Dark sparkling doe eyes

I pulled my black hood over my head and entered the class with my head low ignoring curious glances of people.

Without wandering my eye anywhere, I took my seat around the middle area right beside a friendly face.

As soon as I made myself comfortable the girl beside me extended her hand and introduced herself.

"Hi I am Kang Charlotte" she beamed at me as I took her hand.

"Hi, I'm Min Tiara, nice to meet you" I took her hand and shook it. I quickly realized like me she was a half Korean as well.

"First semester?" She asked and I nodded my head.

Soon enough we got involved in a small conversation about where we came from and about our city when the room was filled with small gasps and whispers urging me to look at the direction everyone was focusing on.

Girls and guys both were fawning over this gorgeous guy that was standing right beside the podium.

He was well built with thick raven-hair, may be around 5ft10 inch tall, roaming his eyes around the hall when his they landed on me and my heart skipped a beat.

I quickly noticed that he was wearing the same black hoodie as mine and maybe even he seemed to realize it because after spotting me, he looked down at his clothes and a smile broke on his lips.

Diverting back my attention to Charlotte, I tried to resume our conversation but even she was lost in admiring the good-looking guy before us.

Last time I saw this scale of mass acclimation was three years ago when Jimin used to make his entrance to the cafeteria of our highschool.

It used to be a sight worth seeing, girls both senior and junior squealing and fanning themselves not being able to withstand the hotness Park Jimin possessed.

"Omg, omg he heading towards us" Charlotte quickly pretended to be busy with her work when I heard a soft voice speak from behind.

"Is this seat free?" I whipped my head towards the voice when my eyes met his dark sparkling doe eyes and my breathing hitched.

With the close-up view, I could finally fully discern how strikingly handsome the guy was. His skin was like porcelain, smooth and white, a small sloppy nose with uneven lips and a pretty mole. Just the mole was more beautiful than 99% of the population.

I didn't even comprehend that I was gawking back at him until he cleared his voice and the entire crowd bust into laughter watching me close my jaw which was left open stunned by his presence.

"Can I occupy this seat?" He repeated himself but this time clearly blushing a bit

I immediately bobbed my head and shifted all of my stuff to cleared some space for him.

The back portion of the class was almost empty, also a few of the seats in the front rows but I had no clue why he had chosen to sit beside me.

Did my hoodie had a hand on it?

I migrated as far as possibly then lowered my face to hide my embarrassment.

Strangers made me nervous especially if it was a guy and seemingly perfect. Whenever I thought of perfection, a sickening feeling filled my guts making me want to throw up. I hated those words specifically when it is just a facet people bore. Perfection was a myth that a few years ago even I used to blindly believed and later had to pay a hefty price for it.

Do you have a spare pen?" the guy whispered breaking my internal monologue.

I refocused my orb towards him and gave him one of my pens then began indulging myself in the lecture disregarding the guy beside me completely even when his presence was kind of bugging my conscience.

After what it felt like an eternity the lectures finally ended and I was already drained out of energy.

I spun around to ask back my pen when I realized the guy was already surrounded therefore not wanting to disturb him and his acquaintances, I quietly slipped out of the other side and went to the subsequent lecture class accompanied by my new friend.

"I am so hungry, should we go to the cafeteria?" Charlotte suggested as we exited from the second lecture of the day.

Since hunger was knocking on my door as well I agreed and allowed her to lead the way. While I was seated with my lunch, I texted Jimin about my classes then began listening to Charlotte gushing about the guy who had sat beside me in the first class.

Supposedly, he was in 2nd semesters like Charlotte and was the heartthrob of the university known to be impenetrable. Due to his unapproachable persona, there were numerous rumors about him like, he had a secret wife, he was gay and some to the extent that he was actually a vampire waiting for his one true love.

None of them were the truth of course and the more I listened the more I pitied the guy who had become victim to people's wildest imagination and fantasy based on their own hypothesis.

"I can't believe this" Charlotte mentioned out of blue, staring at a far distance and when I followed her gaze, I noticed the same guy heading towards us again.

"Hey" he greeted both of us and we both responded with a squeak.

After hearing so much about the guy and his glorious perception, I felt overwhelmed in his presence as if he was a world star.

"I am so sorry, I was about to return back the pen but you were already gone" He exclaimed appearing slightly distressed.

"and now I lost your pen" He gave me a sorry look clearly guilty for his carelessness so I quickly waved my hand whispering it was fine.

"It's not a big deal" I ensured praying for this conversation to end as soon as possible so that I could breathe in peace.

His aura brought me unbearable suffocation. Maybe it was because the attention of the crowd that moved along with him as though he was the center of the world and knowing at this point our interactions were monitored by hundreds of eyes made me anxious.

"Can I get a cup of coffee instead?" He offered and I freaked out from inside in surprise and so did strangers around us who were concentrating on us rather than their lunch.

In the past three years, I had grown to be so dubious and distrustful to any individual besides Jimin that I would turn down any chance of forming a new bond or friendship unless it was unavoidable, however, he was adamant.

While I was hesitant to accept his request, Charlotte looked shocked as though she was seeing pigs flying in the air.

"It's okay, you don't have to" I forced out a smile and this time her look of disbelief was directed upon me.

However, the guy was more persistent than I could have imagined him to be and eventually I had to give in to his request.