Chapter 80: The Same Coin of War

'It had hooves the size of a horse's head, with decomposing manure in between..'

Mayu's words reverberated in Seijurou's thoughts as the thunderous earth shattering footsteps of a massive beast approached from the mist.


'Fine dark brown to black fur that's sharp as needles.. a disgusting snout resembling an Ostremu's arse hole..'

The voice of the guild's hostess continued to resound in the young man's head as the abomination began to reveal its horrific silhouette.

'It snorted like a pig, only that it sounded more of a beastly roar. But more importantly.. those tusks that look like scythes.. probably even as sharp but bigger by tenfold.'

The monstrous vibrations coming from the gigantic animal became more distinct the moment the same creature appeared outside of the fog. The gargantuan boar almost hit Nana with one of its enormously sharp tusks. It approached so closely that she could smell the beast's foul breath.