In the dungeon of Hades (1)

Libra. She's the dungeon master of the halls of determination, right?

So how is Libra compared to Hades and Vespasian?

Then I'd rather not meet her for now.


A few minutes later I find myself standing in the epicenter of the great labyrinth of death. A large, lavishly decorated throne room lies before me. The theme seems to be slightly dark and shady but this is modeled after the underworld so no real surprise there.

Before me, a dais rises thirty meters up forcing me to crane my neck just to look at the one sitting on the throne. Hades, a lanky but tall man with a gaunt face and a pair of fierce eyes.

He's wearing armor made from some black metal with lines of gold and turquoise running along the edges. Various dark red gems are inlaid into the black metal with purple swirls swishing around inside them. And is that a broken trident he is holding? I thought that was Poseidon's weapon of choice.

Still, somehow Hades looks like more of a war god than a death god. With the armor, the weapon, and all that.

Is he that scared of them? Shouldn't he as a god be able to overpower them easily?

But aren't most gods in mythology born as gods? There's no journey to speak of.

So gods aren't the strongest race from birth then?

Didn't you just say that besides their skills their parent strong? Inexhaustible magic power seems pretty strong.

So when a god is fighting small fry he is nearly unbeatable when he uses divine power since he won't run out. However, going up against stronger opponents makes divine power useless.

Aha, I think I understand. But Navi...

How much longer am I supposed to stand here and wait?

I keep my eyes on the regal figure sitting on his throne, his expression perfectly indifferent safe for a fierce look in his eyes. He meets my gaze and holds it for a few seconds before releasing a long, drawn-out sigh.

"Mortal being, as you must have been told a bunch of heretics has decided to rebel against my glorious rule. They have been vanquished by my forces once but now they are coming back like the cockroaches they are. I, in my everlasting greatness, do not wish to lay eyes upon them once again so you will make sure that they are all eradicated before reaching me."

Oh, god. Literally!

Was that dude already delusional when he became a dungeon master or did something happen in the process?

So he doesn't believe all the crap he just said?

All that aside, how should I respond?

"It shall be done to the best of my abilities."

"Good, good. Charon here shall guide you to where you are needed."

Right as Hades says that a vertical two-meter tear in space opens up next to me and purple to blackish fog flows out of the bottom of it hovering a few centimeters above the ground. The fog flows forward like a river and then a wooden boat emerges from the tear in space with an old ferryman atop it.