood, now very confused on where this came from.

   "Yes, it is! Don't you understand? If Queen Sun didn't like you guys, I would be the ONE thing preventing a war! You know that!"

   Speedy didn't know what to say next. None of them did. None of them knew where this opinion had come from.

   "Are you satisfied, Foxy?" Nature coldly asked.

"No. I only have more questions now."

"Good night!" She only said and stormed out.

"But you didn't finish-," Rose began.

"I lost my appetite!" She said from the living room. Then, her bedroom door slammed closed.

Freedom shrunk down into the chair. He had a headache. Nature was suppose to be cool tempered and stubborn. He was just as confused as her family.

After dinner was over, Rose pushed everyone out, but Freedom insisted on helping clean up. Anything to take his mind off Nature. Besides, Rose looked like she was about to flip a table or something.

The last thing they did was dishes, which Freedom did not mind. Rose had calmed down, but she constantly glanced out into the living room, hoping Nature would come back out. She looked to be on the brink of breaking down. Speedy stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room with his arms crossed.

"Hey, are you okay?" Freedom finally asked.

"Do you know...where that idea came from?" Rose whispered.

"I have no clue. I wish...I wish I could help you guys."

"Hehe, I'm afraid sometimes there is no hope for that girl."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm glad she's chose to finally make a friend, but you'll learn she is very...reserved."

"She is?"

"Very. You have no idea."

"What if I try to talk to her?" He offered as he saw Rose look towards the living room again.

"You can try, but I don't know what good it will do."

Freedom nodded and rinsed the last dish. Then, he walked past Speedy and to Nature's door. He hesitated at first but then he knocked. Nature immediately opened.

"I forgot about you," she saddened. "Come on."

Freedom listened. He needed Nature to be as calm as possible. She sat on her bed and stared at him. Rose and Speedy listened from on the other side.

"Nature, why do you think you're the one who has to take care of the Hunters?" He gently asked.

"...They're my family. They're all I have," she teared up. "I could never forgive myself if-if."

She didn't continue.

Freedom moved closer to her and hugged her. Nature's mind was screaming at her to not give in! To not let him see who she was! But she couldn't help it as the waterfall came down, for she needed this comfort. She needed it more than anything.

"Nature, you can't do this to yourself. It isn't healthy."

"But I-I...help me. I don't...know what to do."

Then, she fell asleep, still in Freedom's grasp. Freedom blushed. He wasn't expecting this, so he gently laid her down and pulled the blanket onto her.

Before he came back out, Rose and Speedy had retreated back to the kitchen. They acted casual to not draw attention. Freedom returned to Rose.

"I'm not entirely sure what she meant. It was hard to understand. Plus, she fell asleep."

"Thank you for trying, Freedom," Rose sadly smiled. Freedom nodded.

"You can stay," Speedy huffed. "But don't make me regret it."

Nature woke up in the middle of the night and saw Freedom sleeping on the floor. She realized her father must have given in. She smiled. She enjoyed Freedom's company quite a bit.

   Then, a flood hit her in the head about dinner. Once again, everything felt like it was her fault. Nature couldn't shake the feeling that maybe she deserved Foxy's anger and all the pain it gave her. She felt useless and not enough to satisfy everyone.

   No, she didn't want to go though this again. What could she do to relieve this stress? Only one idea occurred to her. If she felt like she deserved pain, then why doesn't she just do it? Maybe these thoughts will fade if she does.... But how?

   Before anyone noticed, she entered their small bathroom. She had an idea, and it wouldn't be difficult or become a problem if she didn't do it a lot. Nature has never been one to like physical pain, but sometimes you need something to numb the mental pain. Also, she have never done this before, so she might mess up. However, it wasn't going to stop her from trying.

   Out of one of the cabinets under the sink, she pulled out a razor and took the blade off of it. She tried again and again to cut herself, but the blade only kept shaving the hair on her arm. How do people accomplish this? Nature got another idea, but it was risky.

   She walked, to seem not suspicious, to the kitchen. To her advantage, no one was around. She drew out a drawer and picked a smaller kitchen knife up out of it. She gulped at the sharpness. Again, she has never done this before, yet she felt an eagerness to continue before she was caught.

   On the thought, she rushed back to the bathroom, praying no one saw her move that quickly with a sharp object. She shut the door carefully and locked it. She might be here awhile. She looked at the knife again, and her mind was torn between fear and wanting it so badly. She picked the spot where she had begun trying before and slit it. It stung at first, but then it eased into numbness. It felt... good.

The feeling of the numbness wasn't quite enough to stop her from curling up and crying her eyes out. She only cut herself once, and she had a sickening feeling to do it again. Shaking, she looked at the knife. She got ready to cut herself again.

Once turned into twice.

Twice turned into three.

Three turned into four.

And four turned into five.

At this point, she was dripping blood all over herself, but she didn't care. She felt... empty. Turning her head towards the mirror, she could see her pitiful figure sitting on the floor. Her eyes stood out the most to her though. They were grey.... Empty, just how she felt. She snickered at the image she saw.

   'I really am a monster. Aren't I?' She thought. 'How can I help others if I can't even help myself?'

   Eventfully, she returned to her room. But she was so out of it and so tired, she tripped over Freedom. He woke up with his leg hurting and that Nature had landed next to him. He panicked as soon as he seen all the blood on her arms.

   "Nature? Oh my gosh! Hey! Get up! Are you okay?" He freaked out. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

   "I can't feel anything," she said. A rush of adrenaline took over Freedom.

   'No, no, no! This can't be happening!' He thought. He didn't want to loose her, not like his father!

   He rushed out of the room and to the bathroom. There was blood on the floor and sink. Luckily, he had spotted bandages before. He also got a bowl and rag from the kitchen and filled it with water. He took them with him back to Nature.

   Quickly and carefully, he cleaned the wounds and bandaged them. He couldn't be sure how much blood she lost, so he desperately woke her up.

   "F-Freedom?" She said sluggishly.

   "What were you thinking?" He cried.

   She snapped awake and looked at her arm perfectly wrapped up. Then, she looked back at Freedom. Now they were both crying. Nature regretted what she did looking at Freedom's face.

   "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She sobbed, hugging him around the neck. He gratefully returned her grasp. "I'm sorry, Freedom! I-I don't know why I-I'm so sorry!"

   "It's okay. I just don't want to loose you,
