28. Nostalgia

Days passed, Yibo and Zan spent their days happily without a care in the world. Same with Hao Xuan and Jiyang. When you see the two together, you could see ants surrounding them for being too sweet in front of the brothers.

It was Saturday afternoon and the four of them decided to hang out at Jiyang's house. The angel seemed to be very fond of his new babies that he even ignored Hao Xuan most  of the time. The four of them were sitting on the soft mat in the living room.

"I'm gonna kill those fucking dogs" Hao Xuan glared at the huskies while clenching his jaw.

"Snow, Ice, come here" Jiyang called the huskies' names and played with them. The white husky named 'Snow' licked Jiyang's face which made the angel laughed. Hao Xuan glared at Ice, the brown husky and the dog seemed to be scared. It hid under Jiyang's arm while squirming.

"What's wrong, baby?" Jiyang asked Ice while carresing the silky fur of the brown haired dog. When Jiyang looked at Hao Xuan, he giggled when he found out that the bad guy was being jealous of the dogs.

"Go to your daddy" Jiyang chuckled and let Snow come to Hao xuan. The bad guy was not pleased at all. He wanted Jiyang not Snow. But when the white haired husky snuggled unto him very sweetly, he sighed. He got to play with the animal and smiled. Later on, Jiyang sat on Hao Xuan's lap and the two started kissing.

"The big baby is getting grumpy" Jiyang giggled and pressed his lips on Hao Xuan's soft ones.

On the other side, Yibo was hugging Zan from the back with the older sitting in between his legs. Zan was currently playing with a video game and let Yibo's chin rest on his shoulder for a long time. Unlike Hao Xuan who would throw away his controller for Jiyang, Zan couldn't care less about losing in a game. Yibo was fine kissing Zan's cheek when he felt like doing so. But when he saw his cousin making out with Jiyang on the other side, he suddenly felt annoyed. How could they enjoy themselves while I'm getting envious here?

He kissed Zan's neck. His hand found its way under the older's shirt and the other on Zan's thigh.

"Where are you touching- ouch!" Zan flinched. Yibo just sucked the side of his neck like a vampire.

"Yibo... Wait, I'm still playing" Zan struggled. It tickled when Yibo played with his nipples under his shirt.

"No one's telling you to stop. Keep playing" Yibo whispered behind Zan's ears and bit the older's earlobe after talking.

Shivering, Zan continued playing. He was barely breathing with having Yibo touching him here and there.

"Ah, Yibo. Stop" Zan hissed when the younger bit his jawline.

"I said keep playing" Yibo groaned and inserted his middle finger inside Zan's mouth. Zan choked because Yibo was trying to twirl the older's tongue using his middle finger.

"Open your legs a bit wider" Yibo ordered. He traveled his saliva-drenched hand down Zan's belt. Zan shook his head and closed his legs even harder.

"Open your legs, baby" Yibo smirked and held Zan's knees, slowly massaging them to make Zan feel weak.


"If you lose in the game, I'm gonna punish you tonight. How is that? You like being punished?" Yibo smirked. Zan looked at the younger in disbelief.

"How could you?" Zan said and focused on the game. This is so unfair! How can I concentrate to win this stage when he's toying with my body.

"Good boy" Yibo whispered when he saw Zan slowly parting his legs. He massaged the bulge on the older's pants and held it harshly. His hand slid slowly under Zan's brief and felt the warm flesh vibrating and responding to his touch.

"Look, Zan's snake finally recognized its master" Yibo chuckled and poked the tip playfully.

"Ah!" Zan flinched and banged the back of his head on Yibo's shoulder. He was panting like a mad dog and tried his best to focus on the game.

"You're almost winning, look" Yibo whispered while rubbing Zan very fast.

"Hngh!" Zan flinched. He clutched the controler very hard, his sweat dropped on the mat. Win the game and don't lose to Yibo either. You know the punishment is very scary.

"Looks like you can win the game even if I'm distracting you, huh? This is an insult for me" Yibo clicked his tongue. He covered the tip with his thumb and sniffed Zan's neck like an addict. Zan's sweat smelled like Yibo's favorite alcohol.

"Wait, no. Yibo please don't" Zan begged, his grip on the controller loosen until he dropped it on the floor and lost the game.

"Let me come, please" he whispered and held Yibo's thumb, trying his best to remove the cover on his tip. He was desperate and exhausted.

"You wanna come?" Yibo smirked while massaging Zan's balls, his other hand still covering the tip, forbidding Zan to even release his precum. Zan nodded obediently.

"Call me daddy" Yibo smiled innocently. Zan looked at him in disbelief and bit his bottom lip. He was telling Yibo through eye contact that he would rather miss his ejaculation rather than calling someone younger than him 'Daddy'

"Come on baby, just say it and I'll make you come as many times as you want" Yibo teased and kissed the tip of Zan's nose.

"No way" Zan hissed and pulled Yibo's hair. He kissed the younger wildly so Yibo's hands would let his dick go and grab his face. He would tease Yibo to kiss him and then break the kiss again. But Yibo would not even pull his head for another hot kiss.

"Not letting go, baby" Yibo smirked and gripped Zan even tighter.

"Ah!" Zan moaned desperately, "Please let me come"

"Call me daddy"


"Just say the word and you'll feel really good"

"Dah- no way"

"D.A.D.D.Y easy as that" Yibo smirked and buried his tongue inside Zan's mouth. Zan broke the kiss and heaved.



"Daddy" Zan covered his crimson red face using his two hands after saying the word. This is humiliating!

Satisfied, Yibo let go of Zan's dick and held it firmly to let Zan shoot as he pleases.

"Wow you're getting good at this, huh?" Hao Xuan's sadistic voice pierced through Jiyang's ears. He was sucking the bad guy while Hao Xuan was observing him very seriously. Zan and Yibo could only see Hao Xuan's back because the bad guy never intended to let other oeople see what faces Jiyang is making right now. No one is allowed to see Jiyang making those erotic faces except him. He grabbed Jiyang's hair and pushed his member deeper which made the angel choke and cough. Pissed, Jiyang slapped Hao Xuan on the face and frowned.

"What the hell was that?" Jiyang frowned and rubbed his pointed nose. Hao Xuan regretted doing it because Jiyang's nose looked really red.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Does your throat hurt?" Hao Xuan

sounded worried when he cupped Jiyang's face. He licked the cum on the side of the angel's mouth and showered his face with kisses.

"Try hurting me again and you'll regret it. Don't go too far, Xuan" Jiyang was really pissed because his nose really hurt when it hit the floor. Hao Xuan was too careless that he got too excited and accidentally hit Jiyang's nose with the floor when he grabbed the angel's hair.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" Hao Xuan panicked and kissed Jiyang sweetly. He looked like he was about to cry as he kept kissing the angel's nose. Of course it was an accident, but Hao Xuan was at fault. The very wise thing to do is to admit his mistake and ask for forgiveness.

Seeing those pair of hopeles eyes, Jiyang sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Come here" he said with a gentle voice and kissed Hao Xuan on the cheek. He zipped the bad guy's pants and whispered, "Let's go to our room"

Hao Xuan smirked and got up like a military. The couple left the huskies and went inside their room.

Yibo smiled and hugged Zan tightly. He let the tip of his nose rubbed Zan's neck while blowing a faint air on the older's flesh.

"You wanna take a shower or get soaked in the pool?" he asked Zan and waited for the answer.

"The shower" Zan replied with a giggle and kissed Yibo on the lips.

Half an hour later, Yibo and Zan decided to go home without saying goodbye to Hao Xuan and Jiyang. They were being considerate. Hao Xuan and Jiyang were still inside the room, the two probably had fallen asleep adter doing it a couple of times. Yibo and Zan did it a couple of times in the bathroom, too.

They promised to eat dinner with Mrs. Huang so they needed to go home before Yibo's mother come.

On their way home, Yibo was humming happily. When the traffic light turned red, he kissed Zan childishly. The older didn't protest either. While driving, Yibo noticed that Zan was paying too much attention to the shortcut they were passing by. Zan looked nostalgic all of a sudden.

"Baby, what is it? Do you know this place?" Yibo asked calmly. He noticed that Zan looked gloomy.

"This is the place where I used to see the grannies. I can't see them around right now. I wonder where they'd go" Zan said and sighed. The street was filled with stray children and people. The place looked gloomy and abandoned. There were only few houses with lights, old factories and abandoned stores. Broken glasses and bottle of liquors scattered here and there. Somehow, Yibo's chest throbbed. He could imagine what life Zan had when he was a kid. It was poor and lonely.

"You wanna take a look around for a bit?" Yibo suggested.

"You might see the grannies on the other corner of the street" He added.

"It has been a long time since I last saw them. I miss them all of the sudden" Zan admitted honestly.

"Then, what are you waiting for? Let's get out and look for your grandma and grandpa" Yibo smiled and patted Zan's head.

"Stop looking all gloomy and sad. You make me wanna fuck you here and now" Yibo teased to lighten up Zan's mood.

The two hopped off the car and took a walk towards the other corner of the street. Just as the two were about to turn right, Zan froze on his feet. His tears fell instantly when he saw the old lady sitting on the gutter. She was rubbing her arms and smiling happily with no one beside her.

She was smiling...

all alone.

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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