11. Kneel before Zan

Inside the private room, the smell of the strong medicine were the first unpleasant things you would notice. The beeping of the machines were the only sounds echoing through the area. The pile of fruits being put inside the basket above the side table were close to rot.

"YangJi, please talk to me~" like a cat purring and rubbing his head on his owner's neck, Hao Xuan had been trying his best to get Jiyang's attention. The couple were sitting on the sofa inside Zan's room. The latter was lying helplessly on his hospital bed, not moving even an inch.

Jiyang stared at Zan's pale and sleeping face. He sighed deeply, ignoring the big kitten snuggling beside him.

"How could Yibo do this to Zan?" The taller clenched his fist. Pity and anger is what he feels right now.

"YangJi, YangJi, please calm down, huh?" Hao Xuan kissed Jiyang's neck as he hugged him tightly from the back .

"Zan didn't deserve this, he..." Jiyang's heart sank. Seeing Zan brutally injured just because Yibo obviously hated him, he wanted to find Yibo and punish him.

"YangJi, listen to me. I can't let you go against my cousin, please. You don't know what he is capable of doing, I'm afraid I-"

"You're afraid you can't protect me? Because you're scared of him?" Jiyang protested.

"WRONG! You know I can do even the impossible things just for your sake! What I'm trying to say is..." just when Hao Xuan started to raise his voice, Jiyang flinched. So the brat lowered his voice and tried to speak as gentle as he could and continued, "...I'm afraid that I have to fight Yibo just to protect you. I dont mind killing him but you do. I know that if I ever kill him because of you, you will never accept me anymore. And worst, you will hate me forever."

Hao Xuan cupped the Jiyang's face and pressed their foreheads together, "Please don't make me become Yibo's enemy. I'm scared that if I ever find out that he hurts you, I will kill him in one go"

Jiyang's heart throbbed. He knew that Hao Xuan is not the kind of person who will lie to him. He could make up lies to anyone except Jiyang. The taller nodded his head and kissed Hao Xuan on the cheek.

Shocked, Hao Xuan gulped the lump inside his throat as he stared a the angel's face. He tried to look calm on the outside but his heart was screaming. Shit! YangJi is being cute again!

Ashamed, Jiyang averted his eyes and bit his bottom lip. He cleared his throat and pretended to look at Zan who was sleeping like a log -not moving even a strand of his hair.

"Hey YangJi" Hao Xuan smiled mischievously. Jiyang ignored him.

"Let's kiss" The naughty guy winked.


"Come on"


With a woosh, Hao Xuan grabbed the back of Jiyang's neck and kissed him. He burried his long, slender tongue inside the angel's throat, Jiyang almost choked with the sudden attack. This guy is unbelievable! But his tongue is so good! I want more of it.

Jiyang created muffling sounds and tried to hold his voice. It would be awkward if Zan wakes up in the middle of their making out.

Hao Xuan smirked in between their kisses. He nibbled the upper lip of his prey, sliding his tongue in and out and savouring Jiyang's mouth. He pushed Jiyang down and trapped the taller's hand above his head.

"Mmm" Hao Xuan groaned and pressed his lower body in between Jiyang's legs. He could tell that Jiyang is enjoying it, too. The angel's breath abnormally sped up and his body temperature heated up.

"Xuanxuan, umh..."

"Ssshh, don't make a noise. Brother Zan will hear us. You don't like that to happen, right?" Hao Xuan smirked and bit Jiyang's exposed left collar bone.

"Uh!" Jiyang could only hold his voice and shut his eyes. It was as if he took some drugs and enjoyed the pleasure.

"Fucking pigs tsk!"

Just in the middle of their good time, Huang Yibo entered the room with a frowning face. Jiyang quickly pushed Hao Xuan's face, resulting for the bad guy to hit the other side of the sofa with his arm.

"Intruder asshole" Hao Xuan cursed and licked his swollen lips. He quickly helped Jiyang to button up his shirt and murmured, "Quick! Cover it, YangJi. Your skin is too precious, I wont let anyone see it"

Hao Xuan leaned closer to Jiyang's face and lifted the angel's chin.

"Does it hurt? It's swelling" He asked with a guilty face while staring at Jiyang's bitten upper lip. The naughty guy received a spanking on the shoulder.

"You're the worst hmp!" Jiyang frowned. They fooled around a bit some more before finally acknowledging Yibo's presence.

"Dude! What the hell are you doing here?! Are you planning to kill Zan in the end?!" Hao Xuan yelled and grabbed the box of cake on Yibo's hand. He pulled the red ribbon and opened the box. Both Jiyang and Hao Xuan drooled over the black forest chocolate cake in front of them. Black forest was Jiyang's favorite and he always asks Hao Xuan cakes with the same flavor. Later on, it became Hao Xuan's favorite too. When they were younger, whatever Jiyang likes would become Hao Xuan's favorite, too. That is to win Jiyang's favor.

"The fucking sweet is neither for the two of you" Yibo frowned. He glanced at the pale face of the sleeping guy on the white bed. Everytime he remembers that scene where Zan cried so hard in front of him and begging to take him home, Yibo's heart would race like a horse.

"How is he? Zan" He asked, eyes locked on Zan's sleeping face. Even sleeping he still looked in so much pain.

"Probably fighting inside. He didn't wake up even once after the accident" Hao xuan replied while munching the chocolate icings on his fingers. "YangJi,you want to eat this one?" He added with a smile and stuffed a chocolate kisses inside Jiyang's mouth. The latter ate the kisses and let Hao Xuan feed him.

"I said the cake is not for you!!" Yibo shouted. Jiyang stopped eating and rolled his eyes, "As if Zan would eat it when he finds out it was you who brought it"

"How should you know?! What if he likes sweets?! What if he wanted to eat the whole piece since he barely eat such kind of delicacy?! Who are you tell what he likes and what he hates?!!"

"I'm hundred percent sure he hates you" Jiyang answered bravely. Hao Xuan cheered him proudly inside his heart.

Yibo's mouth twitched, it was as if someone had sown his lips together and he could not speak any longer.

"And why are you even here? Do you think that appearing before Zan's eyes the moment he wakes up will help him recover? Are you trying to make him feel worse? Aren't you satisfied enough to see him like this? Do you really want him dead?!" Jiyang's voice grew louder with every words he speak. Hao Xuan held his hand tightly as if he is a kind of insulator to Jiyang's anger.

"He asked me to take him home with me" Yibo answered with a guilty face.

Just as Jiyang was about to talk back, Zan moved his eyelids. His breath created moist on the plastic covering his mouth and nose that was connected to his oxygen. His tired eyes trying to recognize the surroundings and the current situation he is in.

"Zan! you're finally awake!" Jiyang sounded very thankful. Zan did not reply, he just smiled at Jiyang instead. He was happy that Jiyang was the first one he saw the moment he woke up. He glanced over Hao Xuan who was also smiling at him and greeted him with a "How are you feeling, brother Zan?"

"F...fine" Zan's voice cracked. His throat had been dried for almost three days. The couple sighed and relaxed. Feeling out of place, Yibo took five steps forward and presented himself in front of Zan. The latter's face suddenly froze as if he just happened to see a ghost. Terrified, a tear escaped from his eyes. He started hyperventilating and bowed his head, unable to look at the pair of almond eyes staring at him.

"P-please spare me... I... I promise I'll be good... I'll leave the house. I'll quit school and stay away from you. Just please...please..."

Hearing this, Yibo quickly sat on the bed and held Zan's shoulders.

"Zanzan, look I'm really sorr-"

"Please don't!! I don't wanna die!!! Let me go!!!" Zan begged, tears streaming down his face. Seeing the scenario, Yibo's heart completely sank. He never pitied his victims before. He never cared for his previous bully targets before. But with Zan, he regretted everything he has done. He took a step backward and let Jiyang and Hao Xuan calmed Zan down.

"Ssshh it's okay, its okay. I'm right here. We are here for you, Zan" Jiyang whispered to Zan's ear and massaged the older's back. Hao Xuan wiped the sweat on Zan's face carefully as he kept nodding.

"That's right, Jiyang and I will be right here for you. Calm down, buddy" The naughty guy added. He too felt pity toward Zan.

Zan hugged the couple tightly as if making them his shield against the villain standing five steps away from them.

"Yibo is still here, I'm scared. Please make him disappear" Zan begged Hao Xuan.

"Alright! alright!" Hao Xuan glanced at his cousin. He mouthed him the words 'Scram for now, dude. You are not needed here. Don't make the situation worse. Enough is enough"

Seeing this, Yibo's heart filled with rage, "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Zan flinched. Yibo glared at him and the older could never looked back at those eyes filled with killing intent.

"Right at the accident, what were the things that you said to me?! You wanted me to save you! You don't want me to leave you! You said you want to go home with me?! Why are you acting different now?!" Veins popped out of Yibo's white and fine forehead. His brows formed a terrible V shape.

"I am sorry for saying things that made you feel worse. I meant all of them during that moment because I was really scared of dying." Zan trembled and clutched his chest.

"And of course I regretted saying those things to you. Asking you impossible things was really my big mistake. Allow me to apologize right now. I never hoped for you to make those things possible in the first place." Zan explained. Yibo's heart throbbed with every word coming out of Zan's mouth.

"I mean, why did I even asked for someone to save me when the person itself wished to kill me?" Zan chuckled a bit.

"Perhaps, I was just so desperate that time that I no longer cared for whoever the first person to find me. And what a bad luck, it was you." Zan bowed his head. As he lifted it up again, tears as big as rice grains fell out from his swollen eyes.

"Yibo, you are the worst person I've ever met. Worse than my parents and all those bad guys who treated me badly. But among them, your cruelty is beyond theirs."

"Please let's talk, only two of us" Yibo said with a serious tone. He glanced at the worried couple sitting on the sofa.

"Don't leave me alone with him, Yang, Xuan... Please don't" Zan's voice trembled once again. The couple didn't leave him at all.

"Dont worry we won't" Hao Xuan replied.

Without hesistation, Yibo walked towards Zan. He kneeled on the floor and held Zan's trembling hands. He kissed the back of the older's hands and his tears landed on the snowy flesh.

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me. Zanzan, please give me a chance" Yibo begged and placed his forehead on top of Zan's hands.

The three of them froze in shock. The bad boy just kneeled before Zan -disregarding the pride that he built for years.

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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