24. The tension and heat

A few miles away from their house, Yibo drove the car silently. Zan just leaned on his seat, relaxed.

"Why did you do that? Did you just realize how mom looked when you made such childish act?-"

"Shut up!" Yibo's voice filled with rage.  He stepped on the brake instantly. Both guys were not wearing seatbelts so Zan almost bumped his head on the front. He mentally cursed, "Do you want to kill me again, Yibo?!"

He was about to curse out loud the thing inside his head when he looked at the younger beside him.

Yibo was crying.

"Now, what are you crying for?" Zan asked and rubbed his forehead.

"I can't..." the younger's grip on the wheel tightened that his knuckles turned white. His head remained hidden behind his arm as he spoke, "I can't do it afterall. It's hard and it hurts"

"What is hard and what hurts?" Zan asked, confused. He received no reply. He looked at Yibo who was still hiding his face under the wheels, did he pass out? Did he fell asleep?

"Yibo?" he tugged Yibo's shirt and wondered what happened.

Suddenly, Yibo pulled Zan's shirt and kissed him. Zan tried to push him away, but Yibo was way stronger than the older.

"What the hell-hmph!" Zan was forced to sit on Yibo's lap as the younger pulled his waist hardly. He found the position somewhat strange but comfortable at the same time. Zan could not help himself but blush, Yibo was purposely rubbing their digits below.

"Please listen to me, Zanzan" Yibo whispered in Zan's ear. After hearing such plead, Zan finally relaxed and stopped struggling. The younger also stopped rubbing their digits. Any small movements could fire up the friction again so the older dared not to move at all.

"What is it this time?" Zan frowned and averted his look to the side. Looking at Yibo's pouting face made him feel annoyed. With such bubbly cheeks and pouting lips, he couldn't stand to act tough any longer. Yibo cupped the older's cheek and made Zan look at him in the eyes. Their foreheads touched, exchanging shallow breaths as the entire space felt a bit colder. It was raining heavily outside.

"I'm sorry. Really. I'm truly sorry for everything." Yibo said and planted a chaste kiss on Zan's plump lips before he continued, "I know I've been really stubborn and immature all this time. But please listen to what I have to say, Zanzan"

"This again. I'm tired of listening to your useles words, Yibo-hmpf!"

Yibo kissed Zan again violently and smirked in between the kiss.

"If you say something that would displease me, I will silence you with a forced kiss. So you better shut that yummy mouth of yours and listen" he smirked.

"And who are you to say that-hmph! Ouch! don't bite my tongue!" Zan slapped Yibo on the face but the younger just smiled and licked his lips wet. He pulled Zan's waist closer resulting for the older to gasp and blush. Both guys were already hard and a single friction would make the situation even hornier. The weather didn't help either, it was a perfect timing to warm each other up only if they were not fighting.

"This is my last chance. Please spoil me one last time, Zanzan" Yibo pouted and kissed Zan on the forehead.

"Let me start from the beginning, so listen carefully..." the younger let their foreheads touched for the second time and inhaled deeply.

"I will become a man who can be your ideal. I will study seriously, will stop making troubles, will quit smoking since you don't like it. I won't bully anyone, I will be good and uhm... I think that includes following the traffic rules, yeah, I could manage. I will go to college and study even harder. I will find a work that will make you the luckiest person for having me in your life. I will tell everyone that you are mine. That includes saying sorry to mom. I will tell her what I really feel towards you. I will accept her judgement and fight alongside you. I promise I won't turn my back on you again. So please-" after the long, sincere speech, Yibo received his reward. His heart throbbed as he felt the burden in his chest slowly lifted up and vanished. Zan was giving him a kiss that could take away his soul.

"Yes, I love you, too" Zan smiled, his bunny teeth showing as he bit his bottom lip shyly. He was ready for another kiss when Yibo bit his neck roughly.

"Ouch!! You leech! I've changed my mind! I'm not forgiving you at all! Let me go- angh!" Zan gasped when Yibo bit his right nipple with still his shirt on.

"Does 'yes' mean I can fuck you right now?" Yibo grinned and pulled Zan even closer.

"Absolutely no! Wait!" Zan refused but Yibo already unbuttoned his shirt. Staring at Zan's chest covered with hickeys that he made the other day, his dick grew thicker.

"No way! Not here-" Zan blushed when he remembered that time where they were watching a movie inside the room with a couple fucking inside the car.

"Now, I suddenly remember, doing it inside the car sounds fucking good, don't you think?"  Yibo grinned. He pulled the controller and the seat became in an obtuse position.

"Baby, make daddy happy" Yibo grinned and kissed Zan wildly. With Yibo's skillful tongue, Zan could only managed to open his mouth and let the bad boy do the rest. While kissing, Yibo's hand was busy searching for something inside a small compartment beside his seat. When he found it, he smirked and broke the kiss. He groped Zan below and felt the older's bulge on his pants. He pulled the pants down to Zan's knees and applied a lot of lube on his hand.

"Why do you have this inside your car?!" Zan asked in disbelief.

"For future use" Yibo answered honestly but for Zan its sounded annoying.

"So you planned to bring a sex partner inside you car afterall! I can't belive you-"

"No babe! It was for YOU! I would never think of something like that! I really kept it for YOU, believe me" Yibo said and secretly inserted one of his fingers inside the hole.

"Liar! Afmh!!" Zan whimpered. Yibo kissed him as he inserted the second finger, followed by the third one.

"Yeah, let me see that slutty face of yours" Yibo groaned and fingered the older violently. Zan felt his insides being invaded by a foreign object. His dick kept twitching and splurting.

"You came with just my fingers?" Yibo asked in a proud tone.

"How about this one?" Yibo held Zan's waist and pushed him down his dick. Zan let out an erotic scream as he took Yibo all in. It was too deep that he nearly faint. His eyes turned white, his grip on Yibo's shoulder almost dug the flesh.

"Ahh!" Zan's voice were like that of a kitten on a heat as Yibo kept him pumping on his dick.

"Deep! It's too deep!" Zan complained. Yibo was hitting his prostate and he could no longer take it. He felt like crying for feeling so good. He could almost see the gates of heaven opening before him.

"Ah! Yibby" Zan bit his lips and let his forehead bumped on the younger's shoulder. How could he hit that spot for our first time?! Ahh my stomach feels wierd.

"Yibo, angh! Let's stop, please" Zan begged as he tried to pull away and pushed Yibo's chest.

"Behave" Yibo groaned and flipped the two of them over. Yibo adjusted the seat and let it lay flat in almost 180 degrees. Seeing Zan in that position, Yibo could impossibly restrain himself.

"Yibby, didn't you tell me that you won't force me if I don't want to?" Zan whimpered as the younger kept trusting deeper. His moan sounded stirred and erotic. With Yibo's strong and hard thrusts, Zan kept hitting his head with the passenger seat. And it seemed like Yibo forgot what he just said when he told Zan he didn't want to force him.

"No way" Yibo chuckled and embraced Zan. He rammed his dick inside, his testicles slapping the older's asscheek as the base of his dick almost invisible to be seen.

"Ah! You're unbelievable!" Zan moaned and slapped Yibo's cheek a bit hard.

"Does slapping my face makes you feel better or good?" Yibo smirked and held Zan's hand. He placed the older's warm palm on his cheek and stared at Zan.

"Slap me all you want, baby. It turns me on" he smirked before devouring his prey wildly.

"Yibo, wait...stop!"

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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