Chapter 17

Suga's POV

Things are starting to come together. He is trying to get me to pay his debt off little by little. I know that an American thug named Bobby just went into the building, his reputation definitely proceeds him. The man deals in drugs, guns, and women. I am terrified for my wife, how is she gonna defend herself against a man like that. I mean she is pregnant and not used to this kind of life.

Before I can get into a big panic I hear my Jimin come in. "We found her she is alive and well. I think we need to get in there as soon as we can before the Colombians and Mexicans get there. You know their reputations are bad for a whole nother reason. The Mexicans and Colombians are known for their torture. Their hitman seems to take pleasure in the kill. Depending on their mood you or may not ever find the body. But you will never find the killer.

Nodding my head I consider my options. There is no way Jason has it in him to control the Colombians or Mexicans. The bitch pissed on my floor before we even questioned him. I shake my head at that fact. Jimin is right I need to get there before they do.

Right now my brothers are all spread out doing what they can to find Kelis and continue running our business. I have no idea what w will be walking into. I can't risk their lives like that even though I know they will do it without question. I wonder if I can trust the police to assist in this? I want Jason and Regina dead and I can't do that if the cops are there. I can always pay for a prison hit, that will always be an option.

"Dad look I want to go into the building and get my wife. I want to go in before the police. Maybe have them show up later as a backup. I just want her out of there before they go in. I know I can get in quickly with Taehyung and Jungkook. We can get her out of there quietly and then the police can come in.

He considers my plan.

He nodded his head "I'll give you 15 minutes after that, the cops will be in and you can explain to your mother why you couldn't wait. " He turned to walk away and then stopped. "Make no mistake I will take a bullet for you, but when it comes to your mother you are on your own." Then he walked away to do what needed to be done. He and I both know my mother is going to want an explanation no matter what.

I am going to get this right. "Tae and Kookie with me." They followed me into the house no questions asked. We head into the house to change into more comfortable clothes that we can fight in.

Tae and Kookie are lethal with just their hands and feet. Not to say that they can't use weapons because they can, you name guns, knives, hell bats, and ninja stars. You name it they can use it. They are simply walking weapons.

Twenty minutes later

We are in the car and ready to pull out. I have my body armor on and two semi-automatics. I have no idea what those two have besides body armor.

"You two know you don't have to go right? I am OK if you choose to stay, I won't be mad." I was in such a hurry to go that I didn't ask if this was a risk they wanted to take. My wife my risk, they are still young and deserve the right to find happiness.

"I'm good, he took Kelis and she is our family. I want her back too. Besides this is personal for us too. We may starve, you can't cook and you don't make snacks." Rude little shit. I can cook. I just don't cook like Kelis.

"I'm in she is supposed to make me some of those fancy doughnuts." Leave it to Tae to be motivated by his gut.

Getting into the car we head to the address. Jin politely preloaded the navigational system with the address for us. It only took us about thirty minutes to get there and we stopped about a block away from the building. I texted my dad to let him know we made it to the location so he could start his clock. We stand out period, there is nothing here to blend into. No people, trees, bushes, or nearby buildings just this broken-down building and dirt.

Tae looked around before turning to me to ask, "So how do you want to do this?" He and Jungkook look at me we all smile. We always do things directly when we don't have supervision. We have been the same way since we were little.

"Since Kelis is in there we need to do a little recon. Once we know how many people there are and that she is OK, we are in and out. We have fifteen minutes or less." Nodding they get out of the car and stretch.

"Cool, I got recon just give me three minutes wait over there." Jungkook points to a sad little clump of grass and heads towards the building. We watch as he disappears into the building and we keep our eyes on him until he is gone. The sad little clump of grass is all the shelter we have without going back into the car.

Jungkook's POV

I find a door that looks like the only way in. This building looks like it would fall if I sneezed too hard. Creeping into the building and listen. I hear voices of two men no women at all. Slowly I continue on my way towards the voices until I hear footsteps. I try to blend into the wall as the steps get closer. This stupid building barely has walls let alone rooms to hide in. As I hold my breath I watch a man walk by me going to the exit. As he walks out, I turn and walk in the direction he came from.

My recon is simple to look and see what I can see. Get in and quickly, and don't get caught. I see a small hole in the wall next to the door, just big enough to look through. I wonder if this is just too easy? I don't have a lot of time left so I get to the hole and take my chances. I notice Kelis by the window tied to a chair. She has a bloody lip but otherwise looks unharmed. I see Regina in the corner behind her sitting on the ground. Regina is staring at Kelis I am sure that she is plotting something.

Jason and another man are facing away from me but having a heated discussion. I notice that at least one of the men has a gun. I see another man dead on the ground by Kelis. I quietly turn around and head back the way I came. Carefully making my way hoping not to run into the first guy.

Suga's POV

As Jungkook walked in a man walked out he got into a car and pulled off. I have no idea if he was spotted or not. Since I don't hear a commotion we will wait it out and hope for the best. If we go in too soon we will put him in danger. We need to wait unless we see a sign of distress. Looking at the man that walks out he seems relaxed and his gun is in its holster by his chest.

Tae has no patience, it's like he has been watching the clock. "His time is up let's go." I nod and we begin to get up. I know that we don't have a lot of time. We just need to be careful. Getting up we quietly head over to the building and run into Jungkook.

Jungkook: "At least two men breathing, one left not sure how long he will be gone or where he is going. One dead guy and Regina are also in the room. Kelis has a fat lip but otherwise seems fine. They were all in a room to the back when I left.

We get into the building quietly and get close to the wall. Careful not to make any noise we listen to the men talking. I can hear Jason telling the man with him that he is going to call me to set up the drop for his payment. I left my phone on but in the car. We saw the men turning and we quickly pull back against the wall.

Suga's POV

As Jungkook walked in a man walked out he got into a car and pulled off. I have no idea if he was spotted or not. Since I don't hear a commotion we will wait it out and hope for the best. If we go in too soon we will put him in danger. We need to wait unless we see a sign of distress. Looking at the man that walks out he seems relaxed and his gun is in its holster by his chest.

Tae has no patience, it's like he has been watching the clock. "His time is up let's go." I nod and we begin to get up. I know that we don't have a lot of time. We just need to be careful. Getting up we quietly head over to the building and run into Jungkook.

Jungkook: "At least two men breathing, one left not sure how long he will be gone or where he is going. One dead guy and Regina are also in the room. Kelis has a fat lip but otherwise seems fine. They were all in a room to the back when I left.

We get into the building quietly and get close to the wall. Careful not to make any noise we listen to the men talking. I can hear Jason telling the man with him that he is going to call me to set up the drop for his payment. I left my phone on but in the car. We saw the men turning and we quickly pull back against the wall.

It would be so easy to just shoot these men get my wife and go. As much as I just want to kill them all I can't. I don't want to be bothered with the clean-up or the police. However, if I get the opportunity to kill Jason and not deal with a miss I will. With my hand I signaled Tae to take Jason and Jungkook would take the other guy if necessary. I don't see Regina as an issue, but I will gladly take her ass out.

We walk into the room. There isn't a way to creep in this raggedy-ass rundown building. Tae got to Jason first and quickly put his ass down with a sleeper hold. There is truly an art to the way he does it. In one quick fluid movement, he doesn't even break a sweat. He didn't even make a sound. The way we came in was enough for the other man to take notice of us. He jumps back and grabs the first person he can reach, Regina.

With a gun to Regina and head the man yells, "I will fucking kill her." He was sweating profusely and he held the gun to her temple. I stepped in front of him with my gun pointed at his head followed by Tae and Jungkookn flanking him. If it wasn't for Kelis being behind him, I would have grabbed her left.

"She isn't my concern, I don't care what you do to her or with her. I came for my wife, that's it." I point behind him to Kelis and smile at her. I am not OK with how pale she is but she OK.

He nervously asked, "What is in it for me?" His hand is shaking badly I assume he is coming down from something. Nothing worse than a dealer that uses his own stock.

"Your life is in it for you. I will allow you to go back to wherever you came from with your life." He blinks and begins to shake his head. "One-time offer and only good for the next 30 seconds."

"What if I just shoot her?" He moves his gun so it now points it at Kelis. While his head was turned and looking at Kelis, Jungkook threw a rock. Where the hell did he get a rock. The rock was the size of a tennis ball and hit him by the eyebrow and he goes down, releasing Reniga. Running over to Kelis I cut her ties. While Jungkook and Tae go check on a screaming Regina.

"What the fuck is so special about her? Huh somebody TELL ME!!!" She screams at the top of her lungs and stomps her foot while hitting Jungkook on his chest. Jungkook just let her vent, it's not like she is hurting him.

"I'm not sure where you went wrong in your life. I'm not sure what your original goals were in life. I don't even know why you don't like me, and I don't care. What I can tell you is this. I have never been used like you have let yourself be used. I have never slept with anyone to get something that I or anyone else wanted. I am the same person now as I was before I married Yoongi. The same person I would have been if I never met him. I don't know that there is anything special about me. But I do know that there is nothing about you that can compare to me. Women like you are not the kind of woman a man wants to marry, but you could be if you wanted to." Kelis grabs a hold of me a buries her face in my chest.

Taehyung and Jungkook let her go and we all walk out of the building. On the way out I can hear Regina crying as she drops to the floor by Jason.

"How is my baby?" I smile as I get her buckled into the back seat next to me. While Tae and Jungkook play rock paper scissors to see who will be driving my car. Normally no one but me drives, but today I want to be close to Kelis.

"I am fine just hungry, tired, and dirty." I need to know so I place my hand on her tummy. She smiles as Tae celebrates his victory and jumps into the car.

"And our actual Baby Angel?" I need to know, as the car starts Jungkook turns to look at us.

"Yeah, how is my nephew?" His excitement is written clearly on his face. He is happy like she has already confirmed the sex.

"I am almost positive the baby is still too small to be affected by the stress of the day. However, I positive it is too soon to tell the gender." She shakes her head before she lays it on my shoulder and naps.

"Tae, take us to the ER, I need her to have a complete check-up before we go home." I hold her the best way I can while we are driving. She has already fallen asleep.