17. I wanna kiss you


"So, who will drive?" Yibo's cheerful voice echoed through the kitchen as the three of them ate their breakfast. Zan was munched his bacon that Mrs. Huang made for him. Mrs. Huang shrugged her shoulders and looked at Zan.

"I'll be taking the bus" the older replied and put on his circle radiation glasses. Yibo frowned and him, "You're riding with me!-"

"Hey honey, the glasses are cute!" Mrs. Huang interrupted.

"Thanks, Ma. I'm more comfortable when I'm wearing them" Zan replied shyly. He barely smiles, especially during Yibo's presence. He got the feeling that his smiles irritate Yibo. Zan always noticed that when he smiles, Yibo frowns. So he always tries his best not to smile in front of Yibo often, or else he is a dead meat.

"Buy him a car, Ma" Yibo demanded.

"Not necessary" Zan.

"Are you sure you don't want one, honey?" Mrs. Huang.

"Pricey and I can't afford it" Zan.

"He's going with me then" Yibo.

"Thanks" Zan. And in the end, Yibo drove the car. At the traffic light, someone was throwing a stone on Yibo's window.

"What the fuck is wrong with this guy?!" Yibo cursed at the person beside them. When he put down the windshield, Hao Xuan was grinning like a kid. Sitting beside him was Jiyang sleeping peacefully.

"So, you're the driver now?!" Hao Xuan laughed. Zan was sitting on the back passenger seat alone.

"Shut up!" Yibo cursed and tortured the horn, annoyed.

"Get out" Yibo said to Zan.


"I said get out of the car and transfer here. I don't want to be the driver of my own car. You sit beside me. How dare you" Yibo pouted. Zan bit his bottom lip and quickly transferred to the front seat. Yibo then glared at his cousin and smirked. Hao Xuan got annoyed so he kissed the sleeping angel beside him torridly.

"What the-mph! Mmm..." Jiyang protested at first because he got suddenly attacked during his sleep. But with Hao Xuan's skillful tongue, he finally submitted and wrapped his arms on the bad guy's neck.

"So aggressive early in the morning. What is wrong with you?!" Jiyang pinched Hao Xuan on the waist and the bad guy whimpered.

"Those two are really intimate" Zan left a comment. Yibo glanced at the older beside him. His gaze traveled down Zan's lips.

"You like being intimate, too?" he teased Zan.

"Here we go again. Stop bullying me, Yibby" Zan sighed and looked away. He entertained himself by watching the passersby walked towards the pedestrian lane.

"What did you just call me?" Yibo frowned, he thought he heard it wrong.

"Uh? S...sorry-"

"Say that again?" Yibo glared at Zan.

"I'm sorry"

"So, you're giving me a nickname now? Heh?" Yibo smirked and leaned closer to the older. Zan's back stiffened as he saw Yibo's arm reaching for his neck. Is he going to break my neck?!

"Green light!" Zan almost screamed. Even Yibo was surprised because the loud honking horn of the car behind them kept blowing.

The traffic light says go and Yibo cursed in silence.

"You can call me that way. Whatever you like, I like" Yibo said with a straight face.

"Does Yibby means, Yibo baby? Eh?" Yibo continued teasing the older as the two of them reached the school gate.

"Please forget about it, Yibo" Zan emphasized the last word as if declaring that he would never address Yibo again with such a nickname.

The two went inside their classroom and the whole class looked at them.

"The king is here!" one of the guys yelled in fest and glanced at the guy standing beside Yibo. He sneered and added with a sarcastic tone, "together with his uhm... brother, right?"

Pissed, Zan just went to his desk and pretended not to hear anything. Yibo's eyes followed him but he pretended not to care at all.

The girl sitting behind Zan was currently fixing her hair while looking at her fancy mirror. When she saw Zan coming, she looked at him from head to toe and smiled, "Hey! You're quiet handsome, I notice"

Yibo's brows knitted and walked towards the girl. He grabbed the mirror that the girl was holding and looked at his own reflection. He fingercombed his hair and looked at the girl with seductive eyes, "Ain't I better?"

The girl gasped and blushed, Oh my gosh! The bad boy just talked to me?! He is flirting with me?!

"O.. Of course! How could anyone be better than the king? Zan is no way better than you? He's just cute and you're a boyfriend material! The gap is obvious" the girl said while twirling the tip of her blonde hair.

"Man, I'm too tired to go back to my sit. Can I sit here?" Yibo smirked while looking at the girl's desk.

Honored, the girl willfully gathered her belongings and stood up. Yibo just exchanged seats with me!

Yibo sat down behind Zan while glaring at the older's back. Zan could feel the menacing aura behind him.

"And the rule is still the same, no one is allowed to sit on my chair" Yibo sneered and took out a cigar from his pocket.

"Lighter" The king ordered and in an instant, a guy holding a lighter from behind him lightened his cigar.

During Mondays, Yibo doesn't usually go to first period because he is a lazy guy. First period during Monday is Math class. Admit it or not, even if other says that Math is an easy subject, still, many students find it terror handling the subject. It served as a big threat for most of the students. First period on Mondays literally is a hell for Yibo's class.

But the whole class rejoices when the king attends the first period. Because that only means, when Yibo is around their Math teacher won't come.

Yibo doesn't study but he is pretty good in Mathematics. In the past,  he would just slack off and sleep during first period and the teacher hated it. Who would love to teach a class with a student carelessly sleeping and doesn't give a damn about your lessons?

She challenged Yibo to solve an equation in front and the bad boy just yawned. He didn't even stood up on his chair and just stared at the equation written on the board. After a minute of solving it mentally, he told the whole class the answer.

The teacher was not contented and she assumed that Yibo got the answer by luck. So she asked Yibo to explain how did he end up with the answer. Yibo explained it to the whole class clearly while rubbing the side if his neck. Despite being called as the King of troubles, Yibo is also known as the Arrogant Mathematician. That made him a savior if his class. Because during exams, he us good enough or kazy enough to let others copy his answers. And after the exam, he would receive tons of payment such as money, snacks or cigar.

The girl pouted and went looking for another seat after hearing the bad boy's words.

"Tsk!" Yibo hissed and smoked. He then smirked and leaned towards the guy sitting in front of him. Zan could feel Yibo's breath on his neck.

"Phew~" Yibo blew the smoke beside Zan's ear which made the older cough nonstop.

He didn't protest but he didn't like it. I hate it when someone do that to me. My father always blow smoke on my face, I'll never get used to such disgusting act.

"Now you're acting like my bastard father again" Zan frowned as the lenses on his glasses started to get blurry because of the foggy smoke. Zan coughed more and covered his nose.

"Oh shit!" Yibo panicked and quickly fanned the smoke away from Zan using a piece of notebook. He spit the cigar on the floor and stepped on it until it died.

"Sorry! I thought it was cool! I promise I won't do it again!" Yibo said while fanning Zan from behind. The older finally stopped coughing and he chuckled. What is going on with Yibo? Why is he acting like this towards me? Is he trying to make everything up with me thru childish acts?

"...you really are a kid afterall..." Zan added and cleaned his glasses with a piece of clean cloth from his pocket. Yibo held Zan's neck and made the older turn his head towards him.

With a glare, "Who are you calling a kid?"

Shocked, Zan tried his best to avoid Yibo's gaze. He kept looking down and ended up staring at the younger's thin lips. It was too seductive for a guy. He suddenly remembered that one hot kiss they shared. He regretted calling this man a kid.

"I...I am... right... I'm the kid here...haha" Zan said sarcastically while trying to look away.

"You know what I badly want to do with you right now? Here in front of everyone?" the bad boy smirked. Yibo is always the person of the show, everyone is always waiting for his new style of bullying.

"Huh?" And Zan couldn't cope up with him.

"I wanna kiss you"

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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