Someone is jealous

Everyone passing by was whispering to each other most probably gossiping about the kiss Jungkook and I had shared publicly.

While Jungkook was walking beside me with a smug smile plastered on his face, I had my head hung downward.

"You can't just kiss people like that, whether she has a boyfriend or not it doesn't matter its simply wrong" I whispered out loud for him to listen.

"I didn't hear you complaining when you were kissing me back" with arrogance laced in his voice he teased rendering me speechless.

"Jungkook, you cant" I threw daggers at him through my eyes to which he surrendered by raising his both hands up in the air.

"Okay okay, next time I will only kiss when you want me too" people around us gasped at his booming voice and not knowing how to deal with him, I smacked his chest feeling flustered.

Following our kiss, for the whole day, he lingered around me even when it was not the class he was taking.

He would simply stare at my face leaning against the desk and some times try to sketch my features. To be honest for the entire time I was face-palming myself at his childish action.

Some students boldly came forward and asked if we were dating and the response Jungkook gave to them left my mouth ajar.

"In process" he would wink at them then turn around to grin at me showing off his bunny teeth.

I couldn't deny he was making me go all fuzzy and warm. His actions made tingles run all over my body, boosting my ego. It felt good to have the most popular guy fawning over me but love was something I never wished to forage ever again. The word no longer meant deep affection or trust but was painted with pain, blood and regrets therefore I pretended not to appreciate his gestures.

Strolling alongside, we were exiting out of our department building when I caught the sight of something that made my heart sunk a little.

Leaning against his blue car Jimin was clearly flirting with a girl who looked nothing less than a model.

Long slender legs, tiny waist and smooth skin, she was everything I thought I would grow up to be in my childhood.

Knowing his player image flirting was something Jimin was born with flowing in his blood. It came to him as an instinct hence even when he was not actually interested, the way he would interact with people would give them the impression that he was into them.

Seeing how my face morphed into disdainful, Jungkook let out a bothered sigh " Someone is jealous" he stated while I tsked at him.

Of course, I was jealous.

The relationship we had was way to intimate and personal for me to not get affected because hearing that he went on date was something, but witnessing it was completely in different level.

After all, I was a human slave to emotions like greed, pride and envy however, I was well aware that I had no right to voice my emotion out especially not after kissing another guy.

When Jimin spotted us making our way towards him, he beamed at us and waved his hand and forcing my jealousy aside I flashed a big smile making my way across to them.

"Hey", Unlike other times, he didn't give me a hug but strangely maintain a reasonable distance between us which didn't sit well with me.

"We meet again" Jimin and Jungkook greeted eachother and shook their hands throwing a friendly smile and then Jimin proceeded to introduced the gorgeous girl beside him.

"Tia, this is Rose and Rose she is my friend Tia" I have no clue why but I felt a tight virtual slap landing across my face and on top of that, Jungkook had audicity to tittered at Jimin for introducing me as his friend.

I, on the other hand, maintained my fake smile and greeted her with forced enthusiasm. If it was under different circumstances I am sure, we would be good friends but for now, I had so much of bitterness fuming within me so I gave her a simple handshake.

"She is the art department most beautiful girl" Jungkook whispered into my ears and I thanked him sarcastically.

"By the way, Me and Jimin were planning to go bowling to spent sometimes together," saying that she threw a flirty smile at him which he mirrored without any hesitation.

"Do you guys wanna join?" I could tell by her voice that she was a very sweet girl but today's was just not the right day for us to meet.

"No, Jungkook and I have a date, you enjoy with my dear friend" I emphasized the word friend throwing a forged smile at Jimin who had his eyes gone wide in shock at my statement.

"Yeah we are planning to go on a romantic dinner" Jungkook quickly played along and draped his arms over my shoulder probably doing a victory dance in his head.

"Oh Finally the golden boy got his golden girl" Rose teased and congratulated Jungkook while I instantly began to regret my actions.

Jimin was awfully quietly watching our interactions with a great intensity. He was almost gritting his teeths but prevented himself from uttering anything rude at that moment.

Jungkook and I trotted away from them and with every step I took my heart shrunk deeper into depression. I had a feeling that Jimin was getting further away from me and I would do nothing but watch in helplessness.

I opened the door to my apartment pressing my pin and invited Jungkook in. After meeting Jimin my mood was in the whole new level of foulness so I probably looked like a red balloon about to burst.

Jungkook entered the room wandering his curious eyes all over the place in awe.

"Damn this place is lite" he exclaimed going around and checking my apartment.

I wouldn't blame him for being astonished because my apartment was one of the most expensive apartment the University had to offer to its student, mostly for rich heir and heiress hence only few student could afford to live on this floor.

While he was inspecting the huge flatscreen Tv hung on the Living room I decided to speak.

"Sorry for dragging you here" I felt like a child, getting jealous and doing stupid stuff to quench it.

"No prob, I am glad I could be of some use" averting his gaze from the TV to me he flashed a toothy grin.

I pressed my lips into a thin line and checked if Jimin had sent me any text but to my dismay he hadn't. My mind was constantly drifting towards the scene with him and the gorgeous girl laughing and giggling together leading my heart to burn down in envy.

She might have great body and pretty face but I knew I wasn't any less than her. My only snag was even if I would wear 4 inch heel I wouldn't reach her eyes but when It came to visual, my features were delicate and soft that could melt anyone's heart, specially my eyes.

Afterall, I made a sociopath fall for me without my knowledge.

Unconsciously I was bitting my nails staring at my phone when Jungkook's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"You love him don't you"

"Huh" stunned by his word I looked at him to meet his eyes. They say eyes were mirror to our emotions and looking into his eyes I could tell why.

He was smiling but his eyes was in complete contrast to his lips. He was forcing so many emotions away and trying to pretend he was okay with everything.

Jungkook broke our eye-contact and roamed his obrs all over the room avoiding to meet my gaze, afraid he would give away more than he intended to give through his eyes

"I don't know, to be honest love scares me. I dont think I have guts to fall in love again" I opened up to him randomly playing with the hem of my sweater.

"feelings don't work that way, Tia. It's beyond our control and sometimes it's not even in our choice whom to fall for. It just happened. Love knocks our door in the most unexpected moment in the most unexpected form" he tried to reason with me but trust me, no one knew this better than I did and this was the same reason why I didn't want to feel such emotions again.

Just like he said, Love came in my life like a hurricane, it blew me away then thrashed me back to the ground.

Not wanting to keep up with the conversation I politely offered him a tea but he requested banana milk instead.

"Why is the bathroom locked? Do you have a dead body inside?" Jungkook joked seeing the big lock I had used to bind the doors of my bathroom.

My voice got stuck on my throat. After the dreadful experience, I was traumatized to even enter a toilet alone. I know it must sound ridiculous but only I could comprehend the hardship I was going through because of my fear.

Giving him a weak smile, I proceeded to open my bathroom. I really didn't want him to see me as some weird girl especially not after knowing my heart race around the adorable guy.

"Thank you" he expressed his gratitude and went into the room while I waited with my ears pressed againts the door to hear if he would experience something paranormal as well but to my dismay, nothing happened.