
"What the hell! Find out who this is, I don't care what you do find the people who are doing this!" He shouted as he as he walked to the elevator.

"Sir were are you going?"Vice president Mitchell Asked.

"I'm getting the person who knows more about any enemy than the top American spy's know about....I'm getting Ghost."

"Mr President, why would you want him though hes a rookie...."

"With all due respect Vice president Mitchell shut the hell up. Though he may be young that solider is by far from being a rookie even though hes eighteen and already put in as an officer he has by far surpassed the requirements of being a three star general yet hes only a 1st Lt." Admiral Davies raised his voice.

"Admiral Davies I understand what your saying but officially we don't have any documents regarding this matter, Matter of fact who would believe that there an eighteen year old man how hasn't even gone to college be an officer in the marines." Mitchell stated as he tried to gain the defense of the President, but the President didn't even seem to be paying attention rather he seemed confused and angered.

"Who the hell gave out a presidential order to grab Ian out of the hospital, I know for a god dam fact I didn't, and I know I didn't give out an order so WHO THE HELL DID!! No right now find his whereabouts." Wilton yelled as he stormed out of the room.

...Somewhere in the White House....

"Didn't think we were going to pull this off faking the presidential order or getting some of the members of the Death Vipers to pretend to be part of the CIA and FBI." A man said as he looked outside the door.

"Neither did I but what happened to the girl that was with him."A woman asked as she began downloading all the files onto a hard drive.

Don't worry we didn't kill her we just gassed her with anesthetics so she won't remember what happen in the last month.Don't worry we had the help of the presidents personal doctors for this."

"But won't he snitch us out sir." She asked.

"Course not we even gassed him to, Besides we can always stage him up if he does remember any of this and have him killed."