Chapter 30

Regina's POV

As I make my way to the door that separates the maternity ward from the rest of the hospital. I try my best no to stand out. New mothers are only allowed to leave through the main maternity door, not this side one. They are also always escorted by staff to the family vehicle to make sure that the car seat is installed correctly. I have made it past the first barrier but I still have a ways to go.

For now, I do my best to look like a lost mother trying to find the emergency room. The first thing I notice as the emergency room comes into view is that the internal entrance is already closed. There is no one but me in this internal hallway between the wards. I need to find a place to hide at least until they get tired of looking in the hospital for him. I hope that it won't take long until they begin to look outside the hospital. They can't keep the hospital on internal lockdown forever.

Suga's POV

As I look at the security monitors I see a dark-haired woman duck into a storage room in the hallway between maternity and emergency. It's Regina, no doubt in my mind. I'm not sure if she dyed her hair or if she has on a wig, but it is her. I am sure she and her associates put a lot of thought into this plan. Although they couldn't plan for me taking over the hospital. I have my own ideas on how to do a lockdown. So I know their plan is useless. The hospital is locked right now in ways it was never meant to be. All patients are locked in their rooms with all their families and visitors. Each department is lock downed individually, not a single wing is connected. All the employees that are not doing something are in a conference room. Those that are working are being heavily monitored.

In the office with me is a nervous Anthony. He has tears streaming down his face as his eyes pass between me and the monitors. Next to him is Jin-hyuk not looking bothered enough. I know he is guilty of something but I am not sure what, yet. "You now know what you want to know, release my hospital." The Ceo was looking at me with way too much confidence in himself. Smiling I turned to face him and even lean down to his ear level. "I have only just begun." He shivered but it was not with fear. Chuckling to myself as I stand back up. This sick fuck is turned on.

"What else could you need? Hmm? You know where your baby is and you know who has him. What else could you want?" Everything about Jin-hyuk says he wants to control this situation. Standing and looking down at him With my hands in the pockets of my slacks. "I want to know what's in it for you? Why would you help them take my son?"

He smiled and crossed his legs and trying to look relaxed. "What makes you think I had anything to do with it?" His little smirk is pissing me off. It tells me he is not taking me seriously. "Simple, Anthony can't provide her with the paperwork she needs to leave the hospital. Not to mention I am not sure he is even smart enough to know all the hospital lockdown procedures." He nods his head and smiles brightly and says, "So you are more than just a pretty face."

"I know Anthony gets to think he has a relationship with Regina. Probably thinks he is going to marry her and live happily ever after. What do you get? You are already married with children." He smiles and then looks me up and down before looking over to Anthony and licking his lips. I could tell it is making him extremely uncomfortable. He turns and faces away from Jin-hyuk. I don't blame that is a creepy look that I would expect from a man. To be honest I don't understand how Jin-hyuk can even look at him like that. I mean the man has tears and snot on his face.

"I did it for Regina. I could care less if Anthony benefited or not. As long as Regina kept doing what I wanted her to do. I would keep helping her. That was the nature of our relationship." The smug look on his face lets me know there is more he wants to say. I'm not sure what's holding him back. He simply kept looking at Anthony with that creepy look on his face. I don't have time to figure out what the hell is going on in his mind.

"Namjoon, please take some men and get my son. I want her alive. Bring the bitch here by any means necessary." Namjoon simply nods and leaves to do what needs to be done. When I turned back to face Jin-hyuk and Anthony they both look offended. If Jin-hyuk was smarter he would be more worried about me and what I plan to do. Instead of what I call Regina.

What surprised me more was Anthony coming to her defense. "Don't call her that. She is might have done something wrong but she is still a lady." I looked at him. He hasn't been hit yet and he looks like a child that has just been spanked. I can't figure out how he can dare to defend her. "You should be more worried about what I am going to do to you and not what I call her. I haven't even begun to interrogate you and you are already a mess." I watch as he paled and shank into himself.

"Such a big man you are pretty boy. Picking on a man while he is down." He scoffed at me as he spoke. I am going to take great pleasure in breaking him. "When the time comes to kill you, and it will come. I will take great pleasure in making you beg for death." For the first time, he appeared to take stock of his situation, and realize that there is a real chance he isn't going to make it. It was a satisfying feeling knowing that he was now truly aware of the danger he is in. Now all I need to do is wait for Regina to be brought to me, and the games will begin.

A few minutes later

Jimin and Kookie show up as I am waiting for Namjoon. They have come to report what they have found out. "It was disgustingly easy to get the employees to talk." Jimin was very annoyed as he spoke. I can tell no violence was needed. "Regina is fucking them both. The staff here hates her. I mean we didn't even need to threaten them to get them to speak." Jungkook is still learning how to properly interrogate. He would much rather beat the answers out of a person.

"Actually, the staff doesn't seem to like them either. They couldn't say enough." Jimin nodded in the direction of Jin-hyuk and Anthony. Kookie smiled as he spoke, "As bosses, they don't seem to inspire loyalty." Jimin them went into detail about what they were told. He started with facts then moved on to rumors and speculations. Jimin said it was less interrogation and more tattle-telling.

It took time but, Hobi and Jin were able to get all the babies identified and returned to their families. They used information that Namjoon was able to get from basic background checks on the families. Along with the newborn pictures that were taken of the children and the information that was written on them. We had the police crime lab working on DNA confirmation. Most of the families had posted pictures online of their kids already. So the DNA is just to make sure but I think we have all the kids where they belong.

Regina's POV

I have been in this storage closet for far too long. I am so glad this kid is not one of those screaming little demon babies. He seems content to just be as long as I remember to feed him and change him. I keep hearing people passing through the hallway and it is making me nervous. I need to get out of here. I need to leave soon because I don't have enough supplies to keep hiding here. From what I can tell it is just the hospital security. If they are anything like their boss Anthony, they are incompetent. All I need to do is wait.

After a few more minutes the halls became quiet. Slowly I crack the door and poke my head out to make sure the coast is clear. I don't see anyone. So I turn around to grab the stroller with the baby in it, and a diaper bag to make a quick getaway. Poking my head out one more time I quickly make my way out of the closet. Looking around I know the emergency room is most likely not an option. So I decided to try outpatient surgery instead. Mostly elderly people are in there and they are more likely to take pity on me and help. As I round the corner heading to outpatient surgery I see a very unwelcome sight. Kim Namjoon.