Chapter 150: The River and the Stream

There was a certain stillness around the vicinity of a forest clearing where Seijurou settled in. As he stood motionless with his eyes closed, dead silence followed through. Not even the most gentle breeze had any chance of passing by while the young hero concentrated. 

Lurking within the deepest depths of his mind, he channeled most, if not, all of his magical energy to perform what his instructors had told him to do. It was the second and last day of individual training, and the top academic student of the first years' class had no intentions to disappoint. 

"Come forth, oh mistress of seals. Lend thy strength unto me, Lady Hearthia, guardian of the Eternal Fire…" chanted Seijurou as he opened his eyes and slammed his fist into his palm in front of him. "Art of Sealing… Flaming Binds."