34. Love the way you are

The clock striked at 11 in the evening and Yibo isn't home yet. Zan was sitting near the window, looking lost. After the call he had with Yibo, the bad boy never called him back like he promised. A tear fell from Zan's eye and he quickly wiped it away. Earlier, Mrs. Huang told him that Yibo had always have that habit in the past. He would arrive home very late from parties and other activities. Sometimes, he'd get drunk and knock on the door looking very wasted.

"But my baby stopped doing those things when you came into our life" Mrs. Huang told him. Zan remained silent. He felt a bit proud of himself hearing that Yibo really did change because of him.

"But it's his habit after all. Habits are hard to fight. Don't worry too much, he'll be home in the dawn or the next day." Mrs. Huang said before leaving Zan's room. The way she said it, she never looked happy at all. But what could she do?

Zan just let it go and never asked questions anymore. He never wanted to talk in the first place and he wanted to be alone.

"You said you'd call me back" Zan sighed and bit his lips. He closed his eyes and leaned against the glass window. Later on he fell asleep while sitting in that position.

It was 3 am when Yibo sneaked a peak at their house from outside the gate. He never planned on going home tonight, he just wanted to see if Zan had fallen asleep. Seeing that the older's window was still luminated, he took a closer look. His chest throbbed when he saw Zan sleeping near the window, looking uncomfortable and lonely. He missed Zan. Zan missed him. They missed each other. If only Yibo never did such horrible things, the two of them could be cuddling together right now.

Making sure that Zan was safe, Yibo started walking away from their house. He heard a click from Zan's room. When he looked back, Zan was looking at him, half awake. He started walking faster and never looked back again. He walked for few minutes and reached an empty street.

"Yibo wait!!" Zan shouted from behind. Yibo never looked back, ignoring the older's existence.

"If you walk any farther I won't forgive you!" Zan warned. Yibo froze for a moment before stepping away again.

"PLEASE DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!!!" Zan yelled. He ran towards Yibo and stopped in front of the bad boy. He was heaving with his hands resting on his knees. Only did Yibo realized that Zan ran all the way to chase him barefooted. His heart sank seeing those scratches on Zan's bare feet.

"Move" Yibo ordered. He didn't dare to look at Zan's face nor to the older's feet.

"Please don't do this to me" Zan begged. He didn't know what happened. He was clueless, confused, anxious and restless. He realized how Yibo felt when the bad boy could do nothing for him when the old man died.

"You said you'd call me. What happened?" Zan asked.

"Stop asking." Yibo said coldly. In his mind, Stop asking me why am I acting like this! Stop making me tell that I did something very bad again! Stop making this conversation fall into tragedy again! JUST STOP FUCKING ASKING.

"Okay, I'll stop asking. Just... Just come home with me. Please, Yibo-"

"I can't. I won't come home with you." the bad boy said coldly.

"Why?... I mean, I promise I won't ask anything. If you'll just come home with me." Zan held Yibo's hands. He looked at Yibo with begging and desperate eyes. He noticed some of bruises on the bad guy's face and the cut on his lips. He knew that Yibo had a big fight with someone.

"Let me treat your wounds at home and umh... Let's sleep in your room together, yeah?" Zan said nervously. Afraid that Yibo would treat him even colder.

"I-I can help you wash in the shower and uhm..." Zan added while biting his lips. He bowed his head and sighed, "...I'll call you 'Daddy' as many times as you want. I'll do anything to make it up to you for ignoring you the entire day. I'll make you do me until you're satisfied. Just... Please come home-"

"Zed is dead. I killed him." six words came out from Yibo's mouth which made Zan dropped his knees on the ground.

"What?" Zan covered his mouth with his trembling hands.

"That's right, that's it. I'm a killer. Now go home without me." Yibo said coldly and started to walk away. It's over now. Everything is over. Zan hates me now. He'll hate me forever now.

Suddenly, a pair of trembling hands wrapped around his waist. He froze and inhaled deeply, "What are you doing, Zan?"

"Not letting you go" Zan mumbled. He buried his face on Yibo's back.

"Damn it Zan!"

"I'm not letting go! I know you have reasons! I want to hear them! You did it because of me, right?! You just wanted to take revenge for me! But you know what makes it painful?! Why are you admitting that you killed someone?! I don't believe you! You won't kill a person! You promised me that you would never kill anyone!" Zan tightened his arms and cried. The bad boy looked unto the ground and sneered.

"..uicide.." Yibo mumbled.


"He committed suicide in front of me. He said it would be my fault that he would die." Yibo said.

"You killed me! You hear me?! You consider yourself a God and you believe that everything would be solve when you use violence! You think people admire you?! You're wrong! They are scared of you! Because you know what?! You're not human! You're a monster! I'd rather kill myself than to live in a world where I have to co-exist with the likes of you! You murderer!" Zed shouted to his heart's content, blood and saliva spitting on the ground. He slit his own throat using a knife and died in Yibo's presence.

Zan shook his head and managed to face Yibo, "It's not your fault!"

"It is, Zan! It would always be! Why?! Because even if he didn't end his own life, I murdered him a million times inside my head! I want him dead! I want him badly dead because..."

"Because he hurt me" Zan finished his speech. "Right?"

Yibo said no more and bowed his head. He hugged Zan tightly and whispered, "I hate seeing you cry. It makes me wanna kill the person who dared to hurt you. I'm sorry"

Zan inhaled deeply and cupped Yibo's face. He traced the small cut on the younger's lips with his finger and smooched it.

"Let's go home" the older said.

They went straight to Zan's room and Zan proceeded to the medicine box. He went back to the bed and put the box beside Yibo. After that, he went straight to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, soaked it with water and squeezed it dry. He went back to Yibo and sat beside him.

"Stay still and don't move too much so you won't get hurt" Zan warned and pressed the wet cotton on Yibo's swollen cheek. The bad guy hissed from the pain. It didn't hurt earlier, it only started to get painful when Zan treated him.

While treating the younger's wounds, Zan felt Yibo's hand rubbing his inner thigh.

"Stop right there, kid" He warned and pressed the wet cloth hard on Yibo's wounded chest.

"Ah!" instead of Yibo hissing, it was Zan who made the embarrassing moan when the younger suddenly grabbed the bulge on his pants.

"Don't you dare tell me that you were lying about the things you said earlier." Yibo smirked and massaged the throbbing snake under Zan's pants.

"Did you really miss me?" Yibo smiled and kissed Zan softly. Zan put the wet cloth away and sat on the younger's lap.

"I... I really felt bad for what I did yesterday. You need some rest and it's already 4am. I promise I'll let you do everything you want to do with me tonight. But we have classes in four hours and I haven't slept since yesterday. My attendance has been poor lately." Zan explained. He was hiding his face against Yibo so the bad boy could never see his flushed face.

"Haha, fine fine. I'll let you sleep for now. But I'm too lazy to go back to my room. Can we cuddle?" Yibo asked.

Zan smiled and kissed his lover on the lips, "Sure"

The two ended up sleeping in each others arms and greeted the 'news' for the next few hours.

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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