09 | More Feelings Untold


Sebastian's eyes widened while a corner of his lips quirked up. "So what are you? Her boyfriend? Her toy?" 

Liam stormed towards Sebastian and gripped him by the collar. "Her best friend," he said through gritted teeth.

"Really? It seems much more than that." Sebastian smirked. 

Liam's hand balled into fists as his arm went backwards, getting ready to land a blow on Sebastian's perfectly sculpted face. I ran towards Liam who had Sebastian pinned to the wall, preparing to hit him, and placed a hand on his fists. He glanced in my direction, his veins popping out in anger. 

"Liam, that's enough," I said, shaking my head. His muscles relaxed as he let go of Sebastian. I turned my attention to Sebastian and scowled at him. "I think it's best if you leave." He remained there with a stupid smile on his face. "Do you want to get beaten to a pulp? Huh?" I frowned at him. 

"I could take care of myself, honey." He dusted off his pants. 

I groaned, walking toward him. "Why don't you just shut the hell up?" 

He smirked. "Cute," he said and walked off. 

I growled as I turned around at Liam to see him glaring at the door, I would assume he was wishing he could burn holes through the door by the way he was glaring at it. 

"What the fuck?" he spoke. 

I sighed and approached him, he raised his eyebrows as he folded his arms across his chest. "What the hell was that all about?" he questioned. 

I told him about everything that had happened, everything about me causing a scene in the club and eventually getting proposed to Sebastian. After I finished talking, he gazed at me, agape. 

"That's messed up, are you sure you want this?" he asked, voice soft. 

"I have to do it for the company," I answered. 

"No, I'm not asking why you did this, I'm asking if you want to do this," he pressed. 

I let out a frustrated sigh and looked at him, eyes welling up. "I don't know anymore." 

He exhaled and pulled me into a hug

"Everything's going to be alright." 

I looked up at him. "Is it?" 


We spent the next hours shit-talking Sebastian and his father. I ranted to him about my dislikes towards Sebastian such as his behaviour, the way he acts around me. Already, he has made a bad impression on me. I told him about how I hate Mr Adair's ability to not get swayed despite my stubbornness. I was probably just salty about the fact that I had no power in the matter at all. I hate it. 

"Dinner's ready," June said as she peeped into the living room, which now looked like a makeshift bedroom. There were pillows scattered everywhere, blankets spread out, a pillow fort, and we had our legs on top of each other while laughing. 

"Join us," I told Liam with a smile. "You're like family now anyway, besides, Elle and Keanne would like to see you. It's been a while." 

A cocky smile spread across his lips. "You didn't have to tell me all that, I would eat with you all." He shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, who am I to waste food?" 

I scoffed. "Of course." 

We grabbed slippers from the shoe rack outside the living room and made our way to the dining hall. 

"Again, with what you told me about an hour ago, I can't believe you're getting married to Mr Jackass," Liam told me as we entered the dining hall. 

I laughed and stopped until I heard the sound of clearing throats. I turned my attention to the people at the table and my throat dried. 

"Can you kindly repeat your statement for me?" Sebastian coolly stated. 

Liam, meanwhile, looked unfazed. "Oh? Which part? That you're a jackass or the fact that you don't deserve my best friend?" he raised an eyebrow and his lips curled into a smirk. 

Sebastian stood, fists resting on the table. My father cleared his throat, a bored expression on his face. "Can we continue eating without anyone beating the other up?" my father asked, his voice getting louder indicating he was getting irritated. 

Sebastian slumped back into his chair and I nodded at my father and sat next to Elle. Liam sat next to me, smiling brightly as if he almost didn't get beat up. The maids served us food and Liam thanked my father. 

"So, Liam, would you like to stay the night here? I know you live in the city now and it gets tiring to travel there," my father asked Liam. 

Liam's eyebrows pulled together. "That's not necessary, Louis." 

My dad smiled. "Oh, I insist, it's been a while since I've seen Adrianne this happy." 

Liam nudged me with his elbow and wiggled his eyebrows at me. "What?" I asked him, shoving a mouthful of food. 

"Am I the source of your happiness?" he jokingly asked. 

I groaned and shoved food into his mouth. "Just shut up." 

I glanced at the other side of the table and my eyes landed on Sebastian, seated beside Keanne who was oblivious to the fact that the person beside her was so pissed off. His muscles were tense, his hand was gripping onto the steak knife as he aggressively cut into the meat. 

He's getting pissed off, I thought. It's amusing. 

But why was he so pissed off? Is it because Liam and I arrived? I know he hates me that much. Or is it some other reason? How the hell should I know? I don't know what goes on through this guy's head. 

The rest of dinner went by very fast, luckily. Sebastian walked out by the time dessert came saying something about "I'm on a diet", it's probably just some lame excuse to escape eating with us. My father and Liam kept talking about how life has been for them, I tuned out most of their conversation. Instead, I chatted with my sisters about what's been going on in their lives. 

I walked back to the living room. I went ahead, leaving Liam behind. Dad, most likely, wanted to catch up with him and they'd, in all likelihood, get drunk. Like old times. My father and Liam have it as old friends do. They talk casually as if they've known each other their whole life, which they kind of do, well, mostly Liam. And it's not uncommon that my father invites Liam to go drinking. 

I plopped down on the sofa and grabbed the remote, trying to find something interesting to watch. Just then, I heard the door open and there stood Liam. 


I looked back and saw him smiling brightly at me. "Hey." 

He jumped in our pillow fort and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You're grumpy. Is it because of Sebastian?" 

I nodded my head and groaned. "He's still just my fiancé and it's already a nightmare being with him, how much more getting married?" 

He chuckled dryly. "Yeah, seems like a nightmare."

"Adrianne, are you sure? Like a thousand per cent sure you're ready for this? Because from the looks of it, this is going to be hell for you," he asked softly. 

I just stared at him. "Even if I don't, I feel like I'm past the point of no return." 

He grinned. "Are you quoting the Phantom of the Opera?" 

"Can't I just say something without you, somehow, connecting it to a play or movie you've watched?" I scoffed. 

"No but seriously, if you need me to beat up the guy, just call me," he said, rather seriously. 

"You're not serious, right?" 

"Hm? Oh, I'm serious, if he does something shitty, he'll never see the light of day again," he said. 

"Idiot, don't!" I smacked him on his shoulders. 

He laughed and rested his head on my lap as we watch a show with my hands repeatedly going through his hair, slowly drifting off to sleep. At least, even if there's an asshole in my life, my best friend came which made me smile.