Chapter 83: Emissary

"Seijurou, here.. take half of mine.."

It was the autumn of the year 2021. Chizuru and Seijurou were having their usual lunch at the roofdeck of their middle school's main building.The constant blowing of the said season's wind seemed to have bent the damaged steel reinforcements of the roof, causing a repetitive clunking sound. However, it did not prevent the hazel eyed ninth grader to hear her best friend's growling stomach.

"I know those good for nothing bullies took your bento earlier..", Chizuru lamented as she handed half of her meal to her companion. "Seriously, baka-jurou.. I take my eyes off you for a minute.. something bad happens."

Seijurou sighed in frustration right before he took a bite from his friend's packed lunch. "Thanks, Chizuru.."

A worried kind of smile formed under Chizuru's rosy cheeks as she watched Seijurou eat. "You know you can stand up for yourself against those thugs.. I don't get why you just let them have their way."