Chapter 2

Kelis's POV

Ringing the doorbell, I wait patiently for the door to open. I don't wait long before the door is opened by a very angry pale half-naked man. It's clear he wasn't expecting anyone since he answered in only a pair of light gray sweats. He looks great, very easy on the eyes after you get past the scowl on his face. But he is loud as sin. His mother has already warned me that he is not a morning person. I am ready for him.

Yoongi's POV

Waking up to the sound of my doorbell, I am pissed. Wtf! Who in the fresh hell is at my damn door at this unholy hour in the morning? On my way to the front door, I think of how I can hide the body. Hopefully, I can get back to bed before the sun comes up. As I make it to the door I look down to make sure I at least remember to put on pants.

Snatching open the door I yell, "WHAT!!!!!" I do not do mornings and morning do not start before the sun comes up.

Standing in front of me is a short caramel-colored woman with high cheekbones and chocolate brown eyes. She has a small smile on her full lips and that is not helping my attitude. "Good morning Mr. Min I am your new assistant, Kelis." She holds her hand out I assume for me to shake it. I simply stare down at it and her.

"Why are you here so early in the morning? What could you possibly do this early in the fuckin morning? Go away." She gave me a bright-eyed smile pulling her hand back. I remembered pants what more does she expect from me? It is zero dark thirty in the morning, nothing good happens this early in the morning.

"No, how about you move. I have a lot of work to do. Your father said you would be very happy to see me since your mother will be here at 8 a.m." She was still smiling as she spoke to me. She's right though, I am not in the mood to deal with my mother. "Your first task is to keep her away from me until I decide to get up." I turn and lead her to the room that we sent up for her. Grumbling I let her know, "you can put your stuff in here.�� I turn and head back into my room.

Before I get fully in my room I turn to her, "don't wake me for anything short of death. I suggest you get some sleep. I know I am." I don't even look back as I shut the door. I just barely heard her say yes. It is too damn early to be this happy. But it will be worth it if she can keep my mother away.

Pulling my door open just long enough to tell her. "Mr. Min is my father call me Yoongi or Suga." This time I do look back at her in her frumpy to big clothes. I guess my mother wanted to make sure she only did her job. She picked the right one because nothing about her is attractive to me. She is shaped like a potato, in her white button-down shirt and black slacks and ugly ass green cardigan and granny shoes. Her outfit screams no sex here. Closing my door, I went back into my room. I hate cardigans.

Kelis's POV

As he closes the door I can hear a woman giggle and speak to him. "Who was that daddy?" "No one go back to sleep." I can hear her stupid giggling through the door. How can he tolerate that noise? So high pitched and fake. I am only supposed to deal with him, but maybe he will be easier to deal with after he gets some. I shudder a bit thinking about what she may have to do to improve his mood.

After putting my things away, I head into the kitchen to start breakfast. Grabbing eggs, flour, vanilla, milk, baking powder, and butter. I look around and grab two large mixing bowls, a whisk, and a sifter. I think maybe bacon and fruit should be a good way to round out the pancakes. As I begin to separate the eggs I hear the doorbell. Leaving the kitchen to check the screen next to the door and notice it is his mother, I let her in.

"Good morning Mrs. Min. Come in please." I step to the side letting her in with a smile. She has always been very kind to me even getting me this job.

"Good morning Dear. Nice to see my cranky child let you in this morning. How has it been so far?" Smiling I let her know. "He is most definitely not a morning person," I inform her while I head back into the kitchen. I get back to separating the eggs to start breakfast. She laughs while taking a seat and watching me whip up the whites.

"I can see you are making enough pancakes to feed a small army." Mrs. Min laughs as she watches me move on to mixing the dry ingredients with the yolks.

"Yes ma'am. The list from Mr. Min says that his co-workers will be coming over to join him this morning. And I think his guest may want to eat before leaving as well." I continue to gently fold the whites into the other batter keeping it fluffy.

"A woman after my own heart. I do not weigh out ingredients for the basics either. It is such a waste of time." She smiles and begins to cut up some of the fruit. "Yes ma'am, I have been making these for years and can do it in my sleep," I say smiling.

"Also, that is not a guest and I assure you my son's whore will not be around long enough for breakfast. They never are." She rolled her eyes as she plated the cut she cut.

"Yes ma'am. Would you like to have some coffee while you wait?" I ask as I get a cup out to make some coffee.

"Yes Dear, you are so sweet. I know my son can be a handful but I assure you he is a good boy at heart. Don't let his morning attitude fool you." She smiles and I head over to make her a cup of coffee.

Once I hand her the cup of coffee she begins to flavor it as she likes. I move on to placing batter on the griddle and sliding the bacon in the over. As I close the oven door, I hear the doorbell again. Mrs. Min decides to answer it herself before I can even turn around. "I'll get it dear." She walks back into the kitchen with six tall, gorgeous men.

"OK, boys I would like you to introduce you to Kelis." Mrs. Min places her hands on my shoulders as we face the men. "This is Yoongi's new personal assistant. Be good to her or you will deal with me." She gives them a firm look and they begin to smile and the one with huge dimples answers.

"Mrs. Min we are always on our best behavior, you know that." He flashes his dimpled smile, in an attempt to look innocent. She rolls her eyes, "Kelis, this one is Namjoon, followed by Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. They can be a handful but they are also good boys." She said while I tried to figure out how the hell I was gonna live through all of them looking at me. I flip the pancakes and introduce myself.

"My name is Kelis and it is nice to meet you all." Turning to set the plate of fresh fruit on the table. "You are my new favorite person. Greeting me with fresh food makes a great first impression." He has a huge smile as he grabs a strawberry.

"I know right. Oh my lord, do I smell bacon?" Jungkook looks around for the bacon with a cute little smile.

Laughing Mrs. Min comments, "they will now defend you against my son." She was laughing so hard she was tearing up a bit.

"If the food tastes as good as it smells, I would gladly take on the beast." Taehyung has a voice as smooth as silk and deep. I am not going to make it. My body is tingling with just the sound of his voice. Moving to take pancakes off the griddle and then add some more. When I finish that I remove my first batch of bacon.

"Do you need any help?" Namjoon asks with a soft smile. Everyone hollered No. I look at them all and I can see the panic in their eyes. I can see a bit of hurt in his eyes. I decided that I will find something for him to do. Smiling gently, I ask him, "can you set the table, please. I have everything else under control."

"Sure and you can. We all can, the guys will help too." Namjoon turned to grab the dishes and directed the others to do their part. "Maybe we can be friends. Kelis, you seem like a nice person."

"Thanks, Namjoon. I would like to be your friend." Looking at him I smile before taking the bacon out of the oven and placing it on a rack to drain the grease. Then add more to the pan and place it back in the oven. I then get out the heavy cream add sugar and a touch of vanilla and beat. After a few minutes, I have whipped cream. After about twenty more minutes breakfast is done.

"I will go get Yoongi you guys go ahead and enjoy your meal." Getting up to go get Yoongi but his mother beat me to it. "No dear. I'll get him. I want to see his face today." She smiles as she walks away.

"You can call me Hobi. This is great thank you," he says as he grabs a plate and begins to eat. "I'm glad you like it. Would you guys like coffee, or orange juice?" I ask and their eyes light up.

"You can call me Kookie and I would like OJ please." His face was sweet and innocent but I can tell he is dangerous by the way he smiles. "I would like orange juice to please." The angel-faced one named Jimin asked with his sexy little smirk. That was followed by Jin, Namjoon, and Jin.

"Mom is right. I would gladly fight the dragon for you." Taehyung says with a wink that makes me blush.

"I believe that is juice all around for your six dragon slayers." He said with a smile. I can't imagine how they get better looking when they smile. How is a girl supposed to keep pure thoughts surrounded by all these men?

"No problem."Blushing I walk into the kitchen to get the men their drinks, praying they don't notice my blush.