Chapter 10

Kelis's POV

He then makes his way into the bathroom and I make my way into the kitchen. On my way, I try to calm my nerves. I've worked here for a few months and never noticed this side of him. He has always been professional, almost cold. He didn't even want to get married. I wonder what's making him try so hard?

Reaching into the fridge I pull out some fresh fruit. That sounds perfect for breakfast. I also make that confusing man some coffee. By the time he makes it down, I have made some sliced fruit, avocado toast, and coffee ready to eat.

"So, no bacon, sausage, or any meat?" Grabbing his coffee he sits down looking at his plate like it contains poison. Rolling my eyes I take a bite of my toast. "I was fired this morning, so I decided to make what I felt like eating." I continue to eat without looking up at him.

"Look at it as a promotion with better benefits. Unless you kill me with this rabbit food first." He mumbled the last part as he began to eat the fruit.

"Since it's a promotion does it come with a pay raise?" I sarcastically asked with a little smirk. He slides an envelope across the table to me. "It does. This was delivered for you a few minutes ago." Opening the envelope I pull out a black card with my name on it. I didn't know you could get credit cards this quickly I mean we have only been married one day.

"What do I need this for?" To be honest this makes me nervous. It's not like I can go to the grocery store with a black card.

"It makes my life easier. I don't have to remember to give you money and it's accepted everywhere." Eating a bite of his toast with his nose scrunched. "You can use it for whatever you need it for. There is no limit." I nodded and we continued to eat. There is no reason to argue.

"Do me a favor." When I looked up at him he had a pleading look in his eyes. "When you go out today to shop or whatever. Will you please for the love of God get meat and the good snacks?" This man is a toddler I swear. I roll my eyes and finish eating.

Kelis's POV

We've been married for about 3 months now and this man is just playing with me and my emotions. I walk around sexually frustrated and I have never even had sex. This is getting on my nerves. I'm not even sure how to fix it. My husband is like two different men and neither of them likes to be told what to do. Not to mention they are both stubborn as hell and getting on my nerves.

Today is my shopping day with his mother my only friend since he doesn't trust anyone. I'm not sure I will ever have more friends. Mrs. Min and I go shopping weekly, mostly grocery but sometimes clothes. He might regret the decision of not allowing me to have outside friends today because I need advice and she is the only person I know that can help me. I head out to his mom's car since I can't have that either. The current list of things I can't do is ridiculously long.

"Good morning Mom." I smile as I get in. She is the one person that understands my limitations and does her best to help me adjust and deal. "Good morning Love. How's life with my annoying child." She smiles knowing all too well how annoying he can be.

"If I'm being completely honest, being married to him is no different than working for him." I think that was the polite way to tell her that he isn't sexually attracted to me. Letting her know that she isn't getting grandkids. I am not sure why it bothers me so much but it does.

"Is that right? No grandkids on the way then?" Not gonna lie the look she is giving me is truly scary and the smirk is not helping.

Then her smile got bigger and it was still a little scary. "I know exactly how to fix that. Let's go shopping." I have no idea what she has planned but I almost feel sorry for him. We went to a few high-end boutiques and retail shops. I tried on a bunch of clothes and bought what we decided looked good on me in many different colors. The price tag was for these purchases was through the roof.

"The least he can do is buy you a new wardrobe. Since he is not doing his other husbandly duties." Right after we had that conversation my phone rang. It was Yoongi calling to make sure it was me using the card. The card company called him because I have never spent that much in one day before. We bought $800.00 skirts and $300.00 bras. My mother in law smiled and kept on looking saying he expected nothing less.

When we stopped for lunch, that was more of a plan of action meeting. We went to a nice French bistro that my mother in law favors. She ordered us some fancy salads and amazing wine.

"I think tomorrow morning we go get your hair and nails done then you have lunch with your husband. In one of your amazing new outfits of course." I finally understood what made Yoongi so nervous about his mother. She is scary quick on her feet when it comes to creating a plan.

"Do you know where they can handle my hair?" I knew not to ask what Yoongi would think about the spending on the card. I was more concerned about my hair. It took a lot of work to maintain my hair.

"Oh yes, I know just the person, be ready early like 9 am tomorrow." She smiled and started to text on her phone. "Do I need an appointment?" She looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"For what? To see your husband? No ma'am we do not make appointments to see our husbands. We go and they let us in, or they get fired. End of discussion." She made it sound so easy. I am haven't been to his office much but his receptionist made me feel very uncomfortable. I assume she never had that problem since she is currently laughing kind of hard.

She dropped me off with more than enough time to put away the things I bought. I started dinner and had it finished by the time the guys began to show up. When they walked in I was setting the table.

"Hey, Kels what's for dinner?" Tae smiled and kissed my cheek followed by his partners in crime Jungkook and Jimin.

"It smells great in here. Do you need a hand?' Jin was always polite and asked if I needed help. He kissed my forehead and waited for my answer. "Can you guys finish setting the table, that would be great? Do you know if Joon and Hobi are coming?"

Jin nods and hands plates to Jimin, directs Tae to cups, and Jungkook to silverware. "Yes, they are coming with Yoongi and should be here shortly." He grabs drinks. A few minutes later the missing men come in.

I place the food on the table and they dig in. I made fried chicken, rolls, and kimchi fried rice. I don't fry often but they like fried chicken. I'm not sure how they stay so fit and eat the way they do.

The guys cleared the tabled and loaded the dishwasher after dinner. When they finished that they headed to the office and I finished cleaning the kitchen. While they were in the office I went to take a shower and get ready for bed. Putting on an oversized tee shirt and sweats for the last time. Tomorrow will begin my little war on my husband. Most of my old clothes and pajamas will be thrown away tomorrow.

I was almost asleep by the time Yoongi came in to take his shower. I was sleep when he finally got to bed.

Yoongi's POV

I know she wants to be asleep but I'm dying to know what the hell she did today. I got a from my accountant that had just taken a fraud call from my credit card company. If my accountant didn't have high blood pressure before he does now. I also received a text from my mother telling me she took my wife shopping and I needed to fix whatever issue my credit card company had with my wife's spending. Based on the call from my accountant my mother is a horrible influence on my wife.

Wrapping my arms around Kelis and pulling her closer to me. I kiss her on the ear and slide my hands under her shirt and rub her stomach. I have been doing this since we got married and she doesn't stiffen anymore. I doing it turns her on and leaves her sexually frustrated. I know it annoys her that she doesn't know how to fix it but I think it's cute to watch her try.

"Hey Angel, I know you're awake." Whispering in her ear between nibbles.

"Go to sleep. I have an early day tomorrow." It annoys me that she probably didn't even open her eyes. Not to mention I just don't like her response. Sliding my hand further up her shirt so I can play with her nipples. I know she likes it, even though she won't admit it. Pinching and pulling her nipples until I hear her suck in her breath. I smirk as I begin to suck on her neck and do it again.

"Please stop your Mom will be here early tomorrow." I don't stop. I like the way she moans and wiggles against me.

"Are you trying to kill my accountant by shopping with my mother?" Kissing her shoulder and biting it a little, definitely leaving a mark. I like seeing my marks on her body. Very soon I'll place them in lots of other places on her body.

"I wasn't aware I had a limit. Tell him I'm sorry and let him know that we are not shopping tomorrow." She is wiggling trying to move away from me but all she does is make me harder. She isn't the only person I'm torturing by taking it slow with her.

"What did you buy? Normally you spend maybe $500 a month, but today you spent $30,000. Angel that's a big jump." I roll her over to her back so I can see her face while I play with her. Lightly biting and pulling her nipple through her shirt.

"I went to buy some new clothes. Your mother was surprised that I hadn't done it before." Now she is moaning and squirming as I slide my hand down the very top of her pants to rub her lower belly.

"Well next time you should do it a little bit at a time. It's gonna be hard to replace my accountant if you give him a stroke." Kissing her and rolling her over to go back to rub on her tummy. I know she wants to do more but I don't think she ready. Besides I'm having fun playing with her. She is so sensitive to my touch. I know everything I do is new to her. I feel like if I take my time and find out what she likes she can be an amazing lover. So I am willing to wait a bit. I pull away from her lips and smile. When I finally take her she will explode.

"Goodnight Angel." I hear her release a frustrated sigh but turn over and attempt to go back to sleep. I chuckle as she kicks me in the knee.