Chapter 110: Hell

It was as if something incomprehensible had put a pause to the chaos of the battlefield.

Thousands of soldiers, rebels and Shogunate forces alike, abruptly halted their skirmish upon witnessing a horrendous scene unfold. Horror, fear and dread were words not enough to aptly describe the expressions painted on their faces.

Every single one present shivered up to the point where they froze in fright as they watched countless of their fallen comrades rise out of the soft earth, grabbing what was once their own weapons while creaking and cracking their exposed bones through decomposing skin to stabilize their stances.

"This is bad..", whispered General Suzumiya as he observed the thousands of emerging undead soldiers. He raised his claymore to prepare for battle, effectively undoing his own summoning spell from earlier. "My resurrection technique pales in comparison to this.. I should resort to banishing as many 'ghouls' as I can instead."