
Every single cell that I constituted of were trembling in terror having to face him. It was like interacting and trying to come into compromisation with the death itself.

"Eunwoo was trying to prove his Uncle's innocence by investigating on that Whore's death and he was about to come close so I threatened him with Jisoo's and your life and like an idiot, he killed himself without much effort,"

Putting his hand behind his head to support it against the headboard, he made himself comfortable beside me

"Typical Eunwoo " He 'tsk' rolling his eyes.

"Then you know how Jisoo started to mess around as well. Going through Eunwoo's mails and seriously for a sec I thought I would get caught but that idiot Jimin accidentally gave me a perfect idea to use Joshua." He was grinning at me. However, it wasn't the same as before.

His innocent smile had somehow deformed into menacing one as he confessed his crime without a hint of sadness or regret in his eyes.

"Just like I had guessed Joshua asked for sexual favor and damn, right there I could frame him for everything with evidence. Past criminal record, plus charges of sexual harassment by Jisoo, He was the perfect scapegoat. It would look like he first killed Eunwoo due to jealousy, blackmailed and raped Jisoo and killed her in struggle then killed himself" he was explaining himself as if he was presenting a report to me.

The side of Taehyung I was witnessing right now was completely out of my imagination. There was not even a pinch of compassion in his deep eyes which was once impeccable in my view.

"But you, my babe ruined everything by appearing there. I texted you from Jisoo's phone and asked you to return back but being a curious kitten you had to interfere. Dont you know curiosity kills the cat?"

His last words made chills run through my spine and my entire life flashed in front of me. I was regretting approaching him so much that I was praying God to give me one last chance to rectify my mistake.

Seeing the salty droplet drip down my eyelashes, Taehyung flared his nose in fury. His lips twitched as his vicious eyes bore into my feared ones.

"After everything I have done for you, you think I will kill you? I fucking gave up my kidney to save your fucking ass" In a deep voice he growled and I jumped in fright.

If he wasn't going to kill me, what was he planning to do to me?

An airplane crashed on my head when I comprehended he was planning to keep me tied up for the rest of my life.