25. Play with the devil


"Ah! God!" Zan hissed as he accidentally pressed the car's horn. He was sitting on top of Yibo with his back against the younger's chest. Yibo fucked Zan's back while playing with the older's front. Zan's neck and shoulder blades were totally covered with new hickeys and bite marks. Yibo was totally feeling good because he really loved it when it rains. But he noticed that Zan was shivering with the cold surrounding.

"Sshh, the rain is pouring heavily, you'll catch a cold. I'll warm you up" Yibo whispered and held Zan's chin from the back. His tongue kept moving up and down on Zan's neck, claiming his lips and pleasing his front.

"Mmm, Yibby?..."

"Yes?" Yibo smiled and looked at Zan with lustful eyes. Zan looked as if he wanted to say something, but he ended up cupping Yibo's face and kissed him. He wanted to say 'thank you' but his heart felt so heavy that he wanted to cry. He was happy and he could only shower the younger with needy kisses.

"Damn it" Yibo cursed and grabbed Zan's shirt from below. He covered the older's naked upper body and pulled out his dick. He inhaled deeply and hugged Zan tightly, "drive the car"

"Huh?" Zan was already getting in the mood when he suddenly heard Yibo speak. Is this kid bullying me again?!

Seeing Zan's annoyed reaction, Yibo couldn't help himself but chuckle. Of course he was restraining himself. The rain was really pouring heavily and he couldn't afford Zan to catch a cold.

"Drive and let's continue this at home, baby. I don't want you to get sick. And I promise I'll let you have everything once we get home. Stop sulking now, hmm?" Yibo burried his face on the older's neck and sniffed the flesh.

"You smell so good" he whispered sexily in Zan's ear.

"But I don't mind fucking you here afterall. Shall we continue?" he teased and bit the older's earlobe.

"Home! We're going home!" Zan responded immediately and started the engine.

When they arrived home, they put on their clothes first and went out of the car.

"Mom is probably taking a bath and is enjoying her wine in the tub" Yibo chuckled and walked side by side with Zan.  Hearing the splashing sound of water from the lady's room, the guys could tell that Mrs. Huang was having leisure time in the tub.

"Ma?!" Yibo yelled from the door.

"Oh?!" Mrs. Huang got startled for a second before replying, "Yes honey?!"

"We just bought a new game and we're gonna play in my room! Don't disturb us and the snacks are not needed. And also..." Yibo paused and looked at Zan beside him.

"...sorry for being rude earlier. I got too excited!"

Mrs. Huang chuckled and drank her wine.

As the door locked behind them, Yibo attacked Zan's lips harshly. He locked the older's head on the wall and pushed his body closer. Towering over Zan, the older wrapped his arms around Yibo's neck. They let their souls be swept away with the strong heat.

"Augh!" Zan hissed when Yibo grabbed his penis. The younger was intensely glaring at Zan as he observes the other's flushing face. Arouse me with those begging eyes.

"Yibby" Zan begged and kissd Yibo's neck. They struggled and stripped each other from head to toe. Zan was pushed on the bed, his hands were trapped above his head. They continued kissing until their lips swelled. Yibo was giving Zan a massage on his torso. The younger's fingers were teasing, pinching and pressing every inch of Zan's muscles before his dick was held violently. He blushed when Yibo rubbed him only to excite him even more.

Zan's phone rang from the floor. The two bolted, both looked annoyed. Zan picked it up and saw Jiyang's name on the screen, he showed it to Yibo and the younger pouted.

"Ignore it" Yibo ordered. Zan set his phone to vibrate mode and put it back on the table.

"Come here" Yibo gestured and pinned Zan down. His body in between the older's legs. Trembling, Zan looked at Yibo. The younger looked back at him and smiled. Seeing Yibo's gummy smile really make Zan's heart melt. Only him could see that innocent smile of the bad boy. Yino never smiled like that in front of anyone, his mom rarely sees his cute side either. But with Zan, Yibo could smile as much as he wanted.

"You don't know how happy I am right now" Yibo bit his bottom lip in a childlike manner and caved Zan's head in between his arms. He would plant a kiss on the older's lips and looked at him randomly. He wanted to savor the moment as long as possible. Zan on the other hand was staring to get impatient. He covered his face with his hands, his legs trying to close even with Yibo in between them. He was hard as rock and he didn't want the younger to see it. Yibo looked down at Zan's straight as a candle digit and chuckled.

"I see" Yibo talked and groped Zan. He slowly put his member inside Zan's hole and at the same time jerking the older off.

"You like me that much?" Yibo smirked and licked Zan's jawline. He received no reply. Zan was also holding his voice, afraid that Mrs. Huang would hear them. But the lady's bedroom was very far from her sons' room. It would be impossible to hear them.

Annoyed, Yibo clenched his teeth and fucked Zan harder, "Answer me"

"Ah!" Zan moaned in an almost whispered tone. He shut his eyes close and held his voice. Yibo groaned and rammed his dick inside Zan even harder. The bed creaked a multiple times, Zan's wrists were pinned hardly against the bed.

"Yibby...I can't breath" Zan begged as Yibo never lose his pace. They were covered with sweat and Yibo's lips turned even bloody as he kept going. Zab stared at the beast above him, How could this guy be so attractive?

"Fucking handsome?" The younger smirked and sticked out his tongue. Zan made a disgusted face as he tried to hide the blush on his cheek.

"You like to slap this handsome face when you get excited?" Yibo added.

"S-shut up! Ah!" Zan moaned and banged the back of his head on the pillow. He turned his head to the side and bit the pillow, muffled under it as Yibo screwed his insides.

"Zan, keep this in mind" Yibo grabbed Zan's chin and let the older stared at the ceiling. Yibo burried his face on Zan's neck, embraced the older's body and continued thrusting slowly.

"Mmm Yibo, it tickles when you slow down" Zan begged. He sounded like he was about to cry.

"Hush, bear with it for a bit. I'm doing this so you'll remember, okay?" Yibo smirked and made his thrusts even slower.

"Ahhh...please...don't do this to me..." Zan heaved.

"I'll never give up on us" Yibo said and planted a soft kiss on Zan's neck.

"So, I'm begging you. Promise me you'll do the same" He added. Zan nodded obediently and pulled Yibo for a kiss. He was trying to fire up the beast so that he'd go wild. And provoking Yibo was successful. Zan arched his back as Yibo invaded his insides very deeply and hard. After a couple of thrusts, Zan felt the hot liquid penetrated inside him. After releasing a load of semen inside that tunnel, Yibo exhaled and smiled. He slowly pulled out and watched how the white, sticky liquid gushed out from Zan's tortured hole down to his tighs and testicles. Zan's cum splashed on his own torso and some even reached his chin and cheek.

"Yibby" Zan's exhausted voice was still gentle. Yibo gulped while mesmerizing at the devoured prey on the bed as if it was a masterpiece.

"Fuck" the younger cursed and covered his mouth. He was blushing to the point that he averted his eyes to the side. Zanzan looks so damn erotic that I wanna do it again and again right now!!

"That was really good" Zan smiled. Yibo remained covering his mouth, his ears turning more crimson.

"And you look so cool when you are turned on" Zan admitted. He just felt like he needed to say it because he thought that would make Yibo happy. And he wasn't wrong, Yibo was extremely happy that his heart was beating loudly.

"No good" Yibo mumbled and ran his fingers through his locks. He smirked at the older's abused body and gulped.

"Huh?" Zan felt horrified. He suddenly assumed that something wrong is gonna happen because he said those words to Yibo.

"There's no way I'll be satisfied with just two rounds" the younger hissed and attacked his defenseless prey once again.

"Yibo? No- what! Come on-"

Zan's phone vibrated once again and he struggled to pick it up this time. He was hoping that Yibo would stop and spare him a few minutes before entering into another bed fight, "Yes hello? Oh Yang? Why are you calling?"

"End it" Yibo ordered using his dominant voice and softly scratched Zan's chin using his middle finger. Zan shivered with the sudden touch, he could feel the bad boy glaring at him.

"Zan, are you okay? Xuan told me that you looked down this morning. I just want to know if you are not feeling lonely right now" Jiyang's angelic voice spoke.

"Come on~" Yibo smirked and touched Zan's dick.

"Hngh!" Zan flinched and gasped, "I-I'm definitely fine. L-let's talk tomorrow at school. I'm about to go to bed now...hah..." Zan tried to sound normal.

"Are you sure?" Jiyang was not convinced at all. Zan heard Hao Xuan groaned on the background, "Baby, let's sleep now"

"I'll see you tomorrow then" Jiyang ended the call.

When Zan looked at Yibo, the younger was smiling mischeviously, "Stop entertaining that angel. Why don't you play with this devil in front of you?"

"That was a dirty trick, Yibo!" Zan frowned and tried to stop Yibo.

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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